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Os Sign O'Day for 4 Years - It's official


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Ubaldo is interesting. I like that.

Don't confuse comfort with interest. Chen is comfortable. Ubaldo is interesting. At least IMO.

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If by interesting you just mean unpredictable and maddeningly frustrating, yes! Ubaldo can be dominating or he can be totally unable to throw a strike. Chen is going to give up 1-2 runs every time out (but rarely more than that), never walk anybody. I would rather be put to sleep by Chen than get stirred up over Ubaldo (mostly negatively).

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Agreed. Ubaldo with his unorthodox mechanics. He's my least favorite to watch. I'm always holding my breath waiting for the wheels to fall off. He can lose his command at any time.
Watching Ubaldo last year and also noting what he said, Ubaldo is making adjustments because of a falloff in velocity and a rise in his BB 9IP, which resulted in his disastrous 2014 season. Some of his adjustments worked last year, as he got his BB/9 IP ratio a lot lower, but he is still a work in progress. I predict an even better season for him in 2016.
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Haven't seen him. Sounds like I'd love watching him.

I enjoy watching O'Day, Givens, and Britton too FYI. I know that DOD is really intelligent without knowing anything else about him just from watching him pitch. I also can tell the other side of that equation sometimes too (Bud Norris anyone? ;) ).

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2015 Highlights from some dude on YouTube:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/T_7GvzK0lfw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">RETWEET to welcome <a href="https://twitter.com/DODay56">@DODay56</a> back to <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Birdland?src=hash">#Birdland</a>! <a href="https://t.co/JkmIKfwJ4U">pic.twitter.com/JkmIKfwJ4U</a></p>— Baltimore Orioles (@Orioles) <a href="

">December 15, 2015</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">INF Rey Navarro DFA'd <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">December 15, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-video" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Yell it loud, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Birdland?src=hash">#Birdland</a>:

O'Dayyy O'Day O'Day O'Day!

<a href="https://t.co/U7o3Z4k3A2">https://t.co/U7o3Z4k3A2</a></p>— Baltimore Orioles (@Orioles) <a href="

">December 15, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When he was on, there were few better than Jim Johnson. My God, he was close to unhittable</p>— This is Birdland (@Os_Birdland) <a href="

">December 15, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">When he was on, there were few better than Jim Johnson. My God, he was close to unhittable</p>— This is Birdland (@Os_Birdland) <a href="
">December 15, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Glad I wasn't drinking when I read this, would have made a mess all over the monitor.

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So in my quest to better understand you, please help me understand what this post means. What are you trying to say with this? Genuine question, I promise.

I saw this on twitter. I looked for an appropriate place to put it. I know that some folks really thought that Jim Johnson was a fantastic pitcher that just lost it. I never considered him un-hittable. Like O'Day can be. I consider Jim to be a tough, loyal, strong competitor that had the advantage of a World Class Defense. Part of my job to to provoke discussion. And to find things from other sources to place here.

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I guess? I mean, there were times when Johnson was really on and dotting that 97 mph sinker and dropping that 12-6 curve where he was close to unhittable. It just didn't happen all that often.

I'm just curious if there's some kind of meaning he's getting out of this tweet that relates to O'Day, or if, like you say, it's just sharing a random tweet about Jim Johnson for the sake of it.

Even on those days he would walk a guy.

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I guess? I mean, there were times when Johnson was really on and dotting that 97 mph sinker and dropping that 12-6 curve where he was close to unhittable. It just didn't happen all that often.

I'm just curious if there's some kind of meaning he's getting out of this tweet that relates to O'Day, or if, like you say, it's just sharing a random tweet about Jim Johnson for the sake of it.

Sharing a tweet, by an Orioles fan. About an opinion about a back end of the bullpen piece that we had here for a long time and was successful. And was traded/given away too late because he really was not all that valuable once he got expensive. In a thread about a large investment in the back of our bullpen, but nowhere what Jim Johnson got, or what Zach Britton will probably get.

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