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I need to go away for a while...


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This has been the busiest year of my professional career and I've been inundated with deadlines so my posting time on OH has been drastically reduced.

Despite a generally good season, there have been a lot of negative posts which is kind of bizarre to me. Other than my issues with the SP staff, I love how the team has played and I'm not getting what people are upset about other than the starting pitching.

They have leadership, chemistry, hustle, play hard every day and can hit like monsters.

Sometimes, it's good to remain quiet if there's nothing new to say.


By the way, MSK, if you have written any additional episodes that are airing, I would love to hear about them even if it's just through a PM to avoid the so-called humblebrag. I love the fact that "one of our own" has done something I can see and appreciate.

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People need to chill tfo with the notion that there is a certain criteria that distinguishes good fan from bad, provided you aren't doing anything to negatively affect others. It's not a one size fits all deal. People throw judgments out as if to insinuate that either A) their sensibilities are the sole correct way to operate or B) we are all the same and should act the same. There's too many variables to go at someone just for practicing their iteration of fanhood.

Some people like baseball, some people love it. The Orioles are some people's A1/ride or die team, and to some they're further down in the hierarchy behind other sports. Some people are optimists, others pessimists. There are people who are better equipped to control their emotions as it pertains to sports and can shake off a bad loss or what have you, some people wear their heart on their sleeve and their mood can be influenced by the outcome of the game. Some of us are older, have wives/husbands/children/pets, a plethora of things to emotionally invest in. Some of us are young, single, and have a lot more time to dedicate to sports/the Orioles and thus are more prone to emotionally invest.

Moral of the story: get over it. Don't roast someone just because they're not reacting in the way that you deem acceptable for a sports fan to react.

I honest to god believe this is the single best post I have ever read on this board.

Well said sir, much respect!

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Well, the 2 biggest detriments this year: the worst starting pitching under Duquette...and one of the worst defensive outfields.

I will go away if the O's don't get to the WS. Be too much of the roasting and toasting DD and Buck. Yes they have made mistakes. They're human. Puck it is that at my age I am more laid back. Not as wrapped up in the O's as i used to be. Certainly want them to win and cheer my butt off for them. If they don't win I don't get pissed about it. Sorry but it's just the way I roll now days.

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I think you'll always have a lot of negativity, say, the evening of a loss that makes the third or fourth consecutive loss. When you see the team stringing together losses while competitors are winning and we start losing ground in the race, it's hard to stay positive.

Maybe more folks should take a breather after we lose a few straight games rather than posting. That's what I do. And I go do something else if the Orioles are losing a game, most of the time, rather than posting to the game thread. Sometimes I let myself post anyway -- bad judgment -- but 9 times out of 10 I'll make myself forget about the Orioles until their next game so I don't rant on here.

It's easy to be positive when you're on a winning streak and the Jays have lost and the Orioles have won.

I don't think even the happiest O's cheerleader is going to sit here and sing their praises all night long when they're in a 6 game losing streak, so instead of allowing people to vent, maybe just close down the message board until the Orioles' next game? I'm only half joking....

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It's easy to grin

When your ship's come in

And you've got the stock market beat.

But the man worthwhile

Is the man who can smile

When his shorts are too tight in the seat.


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