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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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2 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Buck is the chicken playing with his own poop trying to turn it into salad.

Again, Buck can't do anything with this roster.  Earl Weaver, Tommy Lasorda, Miller Huggins, Casey Stengel...pick any manager, ever.  None of them could do anything with this roster.

I get it if you're mad because Buck had a hand in selecting this roster but he's not responsible for all of it.  No one will truly know how much of it he's responsible for.  People on here will act like they know, but they don't.  

But if you're going to want to blast Buck for day to day stuff as far as lineup decisions, in game moves, he's working with a deck stacked against him.  If that's the hill you want to die on, that's all for you.  

I've got news though.  Buck won't be back next year.  Davis has a better chance of being back here, actually.  So you're going to have a manager with a worse roster (no Manny, no Jones) and a bunch of youngsters trying to figure it out.

And who's the whipping boy going to be then?   No Buck to manage, same crappy players.  Same terrible results.

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They O's may be stuck with him on the roster because Peter Angelos refuses to recognize a sunk cost, but that doesn't mean he has to play.  If Buck can bury Hyun Soo Kim at the end of the bench, why can't he do the same with Chris Davis?  

He will stop getting regular playing time when the Orioles have a new manager, and not before that.  

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Chris Davis:  160 million, two seasons of leading the league in homers, a top 3 mvp finish. 

Hyun Soo Kim:  Like, a few million, from somewhere in Korea and while a really likable, fun guy, a 4th outfielder type who is expendable.  

I am firmly convinced that anyone who does not understand why Davis isn't on the bench is being intentionally obtuse.  


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19 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

How miserable would you be if you knew that no matter what, someone owed you more than 131 million dollars? Ive always been pro player and still am, but the guaranteed contract has hurt the game badly. I wish there were a clause whereby if a player was so awful (with numbers and percentages that would be agreed upon in advance..a kind of reverse incentive clause)that the team had a chance to re-negociate a buyout at a fairer price. Of course the union wouldn't allow it...but this contract(which I supported) has helped destroy this organization for the foreseeable future. They can't afford players who could help them and first base is blocked and it won't be unblocked for years.A complete and total disaster and there are things I know and cant talk about that are going on in the clubhouse that would make the fans very angry...

The players union would fight it, but the best thing would be for the Orioles to restructure the remaking portion of CD’s contract into an annuity to be paid out the next twenty years.

As bad as Ryan Howard was, he never hit like this and his WAR would have been better if he had the option to DH.


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44 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

How miserable would you be if you knew that no matter what, someone owed you more than 131 million dollars? Ive always been pro player and still am, but the guaranteed contract has hurt the game badly. I wish there were a clause whereby if a player was so awful (with numbers and percentages that would be agreed upon in advance..a kind of reverse incentive clause)that the team had a chance to re-negociate a buyout at a fairer price. Of course the union wouldn't allow it...but this contract(which I supported) has helped destroy this organization for the foreseeable future. They can't afford players who could help them and first base is blocked and it won't be unblocked for years.A complete and total disaster and there are things I know and cant talk about that are going on in the clubhouse that would make the fans very angry...

There is nothing further from the truth. I wish people would stop saying it. I can point out bad contracts for every single team in MLB and how much they are costing other teams. The thing is before Davis we never really signed anyone to a huge deal, so we were immune to any of that for a while. It just makes the ONE contract that went bust look worse. This team is in a prime position over the next 5 years because there isn't really a single player on the books who will be making any real money, or long term. Except Davis. The decks will be almost completely clear by 2019-2020 so to claim that the franchise is damaged beyond repair because of 17m in wasted dollars a season is ludicrous. It certainly doesn't help but it is far from the end of the world. Although the "family" and their little minions will try to claim it is, just so they can use that as an excuse to never sign a good player again, or at least as long as they can get away with it. Probably another 15 years like before Davis. 

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2 hours ago, atomic said:

Waste?   You had 5 pinch hitters. available.  You are defending a horrible move. 

Who were those 5? How many of them would you want to PH for anyone? One is the back up C who you may need, two are Rickard and Gentry whom you want to save for late inning defense, that leaves who? Pedro and Valencia/Pace? Shame to burn them with 2 outs and no one on base.

Edited by El Gordo
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What does it take? Well, it takes the courage to admit that you made a terrible mistake and that it is a sunk cost. To continue playing this guy is adding to your losses. No, there will be no buy out. That is a pipe dream. The contract guarantee's the player be paid the negotiated amount. But it most certainly does not guarantee that said player will play throughout the term of the deal all the while dragging your team down the drain with him. Just sit him down! The money is lost. Period. Move on.

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4 hours ago, Roy Firestone said:

How miserable would you be if you knew that no matter what, someone owed you more than 131 million dollars? Ive always been pro player and still am, but the guaranteed contract has hurt the game badly. I wish there were a clause whereby if a player was so awful (with numbers and percentages that would be agreed upon in advance..a kind of reverse incentive clause)that the team had a chance to re-negociate a buyout at a fairer price. Of course the union wouldn't allow it...but this contract(which I supported) has helped destroy this organization for the foreseeable future. They can't afford players who could help them and first base is blocked and it won't be unblocked for years.A complete and total disaster and there are things I know and cant talk about that are going on in the clubhouse that would make the fans very angry...

Im sure Davis gets star treatment in the clubhouse because of his contract, but other than not putting in any hitting or batting cage work, I cant imagine fans being more upset or angry than with the season he's already having. At this point if Im Davis im seriously considering retiring. You cant hit this bad and keep playing. 

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I'm really curious on theories of what happened to Davis. Was it steroids and he's off of them? Adderall? Pressure of signing the big contract? Huge regression that was just natural? Someone kicked his dog? I could deal with the big strikeouts but he had the HR's as well. He may not have gotten hits but he used to have a good eye and would pick up walks to help his OBP.

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