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MLB Season likely delayed again so players can get vaccinated before reporting

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13 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Precedent has a lot of weight in this country.

We are also talking about 2,000 people in a country of 328M.  People that have an outsized impact on local economies.

I have very mixed feelings on this.   Agreed it’s a drop in the bucket, but once you start making exceptions where does it stop?   I can imagine a whole new category of lobbying specialty.   

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I for one would consider it just fine for pro sports figures to "go first".

I'd consider it a public service.

Under normal circumstances, the people "going first" now would be considered a modest phase one clinical trial.

I'd like to be somewhere near the end of the line.

(I suspect I'm not alone)

Edited by owknows
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4 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I have very mixed feelings on this.   Agreed it’s a drop in the bucket, but once you start making exceptions where does it stop?   I can imagine a whole new category of lobbying specialty.   

More like a drop in the bathtub.

For the record I'm not advocating for it.

I do however think that once the folks with increased risk are taken care of it doesn't matter much which group of low risk folks get it first.  The amount of work involved with insuring that folks that work retail are taken care of before office workers is going to be greater than any gain you would get from it.

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3 hours ago, SteveA said:

No, but there are priorities.

Ahead of MLB players, IMO:

1) All the elderly folks that want it

2) All the health care workers and people that work closely with sick and elderly

3) People who aren't "elderly" but fit into risk categories (immune compromised, asthma, a wide variety of diseases/conditions, including diabetes, obesity, etc)  [A small number of MLB players, and a higher # of coaches/managers will fit into this category]

4) When those people have had the opportunity to get it, THEN you start breaking people down by profession:

    -- people who deal with the public such as police, fire, public transportation, etc

    -- people who work in the food preparation such as meat processing plants

    -- people who work in retail/groceries/etc with frequent contact with the public

At THIS point, then I think the "healthy, young, general public" can start lining up.

I don't think ballplayers as a group should get anything until all of folks in 1-4 above have had the opportunity first, which is basically the point where the general public is able to get it ift hey want.    When it reaches the point that everyone with one of the above reasons/categories that wants it has been able to get it, THEN sure let ballplayers get it, but even then I don't think they should get a preference over John Doe who works in an office.   I'm sure money talks and baseball is a multi-billion dollar industry so once the preference categories are satisfied, MLB players will be among the first to get it.   But if you are suggesting they get it ahead of anyone listed above in 1-4, I definitely take issue with that.

I agree with this.  To bring it back to the original point it is going to take at least until March before you get through the first 3 categories. I hope it is sooner then that but if the owners are going to wait until the players can get vaccinated before they assemble teams for spring training then to me mid-April or May would be the soonest they could start spring training.  

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7 minutes ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

If they make the players get it, do they start allowing crowds then or are they only going to allow fans in who are vaccinated? 

I think Ticketmaster has already talked about having fans that attend concerts will have to show they have been vaccinated or had a recent negative test to admit fans to a show.  I know some people will have a negative reaction to this but I don't have a problem with it. If you don't want to get the vaccine you don't have to go to a crowded event.  I will get the vaccine as soon as I can and wear my tag around my neck like my Golden Retriever  If it allows me to attend a concert and a baseball game I'll do what I need to. 

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Interesting... while there is talk of spring training and the season being delayed, or of spring training being held fanless, several managers have been told that they should plan for an on-schedule spring training.

And I just got an e-mail from the Orioles advertising a 5 game flex plan for spring training games in Sarasota:


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12 hours ago, accinfo said:

I think Ticketmaster has already talked about having fans that attend concerts will have to show they have been vaccinated or had a recent negative test to admit fans to a show.  I know some people will have a negative reaction to this but I don't have a problem with it. If you don't want to get the vaccine you don't have to go to a crowded event.  I will get the vaccine as soon as I can and wear my tag around my neck like my Golden Retriever  If it allows me to attend a concert and a baseball game I'll do what I need to. 

Dave Chappelle just played a string of shows at an outdoor venue in Austin where all attendees were tested prior to entry.  I know that this is an outlier, and not practical for the size of an audience necessary to facilitate operating a baseball franchise, but thought it was fascinating none the less.

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13 minutes ago, ChipTait said:

Dave Chappelle just played a string of shows at an outdoor venue in Austin where all attendees were tested prior to entry.  I know that this is an outlier, and not practical for the size of an audience necessary to facilitate operating a baseball franchise, but thought it was fascinating none the less.

Tested AND got the results of the test?   What was the test turnaround time?

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8 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

That sounds a lot better than the owners want to delay the season so they don't have to pay 162 games worth of salary.

Its irrelevant IMO ... 162 games played equals 162 games of broadcast revenue. TV money is still the lionshare of teams revenue

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