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DL Hall 2022


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Right now I don't see how he's coming up anytime soon. He claims his walks and pitch counts are high because he's trying to strike people out, but that's not exactly what I want to hear. I want to hear about efficiency. Unless you're a bullpen arm.

Which right now unfortunately he's decided that's what he's going to be.

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5 minutes ago, waroriole said:

3 IP, 3 H, 2 R, 2 BB, 6 K

4.86 ERA in 24 IP this season. He’s not ready for MLB in an role right now. But the stuff and ability is all there. He’ll be ready soon. 

It all depends on what one considers ready.

We, as a group, do not agree on a definition.

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I went to the O’s game with @justDtonight, and she had a really good observation about Hall.  justD actually watches these MiL games, unlike the majority of us.  She said sometimes Hall obviously will be working on one of his secondaries and throw it repeatedly even though he’s not able to land it for a strike, as he tries to gain a feel for the pitch.   Other times he’ll just go mostly fastball and just blow hitters away.   That’s why we want him in the minors right now.  Let him get to the point where he’s landing his secondaries for strikes, then we can worry about calling him up.   

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7 hours ago, Frobby said:

I went to the O’s game with @justDtonight, and she had a really good observation about Hall.  justD actually watches these MiL games, unlike the majority of us.  She said sometimes Hall obviously will be working on one of his secondaries and throw it repeatedly even though he’s not able to land it for a strike, as he tries to gain a feel for the pitch.   Other times he’ll just go mostly fastball and just blow hitters away.   That’s why we want him in the minors right now.  Let him get to the point where he’s landing his secondaries for strikes, then we can worry about calling him up.   

Thanks for the info. Definitely get a Gausman vibe from the reports. I hope he’s just refining his secondaries. He certainly has a fastball that can dominate even AAA hitters in 3 IP outings. 

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9 hours ago, Frobby said:

I went to the O’s game with @justDtonight, and she had a really good observation about Hall.  justD actually watches these MiL games, unlike the majority of us.  She said sometimes Hall obviously will be working on one of his secondaries and throw it repeatedly even though he’s not able to land it for a strike, as he tries to gain a feel for the pitch.   Other times he’ll just go mostly fastball and just blow hitters away.   That’s why we want him in the minors right now.  Let him get to the point where he’s landing his secondaries for strikes, then we can worry about calling him up.   

I made a similar observation watching his first start. Instead of going fastball heavy and getting ahead in the count they were trying to establish all of his pitches.

There's something to be said for just using your plus plus fastball to get ahead in the count and the maybe you don't have to throw strikes with your secondaries.  Might also lead to some early contact and lower pitch counts.  He's almost too good.  With no contact and some wildness he goes deep counts on every hitter.  

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I'm sure Hall could come to the majors right now and have some success with the fastball and the current state of his secondaries. But I'm fine letting him spend the year in the minors building innings and working on his secondaries. He doesn't have that many innings under his belt during his professional career and I think he can probably better work on his secondaries in low pressure situations. The Orioles certainly aren't going to call him up and have him throw his secondaries endlessly to ML hitters, nor should they

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11 hours ago, Frobby said:

I went to the O’s game with @justDtonight, and she had a really good observation about Hall.  justD actually watches these MiL games, unlike the majority of us.  She said sometimes Hall obviously will be working on one of his secondaries and throw it repeatedly even though he’s not able to land it for a strike, as he tries to gain a feel for the pitch.   Other times he’ll just go mostly fastball and just blow hitters away.   That’s why we want him in the minors right now.  Let him get to the point where he’s landing his secondaries for strikes, then we can worry about calling him up.   

Great observations by @justD and she's right on point. I've watched his last two starts with Norfolk and he's really struggling to command and sometimes even find his secondaries. one of the things that impressed me so much last year prior to the injury was his ability to throw all four pitches for strikes. 

While he still can on occasion, he's really struggling to find a good secondary that he can go to consistently. Yesterday, his slider was pretty bad mostly (gave up a homer to a lefty on a lazy slider in the middle of the plate) and wasn't able to get his curve or change over very much. He was relying on blowing guys away with his heater up in the zone.

He's obviously a very, very talented young pitcher, but I haven't seen the command of the secondaries that tells me he would have any sustained success at the major league level yet. 

None of this overly surprising considering his lack of work on the mound since 2019. He just needs time, but I don't see any reason he should be considered for the big leagues right now. 

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