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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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Thanks again Belkast! Think of us posters as frightened kittens being taken on a on a cross country flight. Every now and then we just need a scratch behind the ears and to be told "everything's going to be ok".


Are you serious? Frightened kittens? I guess I'm getting too old for this stuff...

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Guest rochester
I am thinking sometime this week.

It's great to actually read posts that have something to do with this...

It is getting so bad that I have a hard time finding SGs posts without searching...can not wait until this is over when I can start reading SG trading threads, Frobby's thoughtful analysis etc. I am tired...this has been too consuming...

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This is great news to hear. I am still very confident Tex will come to Baltimore but its just aggravating hearing all the Sox fans around me laughing and saying "no chance he chooses a loser over a winner"

What do they really need him for anyway. I mean really, the Yanks and Sox remind me of "Greedyguts" the Black Panther in the Robert McHammon[sp?] novel "Ushers Passing". He would eat and eat and eat but would never get full.

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Belkast, Is Angelos the ONLY ONE directly negotiating with Boros now?? What bothers me is AM's quote that the Orioles won't go 10/$200..:)


Man that guy's bad news:

As a result of the offering, the Complaint alleges that Boros obtained at least $1.2 million from approximately 17 investors, a number of whom are elderly and retired. The Complaint further alleges, however, that Boros then misappropriated virtually all of these funds, spending at least $358,358 of investor funds to pay his personal credit card debt, to lease and maintain three BMW automobiles, and to pay for his household expenses and his daughter's college tuition. Boros allegedly also transferred at least $132,750 directly into accounts he controlled and sent at least $251,542 to friends and associates. In addition, Boros allegedly spent investor funds to pay for salon services and visits to spas, to buy clothing, handbags and other personal items.

I don't want that guy negotiating anything for me...

Darn Orioles, can't even pay 200 bucks for the best hitter on the market... :laughlol:

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Belkast, Is Angelos the ONLY ONE directly negotiating with Boros now?? What bothers me is AM's quote that the Orioles won't go 10/$200..:)

I didn't like that quote either. Hopefully what that means is Angelos is dealing with the Tex negotiations while MacPhail puts the rest of the team together, like SG said earlier!

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The Mark Teixeira Watch: A New Hope

Amidst 11 straight years of losing, the Baltimore Orioles become involved in the Mark Teixeira negotiations. Can they bring a new hope to Baltimore?

The Mark Teixeira Watch Part II: The Empire Strikes Back

Just when it appears that the Red Sox and Orioles are the final two teams in the hunt for Mark Teixeira, the evil empire New York Yankees enter their name into the sweepstakes.

The Mark Teixeira Watch Part III: The Return of the Orioles

In a shocking end to the Mark Teixeira Trilogy, the Baltimore Orioles return to prominance after signing Teixeira and win the 2009 World Series!

Me likes! :D

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What's the deal with Wild Bill? I'm guessing this was a poster before my time.

Wild Bill came out of nowhere to tell us Mazzilli had been fired. Everybody jumped all over him but it turned out he was right. He was sorta the first "insider"

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