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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but if ESPN or Olney was reporting that the Orioles were in the lead, I think most would take it as fact. But, because people aren't hearing what they want to hear, it's ESPNs/Olney's fault. And this is coming from someone who DESPISES ESPN.

Again, nothing personal towards anyone. I understand the "hope" that people have. But let's put things into some perspective.

I just believe that ESPN doesn't know what they are talking about. It seemed like no one there knew we were in the race until yesterday, when last week we had quotes from AM saying that he has met with Tex and that it will a bummer if we don't sign him yadda yadda yadda(not his actual words). Now all of a sudden in less than 24 hours, it was anounced that we were real contenders, and then this morning that we dropped out. If you weren't an O's fan, you would think that the Orioles were in the race for Tex for about 12 hours.

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But now the reports are that the Orioles are out of it, and some are assuming it's some sort of smokescreen. And maybe it is. But couldn't it also be accurate?

Could be, but until the ink is on the paper it could just be bs by Boras to get us to raise our offer.

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That was comically late.

I know...see my next post (the one where I say I woke up at noon and this is one of the first things I saw on ESPN).

For the record, my post wasn't intended to be some sort of latebreaking news announcement...obviously everyone else on this site has followed this whole process much more closely than I have. I was just expressing personal opinion. Sorry if that's not encouraged.

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One thing that does bother me...if the O's are still alive, shouldn't they put something out there (I'm thinking Roch's blog) disputing the ESPN crawl? That concerns me!:o

Also, to chime in on Greg's question, IF we lose out on Tex, and IF we trade Roberts, how in the blue hell is the Orioles PR department going to market this team for the casual fan to come to the yard?

Why? IMO, I really could see this information (if not planted by the O's FO)- at the very least being USED to draw out final offers from the remaining teams stil involved in bidding. Surely our "WOW" offer wasn't the first offer. Whatever happened to that? Let it play out, and let's a;; stop playing pocket GM for a minute. MacPhail knows what he's doing.

If we lose out on Tex- it won't be because he didn't do what was in the best interest of the club. I think they know what they're doing- and someway somehow- they are using the media to their advantage. The end result will tell the story, not the trail getting there.

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If this were an ordinary FA I'd agree with you. But this isn't Vlad, A-Rod, Tejada, or any of the other big name FA's we've gone after in the past. This is Tex. Our Tex. He's Angelos favorite and he has the chance to be the next Cal in Baltimore (like Brooks was before him). Tejada never had that, Vlad never had that.

This is way beyond looking at ordinary logic and saying "Is Tex worth it for 20 million?", this is about saying, "This organization needs a shot in the arm and a local Superstar being available is the BEST thing that could happen to the franchise in over a decade."

If we were talking about someone else, I'd agree with you; but not Tex.

I hear ya. But at what point does the organization need to stop and ask themselves "is this really worth it?" I guess a better way to ask it is this: would we all be comfortable with a 10/250 contract for Teixeira? I know I wouldn't. 25 million bucks to one player can severely limit a team's flexibility.

By the way, your logic is definitely understandable. He is unique in that respect.

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I just believe that ESPN doesn't know what they are talking about. It seemed like no one there knew we were in the race until yesterday, when last week we had quotes from AM saying that he has met with Tex and that it will a bummer if we don't sign him yadda yadda yadda(not his actual words). Now all of a sudden in less than 24 hours, it was anounced that we were real contenders, and then this morning that we dropped out. If you weren't an O's fan, you would think that the Orioles were in the race for Tex for about 12 hours.

Agreed. I've, and many others here, have said before that no one knows what's on the table, and from who, except for Tex and Boras.

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You know, sometimes my buddies go "Hey Lewis, lets go to the bar"

-I go "Don't really feel like it"

They go "Just for a drink?"

-I go "sure", then find out that after a couple that I wanted more than one!

So my point is, perhaps ESPN changes their story like a a drunk person changes their mind at the bar for half price drink night. Practice safe sex!:D

Interesting sidenote...I got all excited because I thought that said "Huey Lewis, lets go to the bar!"

You don't need a credit card to ride this train!

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I know...see my next post (the one where I say I woke up at noon and this is one of the first things I saw on ESPN).

For the record, my post wasn't intended to be some sort of latebreaking news announcement...obviously everyone else on this site has followed this whole process much more closely than I have. I was just expressing personal opinion. Sorry if that's not encouraged.

Not trying to give you a hard time, I thought it was funny. I noticed the question mark you put down after I made the post, so it makes more sense to me.

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I think people just need to decide what source they are going with and stick to it. You either go by what the "insiders" are reporting or what ESPN and the rest of the media report. Remember last year when one or two of the insiders got cut off for leaking info, that tells me that a lot goes on in the warehouse that the media does not have access to so i'm going to stay with what our insiders are telling us. One other thing, didn't ESPN have Furcal already signed in ATL only to have to come back and say that LA is still in contention olny hours later.

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