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Cubs trade DeRosa to Indians; Does this mean Pie for Olson back on??


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The Mets would love to have Roberts, I'm sure. Their problem is that they're stuck with Luis Castillo, who they dramatically overpaid. I'm thinking Roberts for Castillo, prospects and a good bit of cash.

No way the Orioles would take Castillo and any of his contract. The Mets would have to pay a ton of contract and then extend Roberts.

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I don't see one.

What teams are rumored to be looking at Orlando Hudson? None I'm aware of. That's been pretty eerily quiet. Makes me think interest in Roberts isn't there either.

True. The market is going to be cheap for the reamining FA's, with the big boys out of it. Hudson could be had for a very decent price, and any team needing a 2B would be waiting to see if they can get him cheap, before they would trade prospects for one year of Roberts.
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The Hangout is getting vicious recently.. WOW.

No kidding.

Evidently, lots of folks think AM should run the franchise based on giving message-board posters headline news in time for Christmas.

It's sad, especially for a site that likes to pride itself about how knowledgeable its posters are. But, that's just how it is...

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No kidding.

Evidently, lots of folks think AM should run the franchise based on giving message-board posters headline news in time for Christmas.

It's sad, especially for a site that likes to pride itself about how knowledgeable its posters are. But, that's just how it is...

Yeah. Also, these fans seem to jump on every single news story reported on any outlet, even when the source is "I think he's had 1 discussion with this guy's agent" or "It's possible we're interested, I'm just guessing here".

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Yeah. Also, these fans seem to jump on every single news story reported on any outlet, even when the source is "I think he's had 1 discussion with this guy's agent" or "It's possible we're interested, I'm just guessing here".

At least fans are still interested in the team. It would be worse if nobody posted anything.

The passion showed on the Hangout shows how much Oriole fans still care about this team even though the current owner doesn't seem to care much about it...

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The Orioles will when they look at their attendance #'s this season and subsequent gate reciepts...

I figure attendance is going to drop by 250,000, and gate receipts/concession revenue will drop by $10 mm. And that is why the O's laid off 100 game-day personnel. That is why they are slashing payroll at every turn. If you ask me, the plan appears to be cut costs, weather the storm and wait for younger troops to arrive.

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BB, has it ever come into your mind that maybe just maybe that Andy M. ahs tried to make some trades but other teams GMs have told him no? Did you stop to think that that could possibly have happpened? Or are just content to bash the FO every chance you get? Sorry

Ever since we let his "General Manager" of the century slip away from us, that is all he does is bash the present regime. It really gets old.

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