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A Realistic Pitching Ace And What It Will Take to Acquire Him


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Just now, Billy F-Face3 said:

Seattle has the 3rd largest Japanese-American community in the U.S.A. so if that's important to him, he would probably entertain a Mariners offer.

Correction: A significantly large community. Not the 3rd  largest.  But significant. I was looking at the list and it was 3rd on the list, but the numbers were out of order.

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30 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

All great points! But when comparing his season to Eduardo Rodriguez's season, there is really not much of a comparison. If they cost anywhere near the same (given that both will be half season rentals), I know which one I would want and have much more confidence in the post season.

I would like to get EROD also but I do have concerns! 
1. why didn’t Boston sign him after he did well for them? Five years at 77 million seemed real reasonable.

2. He walked away from the Tigers last year and didn’t talk to the team for a long time! He shows back up and said he was dealing with a family situation without giving any details! 
3. Can opt out and all of sudden he is pitching great again. After he gets his next big contract does he disappear again?

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32 minutes ago, Camden Yards said:

I would like to get EROD also but I do have concerns! 
1. why didn’t Boston sign him after he did well for them? Five years at 77 million seemed real reasonable.

2. He walked away from the Tigers last year and didn’t talk to the team for a long time! He shows back up and said he was dealing with a family situation without giving any details! 
3. Can opt out and all of sudden he is pitching great again. After he gets his next big contract does he disappear again?

Those are all legit concerns particularly # 2. I'm not that concerned with #1 to be honest. Boston is nothing like the great franchise that they used to be. They are not winning anything any time soon. And their GM is on the ropes/hot seat as we speak. They are not any type of model when it comes to decision making.

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1 hour ago, Camden Yards said:

I would like to get EROD also but I do have concerns! 
1. why didn’t Boston sign him after he did well for them? Five years at 77 million seemed real reasonable.

2. He walked away from the Tigers last year and didn’t talk to the team for a long time! He shows back up and said he was dealing with a family situation without giving any details! 
3. Can opt out and all of sudden he is pitching great again. After he gets his next big contract does he disappear again?

In Boston's defense, EdRod had a 4.74 ERA his last season with them.  That may have had something to do with it.  

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I respect the Red Sox for their 4 World Series wins from 04- 18. And how they were able to go toe to toe with the Yanks during that period and even best them. But the current Red Sox org is not the same one that it used to be. They have 1 elite player and 1 elite prospect in the ENTIRE org… that’s it! 

So again, I wouldn’t look to them as a guide on decision making. 

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