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Kevin Brown absence explained?

Sports Guy

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2 hours ago, LookinUp said:

As a long-suffering Redskins/Orioles fan, it's clear that petty thin-skinned owners don't have any idea how things like this affect the entire organization. The saying is "the fish rots from the head."

This type of stupid stuff is seen by everyone. It's not about losing KB after this season. It's that your players, coaches, front office, etc., see it and it affects them in very different, and often negative, ways. 

It's the type of thing that makes people not want to be here, or support the owner, or give the discount, or be willing to have anything but hardball negotiations. And as more of that stuff happens, the rot just grows. 

You can draw a straight line from when Dan Snyder fired the grounds crew on just about day 1, or put vanilla ice cream on Mike Nolan's desk, and him selling the team after a ton of losing seasons. This stuff matters.

Well said, especially the fish rotting from the head. With you, as an Orioles fan since 1984 and WFT fan too. The worst combo of owners you could ask. 

Snyder literally ruined a good fan base by exploiting everything money wise. The Angelo’s are more ego driven. Both thought they knew better than a billion dollar industry of experts and have no true fan base perspective, unless they lose money

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5 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

So, I know Matt a little. He wrote for BSL in the past. I’m not saying he is or isn’t right here. People can get false info but Matt is also not a liar or someone who would say false stuff just for clicks.

Anyway, JA is petty enough to do this imo.

I mean.  Brown is making a really interesting and well taken point, and that is beyond pathetic for him to be suspended over that.  Simply incredible. 


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3 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

So here's what I found out:

Yes, this is 100% true including the statement that got him suspended.
Lots of folks are not happy over this.
KB was starting to pick up more and more national assignments
No one seems to know the length of the suspension or when Angelos will lift it so basically it is indefinite

My take:

Pretty ridiculous, but not out of the norm for an Angelos. I'm a bit surprised that Ben McDonald seemed to be covering for the organization on twitter when he said this had to do with scheduling, nothing else. I wonder if Brown starting to get national gigs was rubbing Angelos wrong and this was just something he could "put a shot over the bow". I have to imagine that a young, good announcer like Brown will be wanted this offseason so regardless of whether he comes back this year or not, have to think the Angelos' just ran another real good announcer out the door. 

This has been known by a lot of people since he Tampa series, and is just getting out now. Angelos will either double down now that it's out, or he'll put Brown back on the air under a gag order to not discuss anything. 

All I know is this probably means more Melanie Newman in the booth and that's not a good thing for Orioles fans. Even in a great year like this, never doubt an Angelos to stick himself into the fray. With the Orioles winning, Angelos has started to climb out of his hole since it's cool to be an Orioles fan once again. 

Even though I don't want to think about the future here past this season, these kinds of acts do make me fearful that Elias at some point will get another opportunity and bolt, especially if the Orioles win a World Series. Who would want to work for an owner that does stuff like this? 



Good god, this pisses me off. 

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1 hour ago, SilverRocket said:

So this is the clip: 

It goes a lot further than the original quote. Still a stupid decision by JA obviously, but I can kinda squint and see why he didn't like this one.

I'm confused.  Wouldn't MASN's producers have put up the graphic that KB is reading from?  This seems like it was sanctioned by MASN... 

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