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Erbe leaves with injury (UPDATED)


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Well not to stir the pot anymore than it already needed to be...but Brandon was supposed to start tomorrow night, and now it's Tanaka. Hopefully he just needed an extra day or two to rest the ankle and it's nothing serious, but he's got me worried a little.

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If the Orioles health staff miss that diagnosis again, they need to be fired.

Not as easy as you think and often missed even with MRI tests as they come back with false negatives or inability to give a definitive diagnosis.

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I know. But it's such an important one that it can't hurt to get a second opinion and a second MRI.

That is something I definitely can agree on with you! And like you I sometimes question the thought process of our medical decisions with our pitchers. But all my information is second hand so I will defer to their medical expertise and first hand personal knowledge.

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Well if he talked to them Saturday, it couldn't be the ankle since that didn't happen until Sunday.

I have my own speculation on the Erbe thing, but like I said, until I talk to him myself and at least give him 4-5 starts, I'm leaving it as hoping everything is face value. When a guy has a serious injury, he knows it. They most likely did an MRI when he first went on the DL, so I'm sure they all know full well how good of shape he's in.

I refuse to start bugging him about it until I see enough to warrant a question being asked, but so far it just looks like a guy should look like coming off weeks on the DL. Give him a chance to show he's healthy before we start trying to schedule him surgery.

Not as easy as you think and often missed even with MRI tests as they come back with false negatives or inability to give a definitive diagnosis.

This is a huge point. There are some injuries that you cannot diagnose unless you cut em open. I understand that Allstar you are taking it at face value, but something is just not right. Erbe hasnt had 1 solid outing since being back. He is very good, so maybe he can compete with a blown out shoulder, but the more this situation plays out the more it looks like we are discussing a thread about Spoone mid summer of 08....Just before he went down with the labrum. He was trying to pitch through soreness and he was/is such a good pitcher that he(and Erbe) can compete even if they are injured, they just cannot compete at the level of play that we have all come to know and love from both of them.

Erbe is a dominating pitcher, he was pitching dominantly earlier this year. The rust should be off now, he should be topping out in the mid 90's and he isnt. He is walking batters, giving up tons of hits and runs, he should just be shut down IMO....

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This is a huge point. There are some injuries that you cannot diagnose unless you cut em open. I understand that Allstar you are taking it at face value, but something is just not right. Erbe hasnt had 1 solid outing since being back. He is very good, so maybe he can compete with a blown out shoulder, but the more this situation plays out the more it looks like we are discussing a thread about Spoone mid summer of 08....Just before he went down with the labrum. He was trying to pitch through soreness and he was/is such a good pitcher that he(and Erbe) can compete even if they are injured, they just cannot compete at the level of play that we have all come to know and love from both of them.

Erbe is a dominating pitcher, he was pitching dominantly earlier this year. The rust should be off now, he should be topping out in the mid 90's and he isnt. He is walking batters, giving up tons of hits and runs, he should just be shut down IMO....

I'm just taking his word for it so far, he's been asked about the shoulder 1000 times and has always said it's fine. I'll try to catch up with him this weekend and see how he's doing, but just working himself back from injury, he was throwing where he should have been in his first start. I'm going to check out his next two starts at home and maybe we'll have a better idea.

I'm not completely dismissing what you guys are saying, but until Brandon tells me he's still fighting through something, I'll believe him that he's doing ok and just working back into things. Just hang on with the concerns for at least another couple starts.

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