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Great ACC players who never made a noise in the NBA


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One of the great mysteries to me is why some guys who are great college players never make the slightest impact in the NBA.

For example, when I was in college, Rod Griffin was a tremendous power forward who was the 1977 ACC player of the year. I would have bet anything on him being a good NBA player, but he never even made it into the league.

More recently, Joe Forte was the ACC co-player of the year in 2001 as a sophomore. He played only bits of 2 seasons in the NBA, averaging 1.2 points a game. I thought he made a mistake going pro as a sophomore, but I still would have expected more of a career than that.

As a Duke grad, I can think of several of their players who never really had much of an NBA career, in some cases due to pretty serious injuries (Bobby Hurley and Jay Williams), in other cases because their skills just didn't translate very well to the NBA (Chris Carawell, Trajan Langdon). At the same time, I'm sometimes surprised at the guys who do have very successful careers (Chris Duhon, Carlos Boozer).

Who are some ACC players who have surprised you once they reached (or didn't reach) the "next level?"

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As a Duke grad, I can think of several of their players who never really had much of an NBA career, in some cases due to pretty serious injuries (Bobby Hurley and Jay Williams), in other cases because their skills just didn't translate very well to the NBA (Chris Carawell, Trajan Langdon).

That one shocked me. Langdon was probably my favorite non-Maryland college player, back in the day (if I remember correctly, the guy's actually a pretty brilliant dude, too). I'm a big fan of players who can heave it from just about anywhere, with a hand in his face, and still make it.

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How do you define "never made a noise" is a big question. If the question is those that didn't live up to expectations then you can make a laundry-list (Joe Smith, Hurley, Laettner, etc etc).

Guys who simply did next to nothing in the NBA? The first one I thought of was Joe Forte. Others that come to mind include Jay Williams (for reasons other than ability), Todd Fuller, William Avery....

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Langdon was so over drafted.

He could shoot but couldn't do anything else.

People liked to compare Redick to him but Redick was a way better all around player.

Langdon was never going to be much in the pros and certainly should have never been a lottery pick.

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Rodney Rogers actually had a pretty good career.

I thought Will Avery was going to be a stud in the NBA (way better than Langdon), but Coach K put some kind of curse on him for having the audacity to leave Duke without his blessing.

Going back a few year, I thought Adrian Branch would make it for more than a cup of coffee. After Lorenzo Charles made that amazing shot to win the NCAA Tournament, I thought he'd get a look.

Two recent guys I thought would have some success are Shelden Williams and Jawad Williams.

One guy I'm shocked is doing well in the NBA is Will Bynum from Georgia Tech.

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Joe Forte... Was he from Dematha? I vaguely remember going to a Dematha game when I was younger and seeing Keith Bogans and one other player (I think Joe Forte) lighting it up. I remember then hearing about those two players up until they went to college... but they didn't seem to live up to expectations. Was Forte the one I remember?

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Joe Forte... Was he from Dematha? I vaguely remember going to a Dematha game when I was younger and seeing Keith Bogans and one other player (I think Joe Forte) lighting it up. I remember then hearing about those two players up until they went to college... but they didn't seem to live up to expectations. Was Forte the one I remember?

You would be correct.

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Joe Forte... Was he from Dematha? I vaguely remember going to a Dematha game when I was younger and seeing Keith Bogans and one other player (I think Joe Forte) lighting it up. I remember then hearing about those two players up until they went to college... but they didn't seem to live up to expectations. Was Forte the one I remember?
They both absolutely lived up to expectations.

Forte was amazing from the start for Carolina, so good that he left after his sophomore year. He fizzled out of the NBA, but he was a fantastic college player.

Bogans didn't have the immediate success that Forte did, but he was probably the best or 2nd best player on the Kentucky team that finished the regular season with like 27 straight wins, had the #1 overall seed heading into the tournament, but ultimately lost in the elite 8 to Dwayne Wade and Marquette. He's carved out a decent little NBA career as a reserve guard.

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