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Mark Reynolds OPS is .731...


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I am going to say that you are wrong here. Jones did exactly what he was supposed to do, Reynolds was late but still made the play. Had Jones overthrew Reynolds, it would have been the wrong play.

No, it wouldn't have been. It would have been bad execution. If Jones did exactly what he was supposed to do, then overthrows the cutoff man that doesn't change whether or not the play should or should not have been made.

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Billy Ripken was going nuts on MLB Tonight saying what a great play it was! And I think Billy knows a lil something something about infield defense!

Cal Ripken "My brother Billy was the best second baseman I ever played with."

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I am going to say that you are wrong here. Jones did exactly what he was supposed to do, Reynolds was late but still made the play. Had Jones overthrew Reynolds, it would have been the wrong play.

AgentOrange is right. You throw through the cut-off man.

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They were put up over the course of six years. Reynolds has a career .852 OPS with RISP.

With RISP and 2 outs, it's even better: .880.

How many different ways do you need to see the stats before you realize that what you're saying is demonstrably, statistically wrong? Reynolds is not a poor hitter in the clutch-- if anything, he's better in the clutch.

And Jim Thome put up huge numbers over the course of his career as well but that doesn't mean he is still an effective member of this team.

The fact that you HAD to go back and pull up numbers from his past instead of just looking at what he's been doing over the last 1 to 2 months tells me all I need to know.

He's not the same player he was back then. He lost a ton of weight and the power and OPS are simply not there anymore. Yes, he's been drawing some extra walks to make those numbers look better.

But again, you can't give me anything to support Reynolds being a quality player on this team right now. Period.

BTW, yet again he struck out in an important situation tonight. Extra innings, runner on 1st, no outs, fails to even move the runner to second with yet another Mark Reynolds special.


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And Jim Thome put up huge numbers over the course of his career as well but that doesn't mean he is still an effective member of this team.

The fact that you HAD to go back and pull up numbers from his past instead of just looking at what he's been doing over the last 1 to 2 months tells me all I need to know.

He's not the same player he was back then. He lost a ton of weight and the power and OPS are simply not there anymore. Yes' date=' he's been drawing some extra walks to make those numbers look better.

But again, you can't give me anything to support Reynolds being a quality player on this team right now. Period.

BTW, yet again he struck out in an important situation tonight. Extra innings, runner on 1st, no outs, fails to even move the runner to second with yet another Mark Reynolds special.


Frobby provided you with everything you asked for.

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And Jim Thome put up huge numbers over the course of his career as well but that doesn't mean he is still an effective member of this team.

The fact that you HAD to go back and pull up numbers from his past instead of just looking at what he's been doing over the last 1 to 2 months tells me all I need to know.

He's not the same player he was back then. He lost a ton of weight and the power and OPS are simply not there anymore. Yes' date=' he's been drawing some extra walks to make those numbers look better.

But again, you can't give me anything to support Reynolds being a quality player on this team right now. Period.

BTW, yet again he struck out in an important situation tonight. Extra innings, runner on 1st, no outs, fails to even move the runner to second with yet another Mark Reynolds special.


Funny how you go conveniently silent when Reynolds has a 3-for-3 game with an RBI double. Funny how you stick your fingers in your ears and ignore every single stat that was presented to you by myself and Frobby, proving that Reynolds hits well in clutch situations.

It appears you're not interested in any kind of intelligent debate, and just want to troll. My mistake for humoring you.

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Funny how you go conveniently silent when Reynolds has a 3-for-3 game with an RBI double.

Thank you Paul. And it isn't just Reynolds, and to be fair to him, it isn't just VA BEACH O's fan in this respect.

I have no problem with angry, bitter Oriole fans that are cynical and complain a lot ...... as long as they don't disappear when we win and are doing well. What is really annoying to me is when a certain few that will come along and spit all over the team (whether it be Reynolds and/or other players) when we are getting our heads handed to us, and then are nowhere to be found on the game threads or the main board when we are winning.

I've had my differences with some of the cynical fans like Moose and NMS (this isn't a specific call-out, this is a compliment to you guys), but I have to hand it to them, they are always here, regardless of how good or bad the team is doing ...... and for that, I have a lot of respect for them.


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