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Anyone else starting to get worried?


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I'm beginning to worry....it doesn't look like the MOO bat (Steve Pearce) and TOR starter (Freddie Garcia) that DD added are going to be the answer.

Laughed out loud at this because unlike he rest of us, they actually thought this was going to work!:smile11: Wonder what kind of year Saunders and Reynolds are going to wind up having. Sure would like Saunders right about now.

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Our offense scores when our ****ty pitchers start, but don't score enough. When we get a good outing, we can't score worth ****. Our offense can get hits with RISP all day when the games out of hand, but when it's close they're no where to be found. And our closer had 2 straight melt downs/losses and now has 4 losses already in just 1/4th of the season.

They need to pick it up.

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Our offense scores when our ****ty pitchers start, but don't score enough. When we get a good outing, we can't score worth ****. Our offense can get hits with RISP all day when the games out of hand, but when it's close they're no where to be found. And our closer had 2 straight melt downs/losses and now has 4 losses already in just 1/4th of the season.

They need to pick it up.

As i already proved you wrong on your statements in the game thread i will do it again since you had trouble understanding last time I guess. We have the 2nd highest slg percentage in baseball in games that are close and late. That inclused games that are one or two runs. The second highest in games after the 7th inning in slugging as well.

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The most amazing thing i see on here is that people saying the front office is terrible because they clearly could not see that the guys from last year were a fluke or that we would fall back to being bad. Ok fine but then how do these same people that can see everything not see the actual facts in the stats about the offense hitting with runners in scoring position, or they don't hit in close games late. You guys can see the future but can not even see the actual facts in black and white.

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The most amazing thing i see on here is that people saying the front office is terrible because they clearly could not see that the guys from last year were a fluke or that we would fall back to being bad. Ok fine but then how do these same people that can see everything not see the actual facts in the stats about the offense hitting with runners in scoring position, or they don't hit in close games late. You guys can see the future but can not even see the actual facts in black and white.

I think the FO is fine but limited.

Reality is that he can only spend what he is given and given what he had to spend I think DD and Buck have done pretty decent.

If your not given money to bring in SP to round out the rotation and have to rely on guys who have no history of success or success that has since past them by then your going to be in trouble when that group now has to fill 2/5ths of your rotation.

Personally I blame Pete for not being willing to invest in a team that has a core that can win when he promised for years he would. It makes me mad as a fan because Oriole fans deserve this and the guys who fight and scratch on that team deserve it also. Instead our owner was busy playing woe is me, I am poor to screw the Nats over TV money.

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Laughed out loud at this because unlike he rest of us, they actually thought this was going to work!:smile11: Wonder what kind of year Saunders and Reynolds are going to wind up having. Sure would like Saunders right about now.

Saunders is not pitching well. Reynolds will slow down. They should however have actually replaced them instead of doing nothing I agree there.

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I think the FO is fine but limited.

Reality is that he can only spend what he is given and given what he had to spend I think DD and Buck have done pretty decent.

If your not given money to bring in SP to round out the rotation and have to rely on guys who have no history of success or success that has since past them by then your going to be in trouble when that group now has to fill 2/5ths of your rotation.

Personally I blame Pete for not being willing to invest in a team that has a core that can win when he promised for years he would. It makes me mad as a fan because Oriole fans deserve this and the guys who fight and scratch on that team deserve it also. Instead our owner was busy playing woe is me, I am poor to screw the Nats over TV money.

I agree with that but also think we may have thought we were ok at starting pitching. IF Hammel would be pitching like he did last year we would not be in a major problem. I think they were confident in Chen, Tilman, Hammel as 1-3 and though Miggy could do ok at 4. I think as they said they didn't want to bring a starter in when they seemed to have confidence in Gausman and Bundy to be up here at all star break. I thought it was a difficult position unless we got a true ace which there wasn't and paying 10 million a year for a medicore pitcher. I really believe if Gausman and Bundy were not in the minors this close they may have went out and got a starter.

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I agree with that but also think we may have thought we were ok at starting pitching. IF Hammel would be pitching like he did last year we would not be in a major problem. I think they were confident in Chen, Tilman, Hammel as 1-3 and though Miggy could do ok at 4. I think as they said they didn't want to bring a starter in when they seemed to have confidence in Gausman and Bundy to be up here at all star break. I thought it was a difficult position unless we got a true ace which there wasn't and paying 10 million a year for a medicore pitcher. I really believe if Gausman and Bundy were not in the minors this close they may have went out and got a starter.

I see were your going with that but I think its not how a playoff team should think. If Gausman or Bundy is banging the door so hard you feel compelled to bring one up then you have a good problem, you have an extra SP and valuable trade chip at the trade deadline. Besides its extremely rare for a 5 man rotation to go through a complete season without a single guy hitting the DL. Opportunities to see what Bundy and Gaussman have would have arisen.

At the end of the day DD was limited working with limited funds IMO. I truly believe if you talked to him off the record he would have liked to have had at least one more consistent proven SP and either Reynolds or someone to replace him. Fact is that seemed to be the plan and desire till the whole thing with the Nats and MASN came up and from that point forward it was like the pocketbook got slammed on DD hand. I cant really blame him or Buck for that

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In some respects this series was very reminiscent of the O’s of the last 20 odd years. The skipper comes out to symbolically argue that a ball was foul instead of a double and ends up giving the other team a home run…come on?!?!? But, I think that in sharp contrast to those dark years the general sense I have is that we still have a good team but just happens to be going through a rough patch of injuries and bad luck. In the past I would chalk the last five games up to our general ineptitude. Now, I want to believe that it really is just bad luck and that we will come around. Sure our starting pitching is thin and in some quarters suspect. But I don’t think we are any different from any of the other teams in the AL East n that regard. We can win this thing!!!!!

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In some respects this series was very reminiscent of the O’s of the last 20 odd years. The skipper comes out to symbolically argue that a ball was foul instead of a double and ends up giving the other team a home run…come on?!?!? But, I think that in sharp contrast to those dark years the general sense I have is that we still have a good team but just happens to be going through a rough patch of injuries and bad luck. In the past I would chalk the last five games up to our general ineptitude. Now, I want to believe that it really is just bad luck and that we will come around. Sure our starting pitching is thin and in some quarters suspect. But I don’t think we are any different from any of the other teams in the AL East n that regard. We can win this thing!!!!!

You think our SPs compare to the Sox or the MFYs? Really?

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I think the FO is fine but limited.

Reality is that he can only spend what he is given and given what he had to spend I think DD and Buck have done pretty decent.

If your not given money to bring in SP to round out the rotation and have to rely on guys who have no history of success or success that has since past them by then your going to be in trouble when that group now has to fill 2/5ths of your rotation.

Personally I blame Pete for not being willing to invest in a team that has a core that can win when he promised for years he would. It makes me mad as a fan because Oriole fans deserve this and the guys who fight and scratch on that team deserve it also. Instead our owner was busy playing woe is me, I am poor to screw the Nats over TV money.

At the end of the day DD was limited working with limited funds IMO. I truly believe if you talked to him off the record he would have liked to have had at least one more consistent proven SP and either Reynolds or someone to replace him. Fact is that seemed to be the plan and desire till the whole thing with the Nats and MASN came up and from that point forward it was like the pocketbook got slammed on DD hand. I cant really blame him or Buck for that.

Great posts and I think you are dead-on, here. What you saw this past off season is almost undoubtedly not how DD and Buck would have preferred it to play out, despite what they've said publicly. Considering the limited resources given, both deserve lots of credit.

If this team is to repeat last year and end up a winner, it will have to be in spite of ownership. Not because of ownership. Angelos has made it very clear via his words and actions that he will not spend on or inherit top-dollar starting pitching. I hope that changes but I wouldn't bet on it. This team will have to win from within.

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I still am not sure why i see we have all these needs to be addressed. We have scored the 2nd most runs in baseball only behind the Rockies. We are top 5 in homers and slugging. The only hole we really have is second and if we just get anything from there will be a big help. DH has struggled but we have options in the minors and Betemit comming back who if used just vs right handers is like making a trade. They didn't go get a middle of the order bat because they didn't feel we needed one and the way Davis is playing and the team scoring runs I have to agree. The starting pitching this off season was suspect and not worth the money for the top guys. I do wish we would have added another starter for experience in the middle of the rotation but they felt Hammel would be back from his knee issues strong about Chen and Tilman which seems to be right.

We do not need a shut down pitcher what we need is a pitcher that pitches consistanly good. If we could get a guy that just goes 6 inning and gives up 2-3 runs a start i will take our chances with our offense and the pen even with the struggles Johnson has right now. We however can not have the starter going 4 or 5 innings giving up 4 or 5 runs. and expect the pen to hold them to zero the rest of the way.

I'm with you on that. But we don't have it now, and we've been searching for a while so thus, I'm worried. Today didn't help.

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Great posts and I think you are dead-on, here. What you saw this past off season is almost undoubtedly not how DD and Buck would have preferred it to play out, despite what they've said publicly. Considering the limited resources given, both deserve lots of credit.

If this team is to repeat last year and end up a winner, it will have to be in spite of ownership. Not because of ownership. Angelos has made it very clear via his words and actions that he will not spend on or inherit top-dollar starting pitching. I hope that changes but I wouldn't bet on it. This team will have to win from within.

A freaking men.

Any winning this team does is purely in spite of the worst owner in all of sports. Anyone who can't see that is blind, or doesn't want to see it. Although that would probably account for 80% of the board.

Remember the offseason? I do. All of the "trolls" who dared criticize the front office or ownership (mainly the latter) "wasn't a fan" and had no idea what they were talking about.

Two simple, cheap moves to just retain...not even add..any players would have made a world of difference this year, but unfortunately our owner would rather line his pockets and try to throw a bunch of s#$% against the wall again and see what stuck.

A tried and true method of building a champion, in King Pete's mind.

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Regarding the MFY's: the difference between this year and last is that Hammel and Chen have clearly not been the equal of Sabathia and Kuroda this year. After that, I take any combination of our guys against Hughes, Phelps, Robertson…Pettitte any day. I think the key for the rest of this year is for Hammel to find his groove again and Chen to get healthy. That might be a big wish....but I don't think it is any bigger than fans of any of the other team in the AL East are making.

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