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Is Gausman Thursday's starter? (Officially Wednesday)


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Os haven't announced anything else but my guess is Wei-Yin Chen will be pushed back to Thur at KC. Tigers kill lefties; KC cant hit lefties</p>— Dan Connolly (@danconnollysun) <a href="
">May 13, 2014</a></blockquote>

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Connolly nailed it. KG gets a one time start on Wednesday.

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Hats off to you sir. This moves is puzzling to say the least. Unless you know something we don't, not sure how you saw this coming.

I think it must be a DL move.

Do you have some intel?

Just a fan. Like you and 100s or so others on the Hangout.

Thanks for the nice words.

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I am worried it's about Tillman. Didn't Chen face DET before, It doesn't seem like Buck to skip a start just because he is facing a lot of RH bats. Seems more like Buck to use that as an excuse to cover for an injury. Tillman's velo has been down and his command sketchy. I think they are skippng him a turn.

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I'm not sure I like this. His numbers have looked good, but he's been limited to around seventy-five pitches per start, and he's just coming back from pneumonia. Seems to me that he should be stretched out some more. I don't want him rushed up to the big club's rotation too soon, as he was last year. Patience, Dan!

I think most of us will love it if he pitches well and hate it if he doesn't.

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I don't see the O's trading away starting pitching. They will need all of it before the season is over.

Maybe they're about to trade Patton and move Gonzo to the pen. This would give Chen an extra day, which usually works out well for him.

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Connolly nailed it. KG gets a one time start on Wednesday.

It prob a little bit of both coming together to create an opportunity for KG

On the one hand it makes sense to hold Chen back a day to pitch against KC who has trouble with LHP

I think also the Orioles realize that if Weiters is going to be out for an extended period of time then they will need to address one of the holes they have. The one commodity they have to move is SP. It may not be top fight pitching if they move one of Chen, Gonzalez or Norris but those guys are good enough that I do believe if you add something from the minors the potential exists you could bring in a decentish offensive player who could fill a need.

So basically while I think the primary motivation is to get Chen paired with KC, the fact that getting to see KG who will replace whomever they would move is not a half bad byproduct. I don't think they have to see him to feel comfortable with a move, they know what they have in KG to some extent. I just think that seeing him with the primary benefit of giving Chen a more favorable matchup is nice perk.

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