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Olney On Qualifying Offer Candidates


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A question: While shortstop requires more movement, third base requires extremely quick reactions, so would ss actually be better for Manny's knees than 3b?

Until I thought of that I was 100% in the keep Manny at 3b because of his injuries, but now I'm wondering.

I think being exposed to having the DP broken up would be a major concern with him at SS.
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In his latest Insider-only blog, ESPN?s Buster Olney runs down a list of pending free agents that are candidates to receive qualifying offers. Olney spoke with several executives from around the league and is of the mind that James Shields, Max Scherzer, Pablo Sandoval, Melky Cabrera, Russell Martin, Nelson Cruz, J.J. Hardy, Victor Martinez, Ervin Santana, David Robertson and Hanley Ramirez will receive qualifying offers, which should fall between $15MM and $15.5MM.


Duquette is going to allow Hardy, the anchor of the Orioles infield, to become a FA? It's appears that way. For some reason, he didn't make a serious attempt to sign him in ST. I am very worried about this situation.

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I doubt the O's make any decisions this offseason contingent on Manny's being able to play SS in 2015. They'll probably try to negotiate a reasonable extension with Hardy and failing that trade for a stop gap good field no hit SS. As for Nick they will probably try to do the same but they will be ready to pick up a short term replacement to go in the mix with Pearce, and De Aza, and Jones

Everyone thought DD would have attempted to work out that Hardy deal in ST, but it didn't happen.

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Hardy has ben a 3-4 WAR contributor for the past four years at annual salaries of $7M or less.

We could be flipping the value received from Hardy with a new contract that might be in the 3/$42M range or higher where his salary doubles and his WAR declines. That could be difficult to stomach, but, on the other hand, there could still be some value there if Hardy maintains production above 3 WAR. Generally, though I would take the draft pick and let someone else worry about a production decline for a player in their 32-34 years.

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But why would Hardy take two years? This is his last chance at a payday. For the past 3 years he's been getting paid less than his on-field performance would dictate. If you're Hardy you are looking for 3 years guaranteed at minimum.

So you tear apart his post/opinion. Then post your own opinion as if you have some inside knowledge on Hardy. Have you ever spoke to Hardy? Are you his agent? Are you his wife? Have you heard or read somewhere that he is looking for a 3+ year contract? If not, isn't your opinion just as much of a guess as his?

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Hardy has ben a 3-4 WAR contributor for the past four years at annual salaries of $7M or less.

We could be flipping the value received from Hardy with a new contract that might be in the 3/$42M range or higher where his salary doubles and his WAR declines. That could be difficult to stomach, but, on the other hand, there could still be some value there if Hardy maintains production above 3 WAR. Generally, though I would take the draft pick and let someone else worry about a production decline for a player in their 32-34 years.

I don't advocate paying Hardy more than we think he'll be worth. We should estimate what he'll be worth and then discount some from there to account for risk. Even so, I think something like 3/$35-40 would be good value.

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It is still a valid point that a team with the O's financial constraints needs to be careful with long term deals and over 30 middle infielders who are CURRENTLY suffering back issues are, to me, a bit too risky.

Hardy's back isn't fixed. He got a cortisone shot so he could play through it. That's two this season.

I agree, with that said, I want a real SS and not Andino or similar.

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I know I've mentioned this a few times, and no one ever responds to it, but I'll try again.

Should they play the 2015 season as an Oriole, both Markakis and Hardy will have earned the right to block any trade. I can't believe the O's want to put themselves in that position on a multi-year deal with either of them.

As for replacing Nick, I'd be happy starting the year with an outfield of De Aza, Jones, and Pearce.

As for replacing Hardy, I'd move Manny to SS and fill 3B.

That might mean Flaherty has to start at SS for a month or two, but we've already seen that we can live with that. Manny's knee "injury" surgeries were actually corrections to deformities in his knees. They've been fixed. Was he slowed down one bit after recovery this year? No, and since his surgery was a month earlier this season, he should be ready to participate in 3 or 4 weeks of spring training. He was a SS coming up until they moved him to 3B at age 20 by bringing him up after never starting a game at 3B in the minors. I have no doubt about his ability to play SS.

I think Nick and Hardy will agree to team friendly deals. This is Nick's home and Hardy was all over the place before he got here.

I don't see anybody in the media that's saying Manny should move positions at this point. It would be nice to see him get through a season without an injury before switching to a more demanding spot.

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So you tear apart his post/opinion. Then post your own opinion as if you have some inside knowledge on Hardy. Have you ever spoke to Hardy? Are you his agent? Are you his wife? Have you heard or read somewhere that he is looking for a 3+ year contract? If not, isn't your opinion just as much of a guess as his?

I didn't tear apart his opinion, I DESTROYED it!!!!!!

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I know I've mentioned this a few times, and no one ever responds to it, but I'll try again.

Should they play the 2015 season as an Oriole, both Markakis and Hardy will have earned the right to block any trade. I can't believe the O's want to put themselves in that position on a multi-year deal with either of them.

As for replacing Nick, I'd be happy starting the year with an outfield of De Aza, Jones, and Pearce.

As for replacing Hardy, I'd move Manny to SS and fill 3B.

That might mean Flaherty has to start at SS for a month or two, but we've already seen that we can live with that. Manny's knee "injury" surgeries were actually corrections to deformities in his knees. They've been fixed. Was he slowed down one bit after recovery this year? No, and since his surgery was a month earlier this season, he should be ready to participate in 3 or 4 weeks of spring training. He was a SS coming up until they moved him to 3B at age 20 by bringing him up after never starting a game at 3B in the minors. I have no doubt about his ability to play SS.

Pick a different short stop and we can talk about this.

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My opinion is that Manny will be ready by Spring Training and Opening Day this year. I also predicted that he would not be ready for OD last year. However, based on his surgery and the demands of the positions, why would they even consider moving Manny off of 3B. He is a gold glove 3B. Leave him there and offer the QO to JJ or sign somebody else. Even think about moving Schoop to SS if need be. They have Flaherty also. I do not see moving Manny. But I have been wrong so often about so much in the past.

I was just thinking about this option. Schoop played more games at SS in the minors then anywhere else.

Is he capable defensively? I don't know.

The easiest solution is to just keep Hardy, but I agree its hard to give him the contract he has earned. And my goodness has he earned a pay day.

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