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Do the standings rank teams based on ROI or Wins?

JR Oriole

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I have to give you folks who are being so patient and not getting frustrated a lot of credit.....I am not one of those people though. There is plenty of winter left, but I don't know how it is that we have done nothing while teams like the Royals and Padres have been active. I am sorry, are we going to create the illusion that they have more money than we do? Seriously?

As long as we have the end objective of maximizing our wins in the standings and the FO is not trying to maximize the bang for our buck and sacrificing everything else, I am good. The Orioles have plenty of "budget people" and accountants who they actually pay to worry about that stuff.....for me, the only budget I care about is my own. So if the Os want to spend $300 million, fine by me. If they want to spend $30 million, fine by me. I am not interested in being a GM or even playing one hypothetically. I don't care about WAR, FIP, or any of these other stats....all I care about is wins. As long as the Os win enough games to get to the playoffs and then win 11 more once they are there, I am a very happy fan.

Saving money just for the sake of saving money is weak....I have no guarantees from the FO that they will eventually spend it one day. I could choose not to take my family on vacations every year just to watch my bank account get fatter, or I could drop some coin and create memories that will last forever.

We have potentially a short window of time to win a title....unless we really are Oakland, I wish we would stop acting like Oakland.

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I have to give you folks who are being so patient and not getting frustrated a lot of credit.....I am not one of those people though. There is plenty of winter left, but I don't know how it is that we have done nothing while teams like the Royals and Padres have been active. I am sorry, are we going to create the illusion that they have more money than we do? Seriously?

As long as we have the end objective of maximizing our wins in the standings and the FO is not trying to maximize the bang for our buck and sacrificing everything else, I am good. The Orioles have plenty of "budget people" and accountants who they actually pay to worry about that stuff.....for me, the only budget I care about is my own. So if the Os want to spend $300 million, fine by me. If they want to spend $30 million, fine by me. I am not interested in being a GM or even playing one hypothetically. I don't care about WAR, FIP, or any of these other stats....all I care about is wins. As long as the Os win enough games to get to the playoffs and then win 11 more once they are there, I am a very happy fan.

Saving money just for the sake of saving money is weak....I have no guarantees from the FO that they will eventually spend it one day. I could choose not to take my family on vacations every year just to watch my bank account get fatter, or I could drop some coin and create memories that will last forever.

We have potentially a short window of time to win a title....unless we really are Oakland, I wish we would stop acting like Oakland.

Ninety Six. Or Ninety Nine.

That way.

And we are not Oakland. But we are not Chicago either.

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Saving money just for the sake of saving money is weak....I have no guarantees from the FO that they will eventually spend it one day. I could choose not to take my family on vacations every year just to watch my bank account get fatter, or I could drop some coin and create memories that will last forever.


I agree with this in general wholeheartedly.

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Do baseball owners operate their teams as a personal entertainment or a business?

I suppose they operate teams as both, but my problem is I don't care about the business part of it. To me, sports is about entertainment and winning. I understand why the business part of it matters to owners, but why should it matter to me? I want wins and titles. I don't love the Orioles because they are so savvy with their contracts. I can choose a Fortune 500 company to love if that is all that matters. I love the Orioles because they have been my team for over 30 years and I want to see them win....period.

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I suppose they operate teams as both, but my problem is I don't care about the business part of it. To me, sports is about entertainment and winning. I understand why the business part of it matters to owners, but why should it matter to me? I want wins and titles. I don't love the Orioles because they are so savvy with their contracts. I can choose a Fortune 500 company to love if that is all that matters. I love the Orioles because they have been my team for over 30 years and I want to see them win....period.

Your take on all of this seems to be the healthiest. Judge the product not the process and don't get hung up on how much they should be or shouldn't be spending. The reality is that no one on this board has any real insight into the money side of the Baltimore Orioles. The only thing one can comment on with any amount of factual evidence is the overall philosophy of the organization. (i.e actions speak louder than words) To me it makes no sense to complain about not signing $200mm baseball players when it is beyond obvious that it would run counter to the philosophy being utilized. A philosophy by the way that has worked pretty well over the past 3 year. I suppose I prefer to judge moves (as I do like the stats and money side of baseball) within the context of the current philosophy.

I am not happy with how this offseason has played out but unlike a few on here I am willing to wait to see the final product. I think our current GM has earned that.

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As a fan, I want my team to win now, but also be in position to win fairly consistently. That means signing players to contracts that can stay within a well-planned budget, and choosing priorities.

According to BB-ref, the O's spent $77 mm in 2012, $101 mm in 2013, $109 mm this year. Duquette has stated that he expects the 2015 payroll to be higher than 2014's, and enough to field a team that can be highly competitive. Based on his three-year track record, that's good enough for me right now.

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ROI = Team Wins/Payroll. I would actually be curious to see the results of this stat.

I would too. I have to think Oakland wins this one. I don't know what their payroll is, but most of the time I don't even know who their players are so that leads me to believe they are pretty high up there. Every year, they look like a 62 win team on paper....but they routinely win over 90.

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As a fan, I want my team to win now, but also be in position to win fairly consistently. That means signing players to contracts that can stay within a well-planned budget, and choosing priorities.

According to BB-ref, the O's spent $77 mm in 2012, $101 mm in 2013, $109 mm this year. Duquette has stated that he expects the 2015 payroll to be higher than 2014's, and enough to field a team that can be highly competitive. Based on his three-year track record, that's good enough for me right now.

I haven't looked at the arb scenarios, but I do not see how you are going to reduce the payroll by $21mm per year (Markakis $13mm net and Cruz $8mm) and raise the payroll.

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I suppose they operate teams as both, but my problem is I don't care about the business part of it. To me, sports is about entertainment and winning. I understand why the business part of it matters to owners, but why should it matter to me? I want wins and titles. I don't love the Orioles because they are so savvy with their contracts. I can choose a Fortune 500 company to love if that is all that matters. I love the Orioles because they have been my team for over 30 years and I want to see them win....period.

I'm with you all the way on this, but if you expect a team owner to jeopardize his earnings for your pleasure or his you will be sorely disappointed. Apparently, you are.

I don't care how much money Angelos makes, but it's my choice to temper my expectations of player acquisitions with reality, just as it's your choice to not. As I see it, your unhappiness is your own creation because your expectations are unrealistic.

As long as we keep winning as we have, I'm satisfied.

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