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Is it safe to say that Chen and Norris won't be a Oriole in 2016?


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First off I would debate that point.

Secondly what does that have to do with the O's giving him a qualifying offer?

Sorry. I was actually responding to a post from tntoriole about which current Orioles won be on the team next year.

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Wouldn't that be nice.

I think someone would pick him up for the minimum and try and fix him. Wouldn't hold my breath for anything more then that. I guess they could get lucky and find someone that sees something and would take more of the contract.

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I think someone would pick him up for the minimum and try and fix him. Wouldn't hold my breath for anything more then that. I guess they could get lucky and find someone that sees something and would take more of the contract.

Bud Norris for Ryan Howard. We have a 1B next year. And that gives us three DHs to play in the field this year. Sounds like an awesome idea.

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Would like to see Chen back on a reasonable contract but with Boras as his agent we know that's most likely not going to happen.

I don't know where Bud would get 30mill from the way he's pitching this year. Not even Ruben Amaro would hand out that type of contract. Well, I should never count out Amaro and his next awful contract.

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