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Let's Chill With Huff Boo's


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Come on now I understand he made an insult on the Radio against Baltimore. That is fine he deserves a Booo When his name was announced. From now though lets get give him some Cheers because he still has Oriole on the front of his jersey. The guy did hit for cycle last season been a while since that has happen. He is a Oriole and if you are going to cheer on the O's you have to cheer the all on. Aubrey Huff I forgive you. GO O's

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Come on now i understand in made an insult on the Radio against Baltimore. That is fine he deserves a Booo When his name was announced. From now though lets get give him some Cheers because he still has Oriole on the front of his jersey. The guy did hit for cycle last season been a while since that has happen. He is a Oriole and if you are going to cheer on the O's you have to cheer the all on. Aubrey Huff i forgive you. GO O's

I have no problem with booing him. I had a problem with the fans who were booing him and didn't know why.

I told a few why everyone was booing them and they turned into Ravens' fans at a Steelers game.

No clue.

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Come on now i understand in made an insult on the Radio against Baltimore. That is fine he deserves a Booo When his name was announced. From now though lets get give him some Cheers because he still has Oriole on the front of his jersey. The guy did hit for cycle last season been a while since that has happen. He is a Oriole and if you are going to cheer on the O's you have to cheer the all on. Aubrey Huff i forgive you. GO O's

If I remember correctly we lost that game.

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Come on now i understand in made an insult on the Radio against Baltimore. That is fine he deserves a Booo When his name was announced. From now though lets get give him some Cheers because he still has Oriole on the front of his jersey. The guy did hit for cycle last season been a while since that has happen. He is a Oriole and if you are going to cheer on the O's you have to cheer the all on. Aubrey Huff i forgive you. GO O's

Don't worry, when there's only 5 people there to do it for the rest of the seaon, it will just sound like somone asking for more pit beef.

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OK one I will never stop booing him, what he said about the city is bad enough but I could get past that. The thing that I cant let go is the fact that he bragged about getting drunk nights before games and coming to the park hung over, this from a guy who barely hit his weight last year. Second he stated that it didn't matter what he said because his contract is "guaranteed", so yeah the stuff about the city was bad, but the blatant haha I can suck make lots of money and I don't care what the fans think has earned him boo's from me everytime I'm at the park, you're welcome to do what you want but I will not stop.

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Hahaha yes :)

I can see CaBBrera losing a no-hitter 2-0 because he walked a bunch...

April 30, 1967 @ Memorial Stadium

Orioles former 20-game winner Steve Barber no-hits the Tigers ...and loses!

He'd walked seven & hit two entering the ninth inning, but the O's scored in the bottom of the 8th to give him a 1-0 lead with three outs to go.

Walks 8, 9 & 10 -plus a wild pitch and a bunt tied up the game though.

Hank Bauer yanked Barber for reliever Stu Miller with two out and runners at the corners, but Mark Belanger (who was playing second) made an error on what would have been an inning-ending force.

Detroit took a 2-1 lead with the unearned run, and the Orioles went down meekly in the bottom of the 9th. Detroit's Fled Gladding struck out Mike "Superjew" Epstein to end it.

That was just the first game of a Sunday doubleheader. Jim Palmer gave up six runs in the fifth inning of the second game to lose that one too!

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If I remember correctly we lost that game.

We did lose that game. But I was there, and it didn't even matter that we lost, the cycle was fun to see. I think we just have to realize that Huff is just sort of a dumb guy, who speaks without thinking. I think a good 5 games of booing will be sufficient, and then it can stop. Perhaps he will have learned his lesson.

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Roch also thinks the booing of Huff should stop:

Aubrey Huff was given “the treatment” tonight by fans who haven’t forgotten or forgiven his appearance on Bubba the Love Sponge’s show back in November. I’m hoping the booing was an Opening Day thing and will go the way of the Dodo bird because it’s going to get old real fast.

I can see letting Huff have it if he’s insisting that everything he said about Baltimore is true and the residents need to just get over it or he’ll also stop hitting Tampa Bay pitching this season. But he’s admitted his mistake numerous times. He can't erase the past, or the tapes from the show. It was fair to tear into him months ago, but it’s March 31 and the season’s started and it’s really time to move on.

The booing started to feel forced by the ninth inning, as if it mistakenly was still the cool thing to do. Meanwhile, Huff had a single, missed a long home run by a few feet and crushed a ball that first baseman Carlos Pena smothered with a lunging stop. In a game where quality at-bats were scarce, Huff had a few of them.

He gets the point. People are mad that he dissed the city and embarrassed himself and the organization with his conduct on the show – and we’re not just talking about the Baltimore rippage. But it’s done. Teammates are tired of it, though they had some fun at his expense earlier in the day because that’s what guys do. We pile on. And then we jump off and defend our friends. I’m not suggesting that fans unfurl banners supporting Huff on Wednesday. But I don’t see the need to make the jeering a nightly obsession. It’s already gotten tired.

The guy apologized, just let it go already...

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