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It's going to be a dogfight with Toronto and Boston


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It's tough to look at us as anything other than underdogs against the Red Sox and Jays down the stretch.

Their offenses are more well-rounded and less prone to slumps.

Their starting rotations are better.

We are going to have to do the little things very well to finish ahead of these ball clubs down the stretch. We've been a little bit lucky so far.

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Respectfully disagree. All have better pitching than Orioles. Will be in Yankee territory soon unless big moves are made. Just my two cents..

It's always dangerous to judge a team when its in a slump. The hitting will return at some point and we'll win our sure of games, in my opinion.

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It's always dangerous to judge a team when its in a slump. The hitting will return at some point and we'll win our sure of games, in my opinion.

I think we are one of the five best teams in the AL I just don't think we are better than the Sox or Jays.

I will be satisfied with a Wild Card. The Tigers or Indians and the Rangers or the Astros will likely be in competition with us for the second wild card spot. Will be worth following those teams closely come September.

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I think it's going to be a dogfight between us and a wild card.

Unfortunately, as you get into August and September it's really hard to hide flawed starting pitching. You can't win with just Tillman and junk.

So decision to make over next 24+ hours

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Unfortunately, as you get into August and September it's really hard to hide flawed starting pitching. You can't win with just Tillman and junk.

So decision to make over next 24+ hours

This is not a playoff team. Houston and

Boston will get in. I would start a rebuild.

No rebuild, no decision to make. The only question for DD is how much to give up to improve the current club. There is no going back when you have invested this much and you are (at worse) 1.5 games back.

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I'm not worried about Toronto in the coming years. Let them win now, as the next few years they'll be getting pumbled. Saunders, Bautisda and Ecarnacion are gone after this year. All they'll have is Tulowitski and Donaldson, who are good but do better because of the Tornoto lineup. They don't have the farm that could replace these guys is the thing

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I don't think we're in for a 2005 like collapse. I do think this team will make the play offs although the odds are as a wild card. But it is obviously too soon to say the division race is over. Were in a funk now but we'll snap out of it soon.

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Something is wrong with the O's. They are not playing the way they should be. Every possible thing is going wrong at the same time. Pitching sucks, hitting sucks, all kinds of little blunders here and there... and on top of that we're getting some unlucky calls. All the bad mojo in the world is concentrated in this team right now.

Unfortunately, I have tickets to the game on Tuesday. If I didn't, I'd totally just tune out for another week, because it's very statistically unlikely that a team would lose 12+ games in a row (it's happened, but not often, even for terrible teams) so I'd at least get to see them win a game or two before the season's over. :laughlol:

How long has the hitting slump been going on now? 2, 3 weeks? Four?

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