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Buck, Bullpen management and wins


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Brutal managing by Buck tonight.  What is Nuno doing pitching in a tie game in the 8th inning?  We just had a day off and Vidal Nuno pitched the 8th inning of a tie game.  Let that soak in.

Hart has thrown 10 pitches in the last 6 days.  Is he injured?  Is O'Day injured?

Why was Hardy not PH for in the 9th inning with Kim and Davis on the bench?

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Highly questionable bp management here. Hart and O'day must not be available which means there is no reason to be carrying just six relievers. If Nuno is your best option in a 2-2 game in the 8th, you have bullpen issues.

The lack of pinch hitting for Hardy is maddening. Davis, Smith and Kim on the bench and he's batting in the 9th in a one-run game. Ridiculous.

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Just now, Frobby said:

We don't know half of what Buck knows about the physical condition of his guys.    I trust him to make decisions in the long run best interests of his club.  

If the pen has health issues you can't have a 6 man pen. Had Kim or Davis available late and wastes them. 10 day DL, if Darren has an issue or Hart then put them on the DL. 

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His strategery at times really gets on my nerves.  It always seems like Buck is making pitching moves that have a byzantine relationship to tomorrow's game or next week or next month rather than going full out to win the game right in front of you.  It is just how he managed the playoff game in Toronto, like he was saving something for tomorrow. 

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14 minutes ago, Frobby said:

We don't know half of what Buck knows about the physical condition of his guys.    I trust him to make decisions in the long run best interests of his club.  

If they aren't able to pitch, why aren't they on the DL then?

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It is possible one flipping time to ask the manager a strategy question after a game? I mean how hard is it? It is a disservice to any intelligent fan to watch this garbage. I don't expect an intense inquiry but come on.  

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