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Could Cashman be deeking?


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Conspiracy Theory in full swing here.

I was reading an article by Joel Sherman of the NYPost when it hit me what Cashman may be doing. He may be deeking the Angels. Sabathia prefers the Angels, Dodgers or Giants. Cashman is betting that the Giants will not bid up because of Zito. He is hoping the Dodgers won't because they want to spend on Manny. Now if the Angels think the Yankees are out of the Tex bidding then the will concentrate on Tex making the field clear for the Yankees to sign Sabathia.

With Sabathia signed the field changes. Now the Yankees are free to go after Tex. The idea that Cashman is paint right now could be a mirage. He wants Sabathia first. To get him he says they can't sign both Sabathia and Tex. However he has the money for both and for Lowe or Burnett. He just is trying to keep the Angels from thinking that way because then they might come after Sabathia.

He is a portion of Sherman's article. I just take idea a step further:

"Yanks' opening pitch to Sabathia is record-settingby Joel Sherman, New York Post

Updated: November 15, 2008, 7:04 PM EST

The Yanks are not deluding themselves. They know there is a form of bribery going on here. They recognize all things being equal, Sabathia would prefer to be a Dodger, Angel or Giant. So they want to make sure that all things — notably the money — are not equal.

The expectation — despite some posturing — is that the Angels are front-runners to retain Mark Teixeira and the Dodgers to retain Manny Ramirez. That would work to the Yanks' great assistance because it almost certainly would eliminate either team from pursuing Sabathia, too. Even if the Angels and the Dodgers are in on Sabathia, it would seem unlikely either would go where the Yanks are willing to go financially to make a deal with the ace lefty.

So Sabathia probably would have to leave a substantial amount of money on the table to avoid The Bronx, and the Yanks are hoping that the differential will be just too great for Sabathia to reject.

Even while waiting for Sabathia's response, the Yanks also will begin a more serious courtship with Lowe and Burnett. Several sources say Lowe actually tops the Red Sox's wish list, and his familiarity with Boston (he played there from 1997-2004) probably gives the Red Sox an edge in what is expected to be a deep field that also will include the Mets.

The Yanks do not envision that they can sign Sabathia, Lowe and Burnett. Ideally, they see signing Sabathia and either Lowe or Burnett, and then convincing Pettitte to come back on a pretty significant pay cut from the $16 million he earned in 2008.

They currently anticipate that Mike Mussina will retire, but if he changes his mind, that could alter his plans.

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Just MHO, but I don't think Hank is that shrewd nor smart. I think it's more of a caveman offer... hit him over the head with a club, with an offer he can't refuse... because he has a buttload of $$$ to play with.

Edited for clarity... I don't see Cashman driving this...

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Just MHO, but I don't think Hank is that shrewd nor smart. I think it's more of a caveman offer... hit him over the head with a club, with an offer he can't refuse... because he has a buttload of $$$ to play with.

Edited for clarity... I don't see Cashman driving this...

Interesting. It appears to me that Hal and Cashman are the cooler heads and Hank is the impulsive one. The dynamics of the three personalities is fun to watch. I think together Hal and Cashman are keeping Hank in check so far.

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The Dodgers made a token 2/45 offer to Manny. I think that was just to satisfy the fans.

Their main target is CC. The Dodgers have always been a pitching oriented organization and they need to replace two of their starters. Add in Billingsly's newly broken leg and the uncertainty over next years staff incrteases exponentially. CC.

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