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C.C to the Yanks.... does this hurt us?


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We were not in the running for CC, so I could care less where he plays. We are a fifth place team as we stand right now, so losing another 5 games to CC isn't going to change that.

Burnett started slipping through our fingers as soon as Atlanta made him the offer that we refused to match, so for all I care, the MFY can throw $100 million at him as well. They'd be taking one hell of an injury risk, and one that I don't think would pay off.

Now, this SHOULD take the Yanks out of the Tex sweepstakes, which can only be good for us. Hopefully this puts it down to Boston, Anaheim, and the team that NOBODY is talking about...the Orioles. Time will tell, but I really and starting to get on board with the Tex-n-Tek Connection in Baltimore.

So, no, in my opinion, CC going to the Yanks actually HELPS us in our pursuits this offseason.

I have to disagree.With the new stadium, and I can't stress this enough... the NEW stadium since 1923!... and with all the revenue and advantage the MFY's have....

They are pulling out ALL the stops this year. Money is NO THANG! They will sign anyone and everyone they can get their hands on THIS year. I would go so far as to predict them God forbid to win it all in 2009. Cashman and Hank and Hal haven't even started yet! It's Blitzkrieg. It's on!

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I have to disagree.With the new stadium, and I can't stress this enough... the NEW stadium since 1923!... and with all the revenue and advantage the MFY's have....

They are pulling out ALL the stops this year. Money is NO THANG! They will sign anyone and everyone they can get their hands on THIS year. I would go so far as to predict them God forbid to win it all in 2009. Cashman and Hank and Hal haven't even started yet! It's Blitzkrieg. It's on!

Let me say this, and I say this with a heavy heart...IF the Yanks finish the CC deal, and also real in Burnett, Lowe/Sheets, AND Tex, I will turn in my Orioles fan-card for a MFY one. :leaving:

Did anyone hear Roberts yesterday on Scott and Anita? He was "interviewing" his buddy Pedroia (sp?) and said something to the effect of, "If you were the Sox GM at the meetings this week, and along with the Yankees, your plan of course is to win the World Series every year, what move would you make?" Was this a shot at the O's? Shouldn't EVERY team's goal be to win the WS EVERY year? It was quick, and it was subtle, but I got an eary feeling Roberts was shooting on the Orioles there, and probably is beyond frustrated with the 11 losing seasons. Meanwhile, he sees the Yanks throwing money around like its nothing! If he does not extend with us, which is starting to seem more realistic, I predict he is in pinstripes next year.

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I have to disagree.With the new stadium, and I can't stress this enough... the NEW stadium since 1923!... and with all the revenue and advantage the MFY's have....

They are pulling out ALL the stops this year. Money is NO THANG! They will sign anyone and everyone they can get their hands on THIS year. I would go so far as to predict them God forbid to win it all in 2009. Cashman and Hank and Hal haven't even started yet! It's Blitzkrieg. It's on!

I would agree with this. The unfortunate thing is that it really seems like we've left this organization in disarray for so long that it is going to be nearly impossible for us to compete with the money-printing Yankees, the rich and smart Red Sox, and the endless stream of talent the Rays seem to have.

I really hope that MacPhail and Angelos realize that this team will eventually need to spend money to compete and get a heck of a lot better in developing (not just drafting) talent.

This last decade has really been a crippling of this franchise. It now appears that we are headed in the right direction. I just don't know that its EVER going to be enough for us to compete in the AL East.

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Let me say this, and I say this with a heavy heart...IF the Yanks finish the CC deal, and also real in Burnett, Lowe/Sheets, AND Tex, I will turn in my Orioles fan-card for a MFY one. :leaving:

Did anyone hear Roberts yesterday on Scott and Anita? He was "interviewing" his buddy Pedroia (sp?) and said something to the effect of, "If you were the Sox GM at the meetings this week, and along with the Yankees, your plan of course is to win the World Series every year, what move would you make?" Was this a shot at the O's? Shouldn't EVERY team's goal be to win the WS EVERY year? It was quick, and it was subtle, but I got an eary feeling Roberts was shooting on the Orioles there, and probably is beyond frustrated with the 11 losing seasons. Meanwhile, he sees the Yanks throwing money around like its nothing! If he does not extend with us, which is starting to seem more realistic, I predict he is in pinstripes next year.

I would never be a Yankee fan. However, if the MFY's biggest acquisition is Sabathia, the Red Sux's biggest acquisition is Teixeira and our biggest acquisition is Freel... well, let's just say I won't have much reason to watch the team or visit Camden Yards this year.

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I would agree with this. The unfortunate thing is that it really seems like we've left this organization in disarray for so long that it is going to be nearly impossible for us to compete with the money-printing Yankees, the rich and smart Red Sox, and the endless stream of talent the Rays seem to have.

I really hope that MacPhail and Angelos realize that this team will eventually need to spend money to compete and get a heck of a lot better in developing (not just drafting) talent.

This last decade has really been a crippling of this franchise. It now appears that we are headed in the right direction. I just don't know that its EVER going to be enough for us to compete in the AL East.

I actually take some hope from you post, clapdiddy. The damn Rays pulled themselves out of obscurity this year. Beat up on the Red Sox even. They have had some drafting advantages over us, but they still really did the same as we all are hoping. They took a.... wandering... franchise, with some advantages, and made themselves into a sho nuff power. Exactly what AM is working towards. Even if the MFY's buy themselves a championship this year, slow and steady wins the race. ;)

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I would agree with this. The unfortunate thing is that it really seems like we've left this organization in disarray for so long that it is going to be nearly impossible for us to compete with the money-printing Yankees, the rich and smart Red Sox, and the endless stream of talent the Rays seem to have.

I really hope that MacPhail and Angelos realize that this team will eventually need to spend money to compete and get a heck of a lot better in developing (not just drafting) talent.

This last decade has really been a crippling of this franchise. It now appears that we are headed in the right direction. I just don't know that its EVER going to be enough for us to compete in the AL East.

I agree with the bolded part.

You've gotta build the foundation before you buy the penthouse, fellas. This is not the year to go all in, despite Belkast's assertions that Big Pete wants to "win now."

I have my reservations about anything Peter Angelos says or infers after the last 5 years of guarantees and promises. I'm no PGA hater, but he's teased us in the past and frankly any owner who comes out and says, "We're gonna do this and then we're gonna do that" is either full of it or ignorant to reality.

I have learned to just sit back and watch, without getting too emotional either way.

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I look at it this way: the Yankees will be paying CC $23 mm per year to try to win as many games as Mussina won for them last year for $11 mm.

But seriously, does this hurt us? Yes, and when they sign a very strong no. 2 like Burnett or Lowe that's going to hurt us too. The only silver lining here is they are probably out of the Tex hunt.

I look at it this way: there are many teams that have economic advantages over us, but there's only one team that can ALWAYS afford to spend more money on the player they most want than we can, and that's the Yankees. The Red Sox and Angels have big advantages over the Orioles, but if the O's decide that Tex is the once-a-decade free agent they can't miss out on, they can afford to compete with the Sox and Angels that one time.

Back to the Yankees -- they are addressing their pitching, but they may not realize the extent to which their vaunted offense is beginning to crumble. Look at their runs in the "A-Rod era":

2004 897 runs

2005 886 runs

2006 930 runs

2007 968 runs

2008 789 runs

Posada will be 37 this year; Jeter, Damon, and Matsui will be 35. Even A-Rod is 33 and may begin to slow down. Giambi and Abreu are gone and it's unclear who will replace them. So, even if the Yankees fix their pitching, they just aren't the team they were a few years ago.

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I actually take some hope from you post, clapdiddy. The damn Rays pulled themselves out of obscurity this year. Beat up on the Red Sox even. They have had some drafting advantages over us, but they still really did the same as we all are hoping. They took a.... wandering... franchise, with some advantages, and made themselves into a sho nuff power. Exactly what AM is working towards. Even if the MFY's buy themselves a championship this year, slow and steady wins the race. ;)

Well, Tampa is definitely the model we may be shooting for, because it seems very clear that we're not going to compete financially with the Sox and Yanks.

Like you are saying, though, the Rays were able to get the first pick in the draft quite a few times, and they have built almost entirely off their own organization. They've made smart acquisitions like Pena (:angryfire:) and some smart trades.

I'm beginning to think we may be better off not signing Tex, trading Roberts and just continuing the rebuild process.

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I mean... witness this fact... the GM of a major player/team left The Winter Meetings to sign this guy. CC didn't come to them, Cashman went to him.


I heard that Sabathia invited Cashman out to talk to Sabathia's wife and sell her on living in NY. Either way, your point is still valid.

Its really sickening. The Yankees are spending money like its going out of style, yet are asking the public for help to pay for their new stadium. Oh the fans of NY are gonna pay out the you know what for these signings.

I know a lot disagree with this way of thinking, but I don't care how much we improve development, scouting and drafting, we will never compete in the AL east. We can catch the Rays and pass the Jays maybe, but we'll never overtake Bos or NY, never. I mean, we're clamoring for a couple of japanese pitchers, but if these guys were any good, the Yanks or Sox would be all over them, and price us right out of them. Look at Pedroia, he signs a below market deal to stay with a winner. You think Markakis will do that with the O's? Not that I blame him.

I know the O's weren't in on Sabathia, so its no big deal where he signs. But, its just another example that NY and/or Bos always get want they want. And that's never going to change. If we get Teixeira, it will be because Boston let us have him, and they didn't feel they needed him.

Then you got agents telling players where there gonna play. I'm sure Markakis agent has already whispered in Nicks ear the amount he's looking to get by holding off on an extension. Boras is already drooling at getting Bos and NY into a bidding war for Wieters. And I'm only half kidding.

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I agree with the bolded part.

You've gotta build the foundation before you buy the penthouse, fellas. This is not the year to go all in, despite Belkast's assertions that Big Pete wants to "win now."

I have my reservations about anything Peter Angelos says or infers after the last 5 years of guarantees and promises. I'm no PGA hater, but he's teased us in the past and frankly any owner who comes out and says, "We're gonna do this and then we're gonna do that" is either full of it or ignorant to reality.

I have learned to just sit back and watch, without getting too emotional either way.

I agree. At some point, even the die hard fans like ourselves are going to start to fade away when we continue to see we are never willing to go the extra step to make ourselves a winner. Tex going to BOS, NYY, or WAS may be that point.

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The AL East will be an absolute murderer's row the next 2 to 3 seasons.

The Yankees are reloading with Sabathia, and another front line starter. The Yankees pitching will be improved over last season. There is going to be some good free agent hitters good available at bargain basement prices if they want to go that route (Abreu, Milton, Giambi). They've got Hughes and Kennedy to use as trade bait for a hitter like Prince Fielder.

If the Red Sox sign Teixeira, they might have the best hitting in all of major league baseball next season. It's tough to see the Red Sox not winning at least 90 games next season.

The Rays stand to gain a considerable amount by picking up one of those bargain basement free agent hitters, or by trading some of their good starting pitching for some hitting. With all that locked-up, young talent on the upward swing towards their peaks, it is almost a given that the Rays will get better the next two to three years.

The Orioles finished 22-50 against the AL East this season, an abysmal .305 winning percentage against the teams we have to beat to contend. The good news is that our record can't get much worse against the AL East next year. :eek:

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