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Anyone else seen enough of Odor?


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We can be rid of Odor, but it won’t change the fact that our SPs are outmatched every time they take the field.  And we have a bunch of swing happy hitters who can’t get on base.  This team needs a lot of work.  A very, amazingly unlikely, good season this year notwithstanding.

Edited by Emory Eagle
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We are a very flawed team. It’s easy to point to Odor, and want him gone. Not sure I disagree at this point. But, let’s be honest. Before he and Chirinos arrived, this team was much worse. They were awful. Since they arrived, we are a winning team. That is the only metric that really matters, and they have had a huge impact on that.

Vavra is not close to the defender that Odor is, but is he good enough to support him replacing Odor for a much better offensive approach? IDK, maybe he is. If they DFA Odor, will that be an unrecoverable blow for this team in the playoff hunt? IDK. If it might be, should they make that move and take that chance? I wouldn’t want to be that GM. But what do I know. Maybe some of you are right. 

Edited by Jammer7
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9 minutes ago, Jammer7 said:

... and they have had a huge impact on that...

Based on????  Just our overall record and that they happen to be on the team?  Both are terrible with the bat,  and Odor really isn't good in the field either.  Chirinos is OK as a backup catcher, though I'd like one with more offense, but I can live with that.   Other than being a good cheerleader, Odor doesn't bring much to the team.   We can point to the record all we want and claim it's partly due to two sub replacement level players.  I think it much more likely our record would be even better if we had decent players in their place. 

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5 minutes ago, forphase1 said:

Based on????  Just our overall record and that they happen to be on the team?  Both are terrible with the bat,  and Odor really isn't good in the field either.  Chirinos is OK as a backup catcher, though I'd like one with more offense, but I can live with that.   Other than being a good cheerleader, Odor doesn't bring much to the team.   We can point to the record all we want and claim it's partly due to two sub replacement level players.  I think it much more likely our record would be even better if we had decent players in their place. 

Odor has at least three walk off wins by himself. Beside that, many players are being quoted about what a difference these two have made. They lead every day in the preparation the younger guys do. The simple fact is, before they came we were not a winning team. You can say that Adley is the biggest difference maker, and I think that is correct.

Chirinos’ effect on the young pitchers, aside from his pitch framing, has been a very good development. Many on the pitching staff credited him early, along with Bemboom and Holt. Maybe the biggest this he does is keep the guys up and appreciate the opportunity they have before them.

Odor has been huge at 2B next to Mateo. Several times I have seen Odor pulling Mateo aside and teaching him something after a play. They appear to be pretty close. Odor has been a steadying influence and a mentor to Mateo. His offensive stats are pretty hard to justify, and maybe his time has come. But I do believe he is pretty valuable in the clubhouse. They already traded Trey and Lopez, two very popular guys. If they subtract Odor, it may not matter at this point. But it might to a few players like Mateo and Santander.

We have been much better because of them and the impact they have had on their teammates. It’s a team game. The handling of the people side of players matters on winning teams. 

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3 minutes ago, Jammer7 said:

Odor has at least three walk off wins by himself. Beside that, many players are being quoted about what a difference these two have made. They lead every day in the preparation the younger guys do. The simple fact is, before they came we were not a winning team. You can say that Adley is the biggest difference maker, and I think that is correct.

Chirinos’ effect on the young pitchers, aside from his pitch framing, has been a very good development. Many on the pitching staff credited him early, along with Bemboom and Holt. Maybe the biggest this he does is keep the guys up and appreciate the opportunity they have before them.

Odor has been huge at 2B next to Mateo. Several times I have seen Odor pulling Mateo aside and teaching him something after a play. They appear to be pretty close. Odor has been a steadying influence and a mentor to Mateo. His offensive stats are pretty hard to justify, and maybe his time has come. But I do believe he is pretty valuable in the clubhouse. They already traded Trey and Lopez, two very popular guys. If they subtract Odor, it may not matter at this point. But it might to a few players like Mateo and Santander.

We have been much better because of them and the impact they have had on their teammates. It’s a team game. The handling of the people side of players matters on winning teams. 

And in at least 1 of those walk off wins, we were only losing due to his bonehead plays in the field and/or basepaths.  Can't just look at the few times when he has had some big hits without also looking at the times he cost us games.  Heck you could argue today since the came to bat twice, both times needing a big hit as, per usual, he failed.  Does the good offset the bad?  I certainly think not.

And sure players are quoted as saying what a difference they are making.  What else are they going to say 'yeah, that .206 average really gives us a lift in the #7 spot!'?  Often when you hear some stuff about leadership and preparing us better it's often to make an otherwise failing player seem like they are actually pulling their weight.  Again, do you expect a player to tell a reporter about what a black hole that bat is in the lineup, and how they shouldn't even be in the league, even if that's the facts and how the players really feel?  I don't know any ex MLB players, but I do know a few ex NFL players from following my local university, and I know for a fact that in many cases what athletes say in interviews are not even close to how they really think or feel.  I doubt MLB players/coaches are any different.

For the record I'm ok with Chirinos, though again I'd like a better bat.  But I certainly like him more than Severino, and think he's a breath of fresh air at the backstop position.  He has a spot on the team, though if we had another good defense catcher with a hotter bat, then perhaps my tune would be different.  But Odor was a poor signing, it's a bad use of a valuable roster spot, and at MOST he should be a role bit player, and not getting nearly as much playing time as he is.  

Both Odor and Chrinos have been on teams that sucked, both at the same time if I recall.  How can that be if they are so valuable in the clubhouse?!?!?!  And folks claimed we were going to crater after losing the 'heart' of the team in Trey and the closer of our team in Lopez, yet here we still are, right in the thick of things.  Clubhouse presence, the impact folks have on their teammates, etc is WAY overvalued around here at times.  Cutting Odor would only help this team, not send us crashing to the ground because Mateo and Santander are missing their BFF.

You can claim we have been much better because of them.  I claim we are being much better in SPITE of them, and would likely be even better if they had been replaced with more capable players.  While I can't prove you wrong, you certainly can't prove me wrong either.  Likely we will just have to agree to disagree on the real impact, positively or negatively, that having Odor on the team has had.  

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14 hours ago, O's84 said:

Odor is at -0.3 bWAR  (or) 0 fWAR.  He is a bad baseball player, but at the end of the day Elias will make a move when he makes a move.  I can't see Odor being on the team next year at least.

With the talent in the farm system if Odor is even on the roster let alone starting, then accusations against Elias not trying to win are justified. 

Even if they plan to bring Gunnar up in May they can get by temporarily with other players already in the organization. 

Edited by OsFanSinceThe80s
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