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Wednesday afternoon August 30: Orioles try to cap spectacular month with sweep of White Sox


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Just now, Moose Milligan said:


Because if he can get through the 4th and 5th scoreless that saves the bullpen a little bit.

I get that overall this has been a disaster of a start for him but it's not hard to figure out why he's still in there.  You guys are smarter than this.

It is hard to understand this because Tampa is playing .800 ball and losing hurts a lot when it is this close of a race and only 30 games left. We should win with a 4-0 lead

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1 minute ago, Malike said:

Probably because with a 6 man rotation and a shorter bullpen, they need innings from the starter. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't the most important game of the year and it's certainly not "must win". The reality is, we're going to lose a dozen or so more games this season, some against bad teams too.

What a concept.

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Just now, oriolediehard said:

It is hard to understand this because Tampa is playing .800 ball and losing hurts a lot when it is this close of a race and only 30 games left. We should win with a 4-0 lead

You have watched baseball before, right?  You do know that sometimes you're going to lose games you think you should win and vice versa?  And you do realize that hardly anyone plays .800 ball for an extended period of time, right?

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1 minute ago, oriolediehard said:

It is hard to understand this because Tampa is playing .800 ball and losing hurts a lot when it is this close of a race and only 30 games left. We should win with a 4-0 lead

Tampa is playing .667 in August. They've never had a month of playing .800 ball.

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8 minutes ago, Malike said:

Probably because with a 6 man rotation and a shorter bullpen, they need innings from the starter. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't the most important game of the year and it's certainly not "must win". The reality is, we're going to lose a dozen or so more games this season, some against bad teams too.

I'd use up the bullpen.


Off day tomorrow.

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1 minute ago, Malike said:

Probably because with a 6 man rotation and a shorter bullpen, they need innings from the starter. Contrary to popular belief, this isn't the most important game of the year and it's certainly not "must win". The reality is, we're going to lose a dozen or so more games this season, some against bad teams too.

Normally I'd agree.

But with:

  • A day off tomorrow
  • A 14th pitcher being added to the roster the day after tomorrow
  • Voth, the closest thing we have to a "long" man in the pen, is rested
  • The 6 man rotation combined with having an off day every week lately means guys are pitching just once every 7 days so Irvin, who is NOT one of the young arms you are trying to baby along, could come in today and be on full four days rest
  • With the off day you could still have Bradish go Friday on an extra day rest from pitching last Saturday

I think he could have been a little more aggressive in going to the pen.

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