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Would the Orioles consider Trevor Bauer ?

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4 minutes ago, Rbiggs2525 said:

I was for Bauer to start the season. Then I’ve watched a few of his videos this year and he comes across as a pompous ass. Now pitcher is the best position to be that on a team, as it’s somewhat alienated to start with. Hard pass now.

Pompous azz = bad baseball player?

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13 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

What the before or after Taylor Swift took over the NFL?

Yeah don't even get me started on that.   Just another sign of the NFL going the wrong way.

I mean I get why they did it.....$$$$....(the entire relationship is set up and fake btw) but I can't stand it. 

And Kelce.....what a sell out.

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7 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

I’d be nice, too.  Have a friend who played in that league.  On his way to the plate the batter behind him said dead seriously “you better hit or el jefe will have you killed”. 

Haha.   I can believe it.

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8 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

I meant progressive as in “open to new ideas” and not stuck in the past.   We don’t talk much about politics here.  Probably not a good idea although it’s clear that you and SportsGuy almost had a bonding experience over it before he called you a total waste.   That wasn’t nice but I guess it proves that baseball transcends politics around here.   Thank God!    I mean, thank someone or whoever you believe in or don’t believe in.   

All good. 

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1 hour ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

In fact he seems pretty nice to his teammates who are mainly all Mexican players.

Did you see the video of him being very not nice to his Japanese teammates? Or the article posted in this thread with numerous quotes on and off the record about his teammates opinions of him?

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First of all what is this load of crap that he hasn't been found guilty-he was found to have violated the Joint Domestic and Sexual Assault clause in the CBA.  


That's found guilty and was subsequently suspended.  He is the member of the PA with which owners have through a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) agreed to use resources such as arbitration to circumvent the legal system.  His conduct is at issue not his legal situation. 

He was found guilty, he appealed and his sentence was commuted.  What happens in various courts in Ohio, Arizona and California does not matter.

Second-what kind of person does this?

In January 2019, Bauer responded to a female college student who referred to him as her "least favorite person in all of sports" by tweeting at her over the course of 12 hours and encouraging his followers to partake as well.[139]


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2 hours ago, TopGunnar said:

Are you really comparing a guy having rough sex to a serial killer? lol. 

Again, the rough sex myth. The only person out there having sex like that is Ted Bundy. Bauer is out there seemingly choking every woman he encounters out. He’s a sick hombre. He felt bullied in high school, then at UCLA, so now he’s bullying these women and choking them out. 

It’s not Normal. 


Educate yourself on Ted Bundy aka Trevor Bauer. The fanboys that root for a man that wants to take advantage of someone weaker is pathetic. 

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2 hours ago, LookitsPuck said:

It's pretty funny that we have people on here that are 100% willing to look past the 3+ assault allegations. You know, I'm not a fan of looking past these types of things, because there are enough of these jerks in MLB (see: Chapman, Ozuna, etc.). Lord knows these types of people have even held certain very high positions and people still look up to those folks like they're Christ. But I digress.

Why on Earth are these same people willing to look past:

  • Harassing people on social media
  • Throwing teammates under the bus in print and interviews
  • Completely losing cool during games and having various theatrics (happened in Japan, w/ Cleveland, in Cincy, in Arizona)
  • Having his previous catcher routinely saying negative things about Bauer
  • His past manager, one of the classiest in the sports (Tito Francona), having pretty negative things to say about him (behind the scenes and in nuanced interviews)
  • Yelling at HOF players because he's not happy with their defense

And that's not even including all of the drama that will follow him *every single game* and having Rubenstein, the O's, and the team have to deal with it and potentially defend him.

Why? These same people complain about the downfall of society. Well, the downfall of society happens when we keep looking past things like this just because "yeehaw, he can throw a baseball gooder than others". Get over yourselves.

This is a young team with an amazing culture riding high. Tearing it down by bringing in that clown would be a beyond asinine move.

Now I understand - and agree Thank you.  

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1 minute ago, SemperFi said:

Please read, this is the most definitive account as it is not made publicly available


Written 2 years ago.  By the Wash Post.   A VERY left leaning Me Too publication.  And well before at least 2 accusers were shown to be frauding.



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4 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

Written 2 years ago.  By the Wash Post.   A VERY left leaning Me Too publication.  And well before at least 2 accusers were shown to be frauding.



Regardless of the ‘Me Too’ slant you’re weary the journalist put on the piece, the facts are the facts. 

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2 hours ago, LookitsPuck said:

It's pretty funny that we have people on here that are 100% willing to look past the 3+ assault allegations. You know, I'm not a fan of looking past these types of things, because there are enough of these jerks in MLB (see: Chapman, Ozuna, etc.). Lord knows these types of people have even held certain very high positions and people still look up to those folks like they're Christ. But I digress.

Why on Earth are these same people willing to look past:

  • Harassing people on social media
  • Throwing teammates under the bus in print and interviews
  • Completely losing cool during games and having various theatrics (happened in Japan, w/ Cleveland, in Cincy, in Arizona)
  • Having his previous catcher routinely saying negative things about Bauer
  • His past manager, one of the classiest in the sports (Tito Francona), having pretty negative things to say about him (behind the scenes and in nuanced interviews)
  • Yelling at HOF players because he's not happy with their defense

And that's not even including all of the drama that will follow him *every single game* and having Rubenstein, the O's, and the team have to deal with it and potentially defend him.

Why? These same people complain about the downfall of society. Well, the downfall of society happens when we keep looking past things like this just because "yeehaw, he can throw a baseball gooder than others". Get over yourselves.

This is a young team with an amazing culture riding high. Tearing it down by bringing in that clown would be a beyond asinine move.

This is extremely well stated. Thank you!!!

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6 minutes ago, OnlyOneOriole said:

Written 2 years ago.  By the Wash Post.   A VERY left leaning Me Too publication.  And well before at least 2 accusers were shown to be frauding.



Left-leaning really has nothing to do with it.  Not long ago liberal Hollywood, the media, etc. was accused of protecting abusers like Roman Polanski and many others. 

Of course there will always be fraudsters who try to take advantage of celebs.  But if this kind of stuff was merely fraud we would surely be hearing it about a cross section of athletes and celebs.  If this stuff was primarily fraud it's so unlikely it would be so strange and so limited to a single athlete. 

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