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Fire Trembley??


Is it time to fire Trembley  

342 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it time to fire Trembley

    • Yes, fire him immediately
    • No, but don't bring him back next season
    • No, I still have faith in DT and would like to see him back next season

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Tonight sure isn't a ringing endorsement for Trembley, I'll say that for sure.

After a lackluster series in Seattle and a day off, to come out and lay a horrendus egg like this doesn't say much about the mindset of this team.

It could just be "one of those nights", but I'll say this : this team looks like they could care less tonight.

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I figured this was as good a place as any to point out that in my one year of assistant coaching (19 and under Babe Ruth, south side of Chicago) we won the Illinois state championship. Any support I could get to manage the 2010 O's would be greatly appreciated. :)

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Tonight sure isn't a ringing endorsement for Trembley, I'll say that for sure.

After a lackluster series in Seattle and a day off, to come out and lay a horrendus egg like this doesn't say much about the mindset of this team.

It could just be "one of those nights", but I'll say this : this team looks like they could care less tonight.

Guthrie giving up 6 runs and not getting out of the 1st inning undoubtedly had a huge impact tonight.

I said a few weeks ago that DT is on the clock and I consider myself a DT fan. UNlike many here, I don't have a problem with most of his in-game decisions but we just aren't fundamentally sound. We have to find a way to do more of the little things and win our fair share of tight ballgames which is something we haven't done in the DT era. Granted, a lot of that is because of player talent and I'm sure DT and his coaches are stressing fundamentals but the bottom line is that lack of execution ultimately falls on DT. UNless things get real bad he should finish the year but how this team plays the next 4 months should be very crucial in regards to his future.

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Can someone explain to me something Trembley excels at as a manager? Because I've yet to discover anything...

Trembley is good at the following:

-Keeping his team together

-Keeping his players on message

-Managing personalities

-Keeping players responsible

-Working with younger players

Some people might poo-poo all of that but lets face it Perlozzo, Miller, Hargrove, Mazzilli, none of them could do it.

If you don't think that Dave Trembley was instrumental in Roberts and Markakis signing here long-term, then you are crazy.

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Guest rochester

I think my biggest issue with DT going is hiring a new system to be put in place

If you bring someone who wants his "people" then:

Does Kranitz go?



I am not convinced that a change is what we need. Consistency, especially with all of the young arms lining up is a good thing. What happens if we hire another Sam P?

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Trembley is good at the following:

-Keeping his team together

-Keeping his players on message

-Managing personalities

-Keeping players responsible

-Working with younger players

Keeping his team together- I saw a team that quit the last two Septembers, other saw a team with no pitching trying as hard as it could.

Keeping his players on message- Except for the part where the message is fundamental baseball and the O's have been bad at it for his whole tenure.

Keeping players responsible- He doesn't, how often does he pull players for defensive or baserunning gaffes for instance.

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Can someone explain to me something Trembley excels at as a manager? Because I've yet to discover anything...

He communicates well with his players, is able to give insightful answers at press conferences on why he made the decisions he did, prepares himself well for games (knows matchups, status of his players and the other team's players) and contrary to a somewhat popular belief around here, really does set up the best matchup most of the time.

I can guarantee you if Trembley had a better bullpen we'd hear a lot less about his "poor bullpen management."

Like all managers, he's going to make decisions that are going to be questioned by fans and that's fine, it's part of the game, but what it comes down to for me is that I don't see one reason why anyone else would do better with the horses he currently has.

He also is a big part of the new Oriole way being spread througout the entire organization. He's extremely positive, works well with the people around him and absolutely loves the interaction with the fans. Additionally he's got a huge heart and goes to Walter Reed fairly often to see the wounded vets, without any fanfare.

He's a great person, a great leader, and a good in game manager for the most part in my opinion. If anyone can win with the teams he's been given I'd like to see it because starting the year with Eaton, Hendrickson and Simon in a rotation should have told everyone what this season was going to be like.

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I don't think he should be fired now or after this season. But I do think that AM needs to read him the riot act on the hit and run and the overall kamikaze approach to baserunning. I would consider firing him if the O's don't show any improvement in making outs on the bases by the end of the season.

DT's best attribute is that he's willing to put his confidence in a young player. Reimold has been a fixture in LF from the day he was called up; another manager might have been more cautious with him at first. He stuck with Adam Jones last year even when he was struggling mightily at the plate. I'm confident he'll stick with Weiters even if he keeps hitting .150 for another few weeks. He'll let a young starter like Bergesen try to pitch his way out of jams; sometimes it backfires but overall I think it's better to let the young guys sink or swim.

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Communicating with the players is fine. Are they playing better than they

did before Trembley came? I'm not talking W/L record. Has the fundamental

play of this team improved?

Do the players buy into his message? I can't believe Huff thinks he should

be on the front end of these hit and runs.

DT communicates well at press conferences. No to be flippy, but, so what.

Who really cares what DT has to say, or how he says it, other than the writers. Has his handling of the media improved the play of the team?

To me, DTmakes too many game (baserunning) pregame (managing lineup) errors. They also seem to go into funks where they don't hit at all and seem to be listless. Just like alot of the past Oriole teams used to. Will an improved

rotation and bullpen make these things go away?

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I agree their should be a 4th option...keep him through the end of the year, see how we finish and then evaluate him.

No way should he be fired now and no way do I think it is responsible to say he definitely should be back either.

Yep, this is my thought as well. If we have another craptacular August/September, it's time for DT to go, IMO.

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OK... Everyone has had their say as to what DT is doing wrong. The real question that nobody is asking is - is it time for the O's to move on. Hence the poll. 3 answers:

1 - Yes, remove him now.

2 - No, but don't bring him back next season

3 - No, I still have faith in DT and believe he is the correct manager to lead the O's this season and into the future.

I vote to fire Tremblay now because he is not the long term answere here. I see no reason to continue with a guy who is:

-- ranked 24th on the managerial scale

-- often guilty of poor bullpen management

-- largely responsible for a club that continually makes physical and mental errors in the field and plays with little passion or desire

-- shows little or no flexibility with his lineups when players are slumping.

Furthermore, I would like to see Gary Allenson here ASAP because he represents the future. Just my two cents. What's yours????:mad:

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