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O's Getting Serious About Sano?

Lucky Jim

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I saw before a question about the bidding process, I am also interested in how that works, more so, can there be a "bidding war" or is every team just getting one crack at it? Does MLB have rules you have to follow in the bidding process, such as all teams have a 24 hour window to sign from the 1st to the 2nd?

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One team usually trumps the other with money

True enough, but I guess I'm asking what else is important to him.

For me, I'd have a tough time signing with a down franchise. Then again, it could be a challenge to help be the "guy" to help turn around a franchise like that.

Things of that nature.

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I saw before a question about the bidding process, I am also interested in how that works, more so, can there be a "bidding war" or is every team just getting one crack at it? Does MLB have rules you have to follow in the bidding process, such as all teams have a 24 hour window to sign from the 1st to the 2nd?

I said I would talk about that after he signs

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Even if we do sign him, the odds of Roberts and Sano playing on the same team are slim. The odds of Scott and Sano playing together are probably even slimmer. Really, even making line-ups of what our team is going to look like with Sano doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Didn't they say he is about 3 years from breaking into the Bigs? Our team is built for the future not for now...

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True enough, but I guess I'm asking what else is important to him.

For me, I'd have a tough time signing with a down franchise. Then again, it could be a challenge to help be the "guy" to help turn around a franchise like that.

Things of that nature.

Considering he's only 16 I am going to do what I think is in his best interests while consulting with his coach.

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Sano is being investigated by MLB according to ESPN's Jose Arangure Jr.

Major League Baseball investigators are looking into irregularities as to whether Dominican shortstop prospect Miguel Angel Sano might have altered his age, according to two sources close to the situation.

During MLB's age investigation, which was ordered by the Minnesota Twins, investigators found that Sano's mother had a child, born after Sano, that had died at birth. Investigators are trying to determine whether Sano used that child's identity in order to appear younger.

Arangure Jr. goes on to say that Sano will sign with the Pirates or Twins.

Age falsification carries a 1 year ban from MLB if he is found to be lying about his age. Hopefully everything checks out.

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True enough, but I guess I'm asking what else is important to him.

For me, I'd have a tough time signing with a down franchise. Then again, it could be a challenge to help be the "guy" to help turn around a franchise like that.

Things of that nature.

Not sure a 16 year old thinks along these lines! :scratchchinhmm:

JTrea's latest post is troubling to say the least!

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Sano is being investigated by MLB according to ESPN's Jose Arangure Jr.

Arangure Jr. goes on to say that Sano will sign with the Pirates or Twins.

Age falsification carries a 1 year ban from MLB if he is found to be lying about his age. Hopefully everything checks out.

Didn't he have a bone graft or some medical verification of his age?

In any case, how old could he be? Unless he's like 25 does it really matter?

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Age falsification carries a 1 year ban from MLB if he is found to be lying about his age.

Is that why Tejada hasn't played in the last year? Or does this only apply before you reach the majors? Or is it a new rule that older players were grandfathered (no pun intended) in?

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