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Tonight I have lost all hope.


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Like I said above, it depends on how much they could eat. If they wanted little back, I'd take the whole thing, yes.

It's only 1 year and a month really as he's already recieved some of that $20 million.

He's owed 15 mil next year and probably close to 4 the rest of this year. I wouldn't take that on. I might take take on half and a mid level prospect for him but I'd probably just wait for Betemit at this point. I'd have also taken a shot at Reynolds until Betemit gets here.

Besides a possible slow bat, the shifts have really eaten into Dunn's babip. That won't improve.

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Well it has to be somebody not on the 40 man roster most likely so that eliminates some options.

I'd be willing to trade one of ERod, Wright, Walker, Marin or Ohlman however. Two of them if the White Sox eat some $.

As you've proven time and time again over the years your baseball acumen is extremely poor. If we'd followed your suggestions over the last 5 years we'd still be perennial losers.

Say it one time for me: "Andy MacPhail is my daddy. He's forgotten more about baseball than I'll ever know. My baseball knowledge could be contained within Jim Presley's fingernail."

Until you admit those things to yourself you're just a deranged lunatic trolling for attention.

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As you've proven time and time again over the years your baseball acumen is extremely poor. If we'd followed your suggestions over the last 5 years we'd still be perennial losers.

Say it one time for me: "Andy MacPhail is my daddy. He's forgotten more about baseball than I'll ever know. My baseball knowledge could be contained within Jim Presley's fingernail."

Until you admit those things to yourself you're just a deranged lunatic trolling for attention.

One does not have to be in lockstep with the GM and hitting coach to be a fan of this team or a poster on this board.

We all want to see the Orioles win, and it's OK to have different ideas on how to get there.

The Orioles made the playoffs last season. Now the goal was to get to the World Series and win it, or at least it should have been, however the same cast of players returned - some improved, some regressed, and the team is no better than it was last year while other teams like Kansas City, Cleveland and Boston did improve. Duquette tried to make up for his inaction by deadline moves, but the reinforcements he needs are much harder to come by and more expensive than they were in the offseason. At best the moves he made kept the Orioles from falling out of the race.

That doesn't mean the Orioles should just continue to do nothing however. Changes can be made that don't include firing the hitting coach as I've already listed.

The team is too close not to make every effort to go for it.

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How can you let the only good hitter in the opposing line up get the game tying and walk off game winning homer on consecutive at bats.

The O's pitchers lead the majors in HR's allowed by a huge margin, and sorry Wieters lovers some of that is clearly on him

Last year the O's should have traded Jim Johnson for a #5 starter or a 2B or a DH, now they will get nothing.

This offseason they should trade Matt Wieters...

but they won't

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Well it has to be somebody not on the 40 man roster most likely so that eliminates some options.

I'd be willing to trade one of ERod, Wright, Walker, Marin or Ohlman however. Two of them if the White Sox eat some $.

Not sure how much more young talent I want to see the Orioles trade away this summer in the hopes (and it's a big maybe at this point) of getting into a 1 game wildcard playoff game.

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How can you let the only good hitter in the opposing line up get the game tying and walk off game winning homer on consecutive at bats.

The O's pitchers lead the majors in HR's allowed by a huge margin, and sorry Wieters lovers some of that is clearly on him

Last year the O's should have traded Jim Johnson for a #5 starter or a 2B or a DH, now they will get nothing.

This offseason they should trade Matt Wieters...

but they won't

It is up to the pitchers not Matt Wieters. Pitch calling as I said many times is overrated. I don't like Buck praising Wieters when they have a well pitched game. Four of the last five years the Orioles have had the worst or near the worst ERA in the majors. Wieters goes to a good pitching staff like the Dodgers and he is a great pitch caller. Was Jim Johnson pitching to Wieters last year?

The Orioles have played .500 ball since July 1st. They have a poor ERA even with a great defense. Without Davis this team would probably be below .500. But still they go on a hot streak next week against Tampa and Oakland and they have a decent shot at the wild card.

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Just imagine where this team would be if Manny and Davis weren't all world in first half of season destroying opposing pitching each in their own way.

Looks like a 93 win team a year ago who lost a few pieces, didn't replace them and are destined to be a 85-88 win team this year. Imagine that.

I am sure this offseason, while we sit on our hands again while our owner is stashing money, the apologists will come out of the woodwork and tell us all how dumb we are for wanting to upgrade the team via FA. All overpaid, none worth it, build from within...blah blah blah. Heard it all before.

That might work in some other divisions but not the AL East. We are playing with the big boys, who will use every resource possible to put a winner on the field. Novel concept.

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Our bullpen was the difference maker last year, this year its part of the problem. I think its still way too early to say the season is lost, hell Tampa would be happy to take our two tough losses vs their 6 in a row. We just really need to get our bullpen dialed in. We have more blown saves right now(20) then we had all of last year.

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Just imagine where this team would be if Manny and Davis weren't all world in first half of season destroying opposing pitching each in their own way.

Looks like a 93 win team a year ago who lost a few pieces, didn't replace them and are destined to be a 85-88 win team this year. Imagine that.

I am sure this offseason, while we sit on our hands again while our owner is stashing money, the apologists will come out of the woodwork and tell us all how dumb we are for wanting to upgrade the team via FA. All overpaid, none worth it, build from within...blah blah blah. Heard it all before.

That might work in some other divisions but not the AL East. We are playing with the big boys, who will use every resource possible to put a winner on the field. Novel concept.

Doesn't work in the AL East with the big boys, huh? Tampa must be really lucky every season then.

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    • I haven’t looked at his innings closely but I could see McDermott being tried as a reliever late in the season.  
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