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Jimenez getting booed on Sunday.


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I also don't like booing any Oriole who is giving an honest effort. That said, I undertand the fans' frustration. When you are ahead by 7 runs in the 9th inning, you really should be able to throw some strikes. I'd rather have seen Ubaldo give up three home runs than walk three guys in that situation.

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I also don't like booing any Oriole who is giving an honest effort. That said, I undertand the fans' frustration. When you are ahead by 7 runs in the 9th inning, you really should be able to throw some strikes. I'd rather have seen Ubaldo give up three home runs than walk three guys in that situation.

When I played it was really frustrating and I can't imagine it's changed very much for the guys out there playing behind him.

We used to have a saying when guys couldn't throw strikes if we were ahead especially if we had just scored some runs in the previous inning to put us in front. We'd yell in, "Come on, pitch with a lead." In other words, just throw strikes. If they hit it at least we'll have something to do.

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I was there. 12 rows behind the Orioles dugout. I HATE it when we boo our own. I don't care how much money he's making. We want him to succeed. Just like I hated when Jim Johnson got booed, and Kevin Gregg. I just can't understand why we would do that. Do we think that rattling our already rattled pitcher will make him better? He would not have been booed in Memorial Stadium.

I can honestly say that I was the only person standing and clapping for him on his way back to the dugout. Yes, I want a cookie.


I tell you buddy, I love ya, but you are the guy I don't get. I totally understand not wanting to boo and I don't boo Orioles. However, for the life of me, I don't understand how anyone can give a standing ovation to guy who just sucked up the joint. To me, it cheapens a real standing ovation. I get giving the guy a polite clap (though I just do nothing when they are terrible), but why stand up and give the guy a standing ovation? What did he do to deserve a standing ovation?

Honestly, if I were a player, I'd be pissed off if someone gave me a standing ovation when I stunk. I'd be like, "I did nothing to deserve that!"

When I watched my son wrestle over the years, I was there in his wins and his loses. But i certainly didn't stand up and give him a standing ovation when he had a less than stellar performance. In fact, had I done it, he probably would have been embarrassed and pissed.

In my opinion, it's ok to say, "Didn't have it today buddy, go get'em next time." But I'm not going to celebrate his failure with the same thing I would do if a guy hit a walkoff home run or threw a no-hitter.

Just my take! To each is own though.

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I tell you buddy, I love ya, but you are the guy I don't get. I totally understand not wanting to boo and I don't boo Orioles. However, for the life of me, I don't understand how anyone can give a standing ovation to guy who just sucked up the joint. To me, it cheapens a real standing ovation. I get giving the guy a polite clap (though I just do nothing when they are terrible), but why stand up and give the guy a standing ovation? What did he do to deserve a standing ovation?

Honestly, if I were a player, I'd be pissed off if someone gave me a standing ovation when I stunk. I'd be like, "I did nothing to deserve that!"

When I watched my son wrestle over the years, I was there in his wins and his loses. But i certainly didn't stand up and give him a standing ovation when he had a less than stellar performance. In fact, had I done it, he probably would have been embarrassed and pissed.

In my opinion, it's ok to say, "Didn't have it today buddy, go get'em next time." But I'm not going to celebrate his failure with the same thing I would do if a guy hit a walkoff home run or threw a no-hitter.

Just my take! To each is own though.

Don't feel bad, my wife still hasn't figured me out. I'm just too nice sometimes, and I know it, but I just felt bad for the guy. I get really angry when one of our guys gets booed by our own. I take it personally, it's just my nature. But, you've got a very valid point that I didn't think about, and I always appreciate your take.

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The chances are low at this point that he'll make it but I am still rooting for Ubaldo to make the postseason roster and offer some contributions in October, both so that he can have some personal redemption with the fans and so that he can build some momentum into hopefully being a more valuable SP next year.

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Ubaldo was a bargain, because he is erratic. We have certainly not gotten very much of the "good" Ubaldo, but I am still glad we have him and will continue to pull for him as he has tremendous upside.

I for one am actually pretty pleased with how he has handled himself this year. Not for his performance, per se, but in addition to not being very good for us he has also been pretty unlucky. However, through all of that he seems to have a pretty damn good attitude and desire to "earn" his contract. Will he? I have no idea, but count me as one of the folks who will continue to pull for him as we can use the good "Ubaldo" when he get's it together. This year or next.

Still happy to have him, and still pulling for him.

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I'm a nice person too, where's my $52 million?

He brings nothing to the table and may prevent us from resigning useful players. He's going to get playing time because of his contract. Showalter emphasizes not taking things for granted and he dislikes entitled players and this guy is entitled to a roster spot because he is wasting so much money. Double whammy of bad news.

And yeah, he didn't ask for it, it's not his fault etc. So what? I'm not going to boo him but if you are going to boo a player for baseball reasons this is basically it.

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Maybe I'm crazy, but I still believe in Ubaldo. I don't think lack of effort is an issue so I wouldn't personally boo.

Still think he has some good times ahead with the O's. If not this year than in the future.

I agree. I also think booing is fine. It's part of sports. Being an obnoxious drunk is what often blurs the line.

I remember booing at the top of my lungs when Trembley (I think it was) kept bringing in Baez. Dear lord was he awful. That made my blood boil.

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I can honestly say that I was the only person standing and clapping for him on his way back to the dugout.

Not sure you are in the clear, Snutchy. He probably thought you were being sarcastic.

You weren't slow clapping were you? I don't think UJ's psyche could've taken that.

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I booed Mark Reynolds all the time. It wasn't really directed at him more at Buck for keep putting him in the field. I wouldn't Boo Jiminez as he is doing mop up duty... The team realizes he hurts the club when he starts.

Do you remember the posters on here saying game after game "but the larger sample size with Reynolds says he can sY there":)

Oh SaBR metrics, no need to even watch baseball they think:)

Reynolds was so very awful. I can see why you booed.

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