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Duquette wants to leave. Sure Angelos could drop the matter and just hold DD to his contract. But can he really?

Dan would like the job. The prestige, the 5x money, everything. He has one that he wants to keep. If he is not able to take the BIG job. Dan never asked to leave Baltimore for any reason other than to take the job he was tampered with for. He should never even know the job exists. It's a big deal.

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My guess now is this will end before fanfest, likely with Dan gone.

Ed Encina said as much this morning on MLB Radio, though he added that his guess at the eventual outcome changes every 24 hours or so. But, either way, it should be over before Fanfest.

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IMO Dan is hand cuffed in what he can say and how that will come off. Kenny Williams has the benefit of an owner willing to talk about the great relationship he has with Beeston, and who is not as *****ly as Angelos. Angelos may lack tact here, do what can Dan say other than what he has?

I do not fault Dan one bit.


All he has to do is release something to the effect of "I love working for the Baltimore Orioles. I have a four year contract, and I believe in honoring contracts and you can count on me leading the Baltimore Orioles for the next four years. Period, end of story. Thank you."

That addresses nothing with regard to the Blue Jays, tampering, or whatever.

Instead he says he will talk about it when it's appropriate. Translation - "it's entirely to my benefit to keep quiet and let this play out."

He's letting a fanbase, his coworkers, and employees twist in the wind. Screw him, don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you..,

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Yeah Dan's a bum for wanting a job that pays more and gives him more authority. How dare he. And he's an even bigger bum for not lying to the press immediately and saying he wasn't interested when he was. :rolleyestf:

Duquette will be acting as a GM wait and see. Beeston isn't leaving IMO. They needed to create the illusion that the job was a promotion. I don't believe it actually is an Rogers is a liar.

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Dan can not control what reporters are willing to tweet/write. They can say whatever they want and need to, nature of their business and they can justify it because "sources" or "news worthy". Especially those on Twitter or tv.

Dan has an important job with us. He wants the best for himself. That may mean Toronto, despite the dysfunction (someplace he can bring order to).

IMO Dan is hand cuffed in what he can say and how that will come off. Kenny Williams has the benefit of an owner willing to talk about the great relationship he has with Beeston, and who is not as *****ly as Angelos. Angelos may lack tact here, do what can Dan say other than what he has?

I do not fault Dan one bit.

I can see why Toronto needs him, actually. More than us. End this by getting compensated for DD or by securing Dan with a promotion. The latter is not possible from an org standpoint, but that would be the only way the team and DD can make it look like everyone is hunky dory in Baltimore. Since that can't/won't happen, next best thing is to get compensated for damages.

Kudus again to the Toronto Sun writer for being the one to illuminate what's happened. Certainly paints a different picture than what certain tweets imply.

Dan Duquette has not publicly stated that he would like to take the Toronto job. Yet it is widely reported that he does want the job and that there is tension in the Orioles clubhouse as a result.

Come on, put two and two together here. It is obvious that Dan has directly or indirectly leaked his interest in the Toronto job to the media. He is not blameless.

The difference between the Orioles and the White Sox situation is that Kenny Williams was apparently not that interested in the Toronto job, even though he seems to have been Ed Rogers' first choice.

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Dan Duquette has not publicly stated that he would like to take the Toronto job. Yet it is widely reported that he does want the job and that there is tension in the Orioles clubhouse as a result.

Come on, put two and two together here. It is obvious that Dan has directly or indirectly leaked his interest in the Toronto job to the media. He is not blameless.

The difference between the Orioles and the White Sox situation is that Kenny Williams was apparently not that interested in the Toronto job, even though he seems to have been Ed Rogers' first choice.

This is not true. As was reported at the time, Williams actually considered quitting his job with the White Sox over their refusal to grant the Blue Jays permission to talk to him. After talking with Reinsdorf, he backed off - no doubt because he realized that if he quit, he still couldn't take the Toronto job during the term of his White Sox contract.

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This is not true. As was reported at the time, Williams actually considered quitting his job with the White Sox over their refusal to grant the Blue Jays permission to talk to him. After talking with Reinsdorf, he backed off - no doubt because he realized that if he quit, he still couldn't take the Toronto job during the term of his White Sox contract.

Absolutely. We don't know what Jerry may have done to sooth that. And certainly won't while Beeston is still in Toronto.

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Dan Duquette has not publicly stated that he would like to take the Toronto job. Yet it is widely reported that he does want the job and that there is tension in the Orioles clubhouse as a result.

Come on, put two and two together here. It is obvious that Dan has directly or indirectly leaked his interest in the Toronto job to the media. He is not blameless.

The difference between the Orioles and the White Sox situation is that Kenny Williams was apparently not that interested in the Toronto job, even though he seems to have been Ed Rogers' first choice.

It has been leaked that Dan has spoke with Peter Angelos about this. On more than one occasion. Not by Dan. The interest leak came from the other side. As we all know.

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I don't feel superior to anyone because of the sports teams I root for. How did you get that out of what I said. I was just pointing out that your statement about the Orioles being out of the playoffs longer than the Jays prior to our recent trips was incorrect.

You didn't say that, but others in the thread did. Didn't mean to imply that was you, sorry.

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There's still more than one piece to this. Yes, Toronto was terribly clumsy about this, and maybe the word tampering is appropriate. We can all agree Ed Rogers is an oaf and Paul Beeston has been treated miserably.

Still, this remains a story because Dan Duquette apparently wants the job enough where he didn't help Angelos to kill the story dead. Just look at how Chicago was able to shut this down pretty quickly compared to how things have dragged on in Baltimore. That's on Dan. Angelos was crystal clear regarding how he feels about wanting Dan to stay. It's Dan who has allowed this to fester.


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