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Reimold could make an impact if healthy


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OK with the move. But I am really not part of the Reimold obsession noted with some Orioles fans. Hope he performs and stays healthy.

I am one of those who is proud to say, I <3 Nolan.

Also, just because this was obviously one of the greatest baseball moments, let's take this smalll excuse to relive Nolan's participation:

<iframe src='http://m.mlb.com/shared/video/embed/embed.html?content_id=20400591&topic_id=26338934&width=400&height=224&property=mlb' width='400' height='224' frameborder='0'>Your browser does not support iframes.</iframe>

Excited to see him back with the team! However, it would be seem pretty poor planning if Snider or Lough is the one dropped from the team. Considering they could be lost if sent down, they are both under contract beyond this year, and our LF/RF is equally uncertain for 2016 as it is today.

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Also, don't let me down Nolan. I put some of the very little cred I have on the line for you.

I feel like you and I have been the president and vice president of the Reimold fan club through the roller coaster years.

As for this move, I'm ecstatic. I still think he could be another Bautista/Ibanez who breaks out in his 30s after everyone has dismissed him. He still had a great eye and plenty of power. Don't let me down Nolan. Not again...

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If someone goes it will be Lough. A team that needs offense isn't going to keep Lough over Snider.

Does Pedro Borbon have any options left?

This would be my guess based on nothing but the look Buck gave him after the botched hit-and-run. The De Aza look. It's not good to get that look from Buck.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/CamdenFanatic">@CamdenFanatic</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/OriolesHangout">@OriolesHangout</a> yeah I was told full but think that's wrong</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">June 8, 2015</a></blockquote>

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There's a cut off date when they have to inquire of the other ML teams if they want Nolan on their 25 man. I imagine they are taking a look at him to see if they want to keep him for themselves. I suppose Lough is the odd man out. A trade would be a better way to go.

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I am one of those who is proud to say, I <3 Nolan.

Also, just because this was obviously one of the greatest baseball moments, let's take this smalll excuse to relive Nolan's participation:

<iframe src='http://m.mlb.com/shared/video/embed/embed.html?content_id=20400591&topic_id=26338934&width=400&height=224&property=mlb' width='400' height='224' frameborder='0'>Your browser does not support iframes.</iframe>

Excited to see him back with the team! However, it would be seem pretty poor planning if Snider or Lough is the one dropped from the team. Considering they could be lost if sent down, they are both under contract beyond this year, and our LF/RF is equally uncertain for 2016 as it is today.

People forget Nolan was the one who tied it up. I'm ready to buy a Nolan jersey. I have a strange man crush on this dude. Don't let us down No. Claim the job Brother!

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People forget Nolan was the one who tied it up. I'm ready to buy a Nolan jersey. I have a strange man crush on this dude. Don't let us down No. Claim the job Brother!

I forget. Were you there to see this?

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I'm hoping a brief AAA hot streak has nothing to do with calling him up. He's 31 and he's OPS'd in the low .700s since his rookie year.

DFA Lough makes no sense to me. I think it will be Snider.

I don't see why it makes sense to dump a:

- healthy, 27-year-old, defensively okay corner outfielder with some plate discipline who hasn't been hitting for power in the Majors.

to bring up a:

- historically injury-prone 31-year-old defensively poor corner outfielder with some plate discipline who hasn't been hitting for power in AAA.

Lough has been a complete BUST. If backing up CF is the only thing keeping him on the roster (which I believe it is) then that makes zero sense. If Jones goes down mid-game then you bite the bullet and play one of the other guys in center and call up Borbon for the next game if need be. Keeping Lough on the roster just for this contingency (and at the risk of losing a more valuable player on a waiver claim) is ridiculous. The guy is 29 years old now... he is what he is, and that's not an MLB caliber player.

He's certainly been more valuable over his roughly one season's of MLB ABs than a lot of other guys who've been on and will continue to be on MLB rosters.

I'd certainly vote for Lough to go. I never wanted him in the first place and don't understand why anyone does. That's cool though, I've always supported Flash and people don't like him. Guess we all have an underdog we root for.

I like players who have skills that can be leveraged into advantages. Lough plays plus defense, that's a good thing. The only thing I can figure out Reimold does is have fairly good plate discipline to go along with not a whole lot else.<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="display: none;"></iframe>

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I'm hoping a brief AAA hot streak has nothing to do with calling him up. He's 31 and he's OPS'd in the low .700s since his rookie year.

I don't see why it makes sense to dump a:

- healthy, 27-year-old, defensively okay corner outfielder with some plate discipline who hasn't been hitting for power in the Majors.

to bring up a:

- historically injury-prone 31-year-old defensively poor corner outfielder with some plate discipline who hasn't been hitting for power in AAA.

He's certainly been more valuable over his roughly one season's of MLB ABs than a lot of other guys who've been on and will continue to be on MLB rosters.

I like players who have skills that can be leveraged into advantages. Lough plays plus defense, that's a good thing. The only thing I can figure out Reimold does is have fairly good plate discipline to go along with not a whole lot else.<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="display: none;"></iframe>

I think it is Cabral or McFarland. For now.

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I think it is Cabral or McFarland. Fo now.

That's better. But the outfield/DH is getting kind of crowded. Both Young's and Reimold's best position is DH against lefties.<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="display: none;"></iframe>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/CamdenFanatic">@CamdenFanatic</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/OriolesHangout">@OriolesHangout</a> yeah I was told full but think that's wrong</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="
">June 8, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Upon further review, <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a> have open spot on 40 man for Reimold tomorrow. So that part is easy.</p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">June 8, 2015</a></blockquote>

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