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Despite Ubaldo today, if feel good about the rotation


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Make that "I feel good"


Here's why:

1) Tillman looks more like the 2014 version than the 2015 version

2) Wilson looks legit and is just starting to get stretched out

3) Gausman- Just getting stretched out and looks more well rounded than last year, "stuff" wise that is. He will develop more confidence in his secondary pitches, and when that happens, Good Night.

4) Wright looks more mature. You can't teach how fast a young pithcer matures, but he seems more in control of his emtions on the mound so far.

5) Ubaldo is what he is and I've accepted that. At least there are more options to go to this year should he get pulled early

And it's only April. We'll see how things work out, but I think there's more reason to see the the glass as half full than half empty, which is what we had to start the year.


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Gausman is the key, man. They key to our hearts.

But yeah I am pleasantly surprised with what Tillman has shown and that's a fairly good 1-2. Ubaldo did have one of those days and I still think he ends ends up around .500 with an ERA in the 4s given the defense (Hardy - knock on wood) and bullpen.

If the Orioles really want to make the playoffs though, I believe they need to acquire one more starting pitcher in-season, somehow.

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Gausman is the key, man. They key to our hearts.

But yeah I am pleasantly surprised with what Tillman has shown and that's a fairly good 1-2. Ubaldo did have one of those days and I still think he ends ends up around .500 with an ERA in the 4s given the defense (Hardy - knock on wood) and bullpen.

If the Orioles really want to make the playoffs though, I believe they need to acquire one more starting pitcher in-season, somehow.

Don't worry, DD will get it done. Now that he has forfeited the 14th pick for an injured Gallardo--an injury that they knew was possible, and failed to wrap up Fowler--who is off to a great start--he will find a way to get us a Scott Feldman type starter. Hopefully, this time it won't cost us a future ace.

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Ubaldo had one of those days. It happens with every pitcher. And as you said, it's only April. I'm sure that Ramon Martinez will have a few words with Ubaldo concerning his start today.

Yeah, I hope those words are,"Let's have a talk about all your moving parts. Again. Why don't you join Dom and I down in the pen to discuss it." In Espanol of course.

And yes, I know it's not happening.

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Man, Ubaldo has been such a disappointment.

2014- 125.1 IP, 4.81 ERA, 1.516 WHIP

2015- 184 IP, 4.11 ERA, 1.359 WHIP

2016- 27 IP, 5.20 ERA, 1.699 WHIP

Very frustrating. He has simply not been worth the money. Not even in 2015.

Look at that WHIP! Holy Cow! It's not the cheap hits either, that happens from time to time with everyone. It's the combination of any hit with all the walks. Too many base runners. And when they get on he's terrible at keeping them from running wild.

I seriously hope he puts together a few nice starts and then unload him. I hate watching him pitch. I actually tell the guys I work with not to watch him, an example of what not to do.

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Look at that WHIP! Holy Cow! It's not the cheap hits either, that happens from time to time with everyone. It's the combination of any hit with all the walks. Too many base runners. And when they get on he's terrible at keeping them from running wild.

I seriously hope he puts together a few nice starts and then unload him. I hate watching him pitch. I actually tell the guys I work with not to watch him, an example of what not to do.

I can see that you're a proud member of the Ubaldo Jimenez Fan Club. :smile11:
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Yeah, I hope those words are,"Let's have a talk about all your moving parts. Again. Why don't you join Dom and I down in the pen to discuss it." In Espanol of course.

And yes, I know it's not happening.

I believe that a similar scenario will happen, during a bullpen workout. It's what needs to happen.
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Ubaldo: Horrible control. WHIP has been fluctuating over the last few years in the red area. He can't hold runners on-base (runners HE keeps putting there).

It's time to move on. Yea, easy for me to say.. but deep down, you know it's true.

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Ubaldo: Horrible control. WHIP has been fluctuating over the last few years in the red area. He can't hold runners on-base (runners HE keeps putting there).

It's time to move on. Yea, easy for me to say.. but deep down, you know it's true.

They won't eat his contract.

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Make that "I feel good"


Here's why:

1) Tillman looks more like the 2014 version than the 2015 version

2) Wilson looks legit and is just starting to get stretched out

3) Gausman- Just getting stretched out and looks more well rounded than last year, "stuff" wise that is. He will develop more confidence in his secondary pitches, and when that happens, Good Night.

4) Wright looks more mature. You can't teach how fast a young pithcer matures, but he seems more in control of his emtions on the mound so far.

5) Ubaldo is what he is and I've accepted that. At least there are more options to go to this year should he get pulled early

And it's only April. We'll see how things work out, but I think there's more reason to see the the glass as half full than half empty, which is what we had to start the year.


There are options, including Worley or McFarland, whom I was impressed by in his relief appearance when he went 5 innings. Either of those two would be appreciably better than suffering through a Jimenez outing. It's maddening because his stuff can be electric. I don't get the decision to let him revert back to his old mechanics after he had simplified a couple things in his delivery and had a nice run.

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They won't eat his contract.
I understand what you're saying... and agree half-heartedly. You still can't keep trotting him out there every 4th or 5th day at this point.

If it doesn't getting better quickly, can you honestly risk the whole off-season signings, money spent for THIS year, all in hopes he's going to turn it all around again?

It's a dilemma I wouldn't want to be facing, as a GM or manager. Hard decisions have to be made, for the best interest of the team.

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