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PED Suspensions Coming


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He's taking cough syrup, not enhancing his performance, and he's a kid from the DR where the drug regulations are lax. When you buy an over the counter product at Rite Aid do you always know what's in it?

I am pretty sure a professional baseball player can find Tylenol to treat the flu, even in the DR.

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Major League baseball isn't played in the Dominican Republic, it's played in the United States and Canada. DR culture has no bearing whatsoever on rules designed to prohibit PED use in the United States and Canada. What does DR culture have to do with anything? Are we supposed to have a different set of rules for "kids" from the DR? Including kid who are the offspring of former MLB All-Stars?
He bought the medication in the DR. assumed it was OK. He probably couldn't in the US though I don't really know. If the MLB is so worried about PED's they should have pharmacies in every club house so players could only get drigs that were approved. It's absurd. Actually if they were truly serious they would hold the teams responsible because most trainers have a pretty good idea of what's going on and so do most front offices. If there were stiff penalties to clubs it would go away pretty quickly IMO.
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He bought the medication in the DR. assumed it was OK. He probably couldn't in the US though I don't really know. If the MLB is so worried about PED's they should have pharmacies in every club house so players could only get drigs that were approved. It's absurd. Actually if they were truly serious they would hold the teams responsible because most trainers have a pretty good idea of what's going on and so do most front offices. If there were stiff penalties to clubs it would go away pretty quickly IMO.

I agree with holding teams responsible too.

Don't agree he should assume anything and most likely is educated enough to know better.

Meds in the club house do nothing to solve the problem when the players are not there.

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He bought the medication in the DR. assumed it was OK. He probably couldn't in the US though I don't really know. If the MLB is so worried about PED's they should have pharmacies in every club house so players could only get drigs that were approved. It's absurd. Actually if they were truly serious they would hold the teams responsible because most trainers have a pretty good idea of what's going on and so do most front offices. If there were stiff penalties to clubs it would go away pretty quickly IMO.

Nothing safer than an assumption, right?

The burden is not on the clubs nor could it be in any practical sense. To think that medical opinions are not available to players in an environment where PED's have been unequivocally banned for a decade is simply not credible. The notion that clubs should have their own pharmacies on the off-chance that a player might inadvertently stray is ludicrous, but providing an option for them to make a phone call to someone knowledgeable isn't. I would be surprised if that service hasn't been available for a very long time. It would be a very short-sighted agent indeed who didn't recognize the benefits of that arrangement regardless of a club's position on the matter.

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I agree with holding teams responsible too.

Don't agree he should assume anything and most likely is educated enough to know better.

Meds in the club house do nothing to solve the problem when the players are not there.

How educated are you about the drugs you buy over the counter? If they were required to get there meds only form the club pharmacy, like I do from my clinic pharmacy, then no.
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Have you ever visited the DR, it's a very different world from yours.

And Tennessee is a very different world from yours. That doesn't mean I suffer unaccountable (but nonetheless welcome) muscle growth every time I come down with bronchitis.

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Nothing safer than an assumption, right?

The burden is not on the clubs nor could it be in any practical sense. To think that medical opinions are not available to players in an environment where PED's have been unequivocally banned for a decade is simply not credible. The notion that clubs should have their own pharmacies on the off-chance that a player might inadvertently stray is ludicrous, but providing an option for them to make a phone call to someone knowledgeable isn't. I would be surprised if that service hasn't been available for a very long time. It would be a very short-sighted agent indeed who didn't recognize the benefits of that arrangement regardless of a club's position on the matter.

This is ridiculous on the face of it. The kid has a cold, he is in the DR, he goes to the drug store, and gets an over the counter med. He calls his agent first? What world do you live in?
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How educated are you about the drugs you buy over the counter? If they were required to get there meds only form the club pharmacy, like I do from my clinic pharmacy, then no.

My personal education on OTC's has nothing to do with this.

Very difficult to require constant moving people to have one source for meds. Offseason, all star break, LOA, etc...

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And Tennessee is a very different world from yours. That doesn't mean I suffer unaccountable (but nonetheless welcome) muscle growth every time I come down with bronchitis.
This is really funny. How much unwelcome muscle growth do you think you would suffer from the effects of the trace amounts of the offending substance in question? Do you have a clue? And Tennessee is much more like where ever it is where you live, than the DR, trust me. Think about how incensed Americans get over sexy commercials, e.g. The French find it laughable. How many of your friends have you over for roast goat like Vlad does? Have you ever been outside the US?
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This is ridiculous on the face of it. The kid has a cold, he is in the DR, he goes to the drug store, and gets an over the counter med. He calls his agent first? What world do you live in?

In a world considerably less magical than the DR evidently. Do you honestly buy this horse manure?

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My personal education on OTC's has nothing to do with this.

Very difficult to require constant moving people to have one source for meds. Offseason, all star break, LOA, etc...

Then what would you do if you could be fired for having an illegal substance under those circumstances?
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Then what would you do if you could be fired for having an illegal substance under those circumstances?

Not have the illegal substances in my system. I abide by the guidelines set forth as we all have too.

The debate is interesting. Stop with the childlish personal attacks. It's useless.

Edited by murph
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In a world considerably less magical than the DR evidently. Do you honestly buy this horse manure?
Apparently the people at the MLB did, because they reduced the penalty. Why do you suppose they did that if It was horse manure? Are they credulous?
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Apparently the people at the MLB did, because they reduced the penalty. Why do you suppose they did that if It was horse manure? Are they credulous?

Giving some benefit of the doubt, which is exactly what I think you are advocating?

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