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PED Suspensions Coming


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Then what would you do if you could be fired for having an illegal substance under those circumstances?

I would be pretty damn careful if several million dollars in potential earnings hung in the balance. Dad pulled US $66.5 million out of the game. It's not like what's at stake is some kind of mystery only decipherable outside the DR.

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What he probably took was a medicine called Mucovibrol C which contains Ambroxol and Clenbuterol .

Ambroxol is a secretolytic agent used in the treatment of respiratory diseases associated with viscid or excessive mucus. It is the active ingredient of Mucosolvan, Mucobrox, Mucol, Lasolvan, Mucoangin, Surbronc, Ambolar, and Lysopain. The substance is a mucoactive drug with several properties including secretolytic and secretomotoric actions that restore the physiological clearance mechanisms of the respiratory tract, which play an important role in the body’s natural defence mechanisms. It stimulates synthesis and release of surfactant by type II pneumocytes. Surfactant acts as an anti-glue factor by reducing the adhesion of mucus to the bronchial wall, in improving its transport and in providing protection against infection and irritating agents. Ambroxol is often administered as an active ingredient in cough syrup.
Clenbuterol, marketed as Dilaterol, Spiropent, Ventipulmin,[1] is a sympathomimetic amine used by sufferers of breathing disorders as a decongestant and bronchodilator. People with chronic breathing disorders such as asthma use this as a bronchodilator to make breathing easier. It is most commonly available as the hydrochloride salt, clenbuterol hydrochloride.

It is perfectly legal in the DR and available only by prescription. If it can be proven this is how he ingested Clenbuterol and it was truly an accident, he should get no penalty for this first offense. I see no reason to be

unreasonable with all of this. Yes, he messed up; no, he did not gain a performance enhancing effect whatsoever from taking this provided he took it in the prescribed doses.

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What he probably took was a medicine called Mucovibrol C which contains Ambroxol and Clenbuterol .

It is perfectly legal in the DR and available only by prescription. If it can be proven this is how he ingested Clenbuterol and it was truly an accident, he should get no penalty for this first offense. I see no reason to be

unreasonable with all of this. Yes, he messed up; no, he did not gain a performance enhancing effect whatsoever from taking this provided he took it in the prescribed doses.

If true, the physician definitely has some responsibility in this.

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Apparently the people at the MLB did, because they reduced the penalty. Why do you suppose they did that if It was horse manure? Are they credulous?

No they're not credulous. That's why they didn't reinstate him outright.

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Not have the illegal substances in my system. I abide by the guidelines set forth as we all have too.

The debate is interesting. Stop with the childless personal attacks. It's useless.

What childless personal attacks? You are correct I am child less but what has that got to do with anything? You say if I understand you, it is difficult to know what you are taking under the circumstances of travel, etc. Then why hold players from a different culture, with a less sophisticated understanding of the English, to a standard you would find difficult to adhere to?
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If true, the physician definitely has some responsibility in this.

My wife is a pharmacist. This is advice for anyone. Always get a second opinion! At the very least ask the pharmacist about the drug in case the physician didn't tell you everything. They know less about the drugs then you think.

If you are under contract with an mlb team and under the MLBPA agreement this advice holds times 10. You need to know damn sure what it's your drugs. OTC and RX.

I'm not saying MLB shouldn't be lenient on an accident like this, people make silly mistakes all the time. And contamination happens, even with FDA approved stuff. But as a player you have to know its your responsibility not your doctors or teams or trainers.

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The Angels didn't understand the JDA when they tried to suspend Josh Hamilton. It might not be that easy to understand. However the JDA does put the onus on the player so the suspension is justified. Calling Mondesi a cheat doesn't match the facts.

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What childless personal attacks? You are correct I am child less but what has that got to do with anything? You say if I understand you, it is difficult to know what you are taking under the circumstances of travel, etc. Then why hold players from a different culture, with a less sophisticated understanding of the English, to a standard you would find difficult to adhere to?

That's a good question.

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What he probably took was a medicine called Mucovibrol C which contains Ambroxol and Clenbuterol .

It is perfectly legal in the DR and available only by prescription. If it can be proven this is how he ingested Clenbuterol and it was truly an accident, he should get no penalty for this first offense. I see no reason to be

unreasonable with all of this. Yes, he messed up; no, he did not gain a performance enhancing effect whatsoever from taking this provided he took it in the prescribed doses.

Again, there is no way it can be proven. He could have a prescription, receipt, and bottle of pills. It is possible that he was instructed to buy them as cover. MLB has no way of knowing. That is why it is the responsibility of the player to only take known clean substances.

No I haven't been to the DR, but I have travelled to several third world countries. They do have Tylenol in the grocery stores. If I was a professional baseball player with millions of dollars on the line, I would be smart enough not to take anything from suppliers down there. Better yet, I would not take anything for a common cold.

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My impression about drug testing isn't that it's binary, it's that you have to have met threshold of the amount of that stuff in your system just so the old excuse of trace amounts of x in your system is because I had a cold doesn't apply.

Make no mistake, that is an old excuse. Poor multi-millionaire Mondesi whose dad is probably one of the richest people in the DR is simply adding his nation of origin to that excuse. Can I definitively say he's lying? Absolutely not. However, MLB goes out of it's way to tell you what is banned and about the products that contain the banned substance. They probably don't know ever product in the DR, so Mondesi is hanging his hat on that. Doesn't make it more credible in my eyes.

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My impression about drug testing isn't that it's binary, it's that you have to have met threshold of the amount of that stuff in your system just so the old excuse of trace amounts of x in your system is because I had a cold doesn't apply.

Make no mistake, that is an old excuse. Poor multi-millionaire Mondesi whose dad is probably one of the richest people in the DR is simply adding his nation of origin to that excuse. Can I definitively say he's lying? Absolutely not. However, MLB goes out of it's way to tell you what is banned and about the products that contain the banned substance. They probably don't know ever product in the DR, so Mondesi is hanging his hat on that. Doesn't make it more credible in my eyes.

If what you say is true why do you suppose MLB reduced the penalty.

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