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April 26 Game two vs the White Sox Trax dominates


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Yeah, enough with being so aggressive with the SB attempts from older men like Mora. After all those years from coaching all those young guys in the minors, Trembley has to realize that some guys in the majors don't run like they used to.

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Yeah, enough with being so aggressive with the SB attempts from older men like Mora. After all those years from coaching all those young guys in the minors, Trembley has to realize that some guys in the majors don't run like they used to.

He didn't get slow all the sudden, he just got a crappy jump, that's all...

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I don't follow. It's not like Scott Moore has proved he is ready to take over for Mora or Millar. And it's not like Payton is getting preference over Jones or Luke Scott. Even Quiroz is getting some playing time, thankfully.

I don't blame Trembley for trying to get another inning or two out of Trachsel. The O's don't have a day off again for awhile, and they'll need the bullpen to be as rested as possible over the next week or more.

Kevin Millar is starting every single day and batting cleanup and Trachsel is getting more latitude to stay in games when he pitches poorly than younger, better pitchers. Quiroz hasn't gotten as many chances as I'd like to see (although technically Ramon is under 35 so I wasn't talking about him). Scott or Jones should not always sit when Payton plays, those days off should be split between them, Huff, Millar and Mora.

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Are you watching the game? Or following online? The best way I can describe it this: Scott was way out on the warning track and as he made the throw, his foot slipped out from under him a bit. Torres was cutoff #1, and Brian was cutoff #2. I don't know if the problem was a bad throw (from the foot slippage) or bad positioning on the cutoff (Torres and Brian appeared to be about 20-25 feet from each other). Torres leapt up to take the throw (perhaps erroneously -- should've let Brian take it?). The ball did tick off his glove and trickled towards Brian. Brian attempted to pick up the ball and bobbled it. A bad play all around...

I'm watching it on tv, the bottom line for me is that the outfielder gets the benefit of the doubt in that situation. If he throws the ball in the general area of the cutiff man he shouldn't be charged with an error.

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I'm watching it on tv, the bottom line for me is that the outfielder gets the benefit of the doubt in that situation. If he throws the ball in the general area of the cutiff man he shouldn't be charged with an area.

Everybody screwed up some. When SS-boy got his glove on it but didn't catch it, that was like painting a bullseye on himself for the guy who they laughingly call the "Official Scorer".

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