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Manny a Dodger?


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Although I admit that I don't konw too much about the prospects that the Red Sox gave up, I like the Ramirez for Bay trade for the Red Sox.

1. Bay is not the hitter that Ramirez was in his prime, but Ramirez is 36 now. Currently, I think a 29 year old Bay is probably the equal of a 36 year old Manny, or very close to it.

2. Who knows whether Ramirez would play hard for the rest of the season if he had stayed in Boston. If Manny had stayed in Boston, I could have seen the Red Sox fade badly down the stretch, as they have been since the All Star break. This may prevent that from happening. In fact, I wouldn't be too surprised if this energizes the team. I think Manny's act may have been wearing thin amongst some of his Boston teammates.

3. Obviously this prevented Bay from going to TB.

4. They get at least 1 extra year of Bay than they were going to get from Manny. Granted, they could have picked up Manny's option, but I doubt that was going to happen.

5. The Red Sox didn't have much leverage as it was widely known that they really wanted to unload him given recent events. Yet, they weren't really fleeced, unless you consider that Boston chipping in 7 million as being taken advantage of.

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BOS didn't give up much prospect wise, but are they better? It is a strange question, because they might be better for keeping Bay from the Rays than they are by adding Bay.

Seems to me that

Bay < Manny, so BOS just got a little worse


Bay > Gabe Gross/Eric Hinske, so BOS prevented TAM from getting much better.

Strange way to make it work out, and it might be a good deal for Boston, but I don't think anyone can say they have a better lineup now because of it.

Offensively, Bay isn't much worse than Manny (assuming last year was an aberration, as this year Bay is .282/.375/.519), and as a RHB his power numbers should benefit from the move to Fenway. PNC is probably the worst HR park in baseball for RHBs (Source).

But any slight offensive edge to Manny is probably more than made up for in the defensive improvement Bay presents. Manny is not good with the glove.

I dunno, I think you can make a compelling case the Sox got better.

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Well, this throws a wrench into the popular belief that LaRoche was available on the way cheap. Glad it got straightened out though so it doesn't linger into an Urban Myth of sorts where people begin to believe that LaRoche was definitely available for Sherrill.

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Offensively, Bay isn't much worse than Manny (assuming last year was an aberration, as this year Bay is .282/.375/.519), and as a RHB his power numbers should benefit from the move to Fenway. PNC is probably the worst HR park in baseball for RHBs (Source).

But any slight offensive edge to Manny is probably more than made up for in the defensive improvement Bay presents. Manny is not good with the glove.

I dunno, I think you can make a compelling case the Sox got better.

Well Manny had an OPS+ of 140 and actually plays a solid LF at Fenway.

Bay has an OPS+ of 135, but LF in Fenway is something he needs to adjust.

I think they got better only because Manny seems to refused to play.

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A nice elegant deal for Pitts and, especially, the BoSox. Bay may be a downgrade, but the BoSox pick up Bay for next year.

Not sure what the guy in LA was thinking obtaining another OFer unless there is some sort of Kemp for David Price deal going down. We'll see how it plays out, but the LA GM better have his resume out - after this move and the AJones signing.

Manny, Kemp, Ethier. That should be their normal starting OF with Jones coming off the bench.

Don't see what the problem is there.

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Well, this throws a wrench into the popular belief that LaRoche was available on the way cheap. Glad it got straightened out though so it doesn't linger into an Urban Myth of sorts where people begin to believe that LaRoche was definitely available for Sherrill.

I certainly didn't think Bradford could get him, but I did think Sherrill could, and still do. It's not like Manny had great trade value.

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Offensively, Bay isn't much worse than Manny (assuming last year was an aberration, as this year Bay is .282/.375/.519), and as a RHB his power numbers should benefit from the move to Fenway. PNC is probably the worst HR park in baseball for RHBs (Source).

But any slight offensive edge to Manny is probably more than made up for in the defensive improvement Bay presents. Manny is not good with the glove.

I dunno, I think you can make a compelling case the Sox got better.

I agree, there's not that much difference offensively, and Bay obviously has the edge in defense and attitude.

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This trade will be great for the Pirates. You worry about the LaRoche/Alvarez logjam when it actually happens, and then you can either trade one or move one to the outfield. Thats a good problem to have. This type of deal feels similar to the two the O's made in the offseason. They move a solid player who wasnt helping them win now, for several other players that fill needs.

Exactly, neither LaRoche nor Alvarez is a proven major leaguer. So now you have two good prospects, one with great upside, for a position. Nohting wrong with that...if they both pan out you deal with it when it happens.

I'm always amused by these posts that seem to automatically assume a kid in the minors is 100% sure of reaching his potential and it's some kind of "problem" to have two at the same position.

In an odd kind of way, this could be a good deal for all three teams. Don't think I've ever seen a 3-way you could say that about.

That was a pretty wild July. Has there ever been that much top notch talent traded in one July before? Sabathia, Harden, Ramirez, Rodriguez, Bay, Griffey. Wow.

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Manny, Kemp, Ethier. That should be their normal starting OF with Jones coming off the bench.

Don't see what the problem is there.

I think signing AJones to a massive contract and putting him on the bench in the fifth month of his first season is a problem.

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