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Palmer: Fed up with Cabrera

Moose Milligan

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Something to keep in mind

Tony makes a good point.

However, we have to also understand that he probably wouldn't be pitching for nearly anyone else in the MLB. And Palmer's quote holds a lot of merit. His velocity seems to be diminishing and he still can't find the plate. He's never going to be a good defensive pitcher or good at holding runners.

Knowing this, we should be satisfied with 6-7 innings pitched while giving up 5-6 runs and walking 4? I haven't complained about him at all, but I'm fed up. He's so frustrating to watch that I feel like I'm going to go bald from ripping my hair out. It's really time for the O's to cut their losses.

If the lightbulb's never gonna come on, are we really gonna be happy with paying 6-10 million for a number 5 starter? Not me.

I'm done with him.

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Something to keep in mind

But, things change.......

Fwiw, I don't think I can be lumped in either camp- Cabrera bandwagon or Cabrera basher.

Here is his line for his last 10 starts:

IP-53 1/3

H- 73

BB- 32

K- 28

WHIP- 1.97

ERA- 7.26

That is pretty ugly. Especially for a guy with so much natural ability and years of experience under his belt.

Plus- the other stuff (not fielding or holding runners on etc) and it is quite understandable that Palmer and others would be frustrated.

I think the "bashers" can be cut some slack now. ;)

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Palmer said that if you had a pitcher who couldn't field his position, couldn't hold runners, and couldn't command his pitches, he'd usually be in the minors.

He said that you have to see a pitcher improve in 5 years. And with Daniel Cabrera, it's not happening.

He said that the Orioles teammates know that Daniel Cabrera doesn't give them much of a chance to win when he is out on the mound. He said "they know it, but they'd never say it."

Thank you, Jim Palmer, you nailed it.

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Just to set the record straight, if Cabrera is going to suddenly be a 90-91 MPH pitcher, he's not going to be a major league pitcher. I'm not sure where the velocity is but this is more then taking a few MPH off. I honestly think some thing has to be wrong with him.

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Just to set the record straight, if Cabrera is going to suddenly be a 90-91 MPH pitcher, he's not going to be a major league pitcher. I'm not sure where the velocity is but this is more then taking a few MPH off. I honestly think some thing has to be wrong with him.

In the post game presser I think a reporter asked if he was hurting and he said "I don't have an answer for that." Pretty vague.

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I have said the same thing many times(granted I am not a HOF) and the sunshine pumpers jump all over me for being negative. DCab needs to grow up and mature both as an person and a BB player. I absolutely hate to watch him pitch 95% of the time he is out there.

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Where is everyone now that said Cabrera turned a corner? As well as those saying Kranitz was the best thing since sliced bread?

Now, I'm being smug, that's for sure, but Cabrera is what he is. A #4 at best, and a #5 at second best. He can eat innings, and he'll never have control.

I don't disagree with Palmer one bit.

He did turn a corner. He just kept on turning until he was back where he started.

edit: I do want to say that I was one of the advocates for trading DCab.

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For years I've said Daniel Cabrera is a million dollar arm with a five cent head. I've bought into the theory that we have to keep him because eventualy he might turn it around; or worse, that if we trade him/dump him that it will come back to haunt us. I've fallen into the 'Well, at least he eats innings' for us mode.

I'm done.

Who needs a guy who eats innings, when his innings add up to a 5 ERA? Who cares if he eats innings if he sucks while doing it? After 145 starts, I think he's pretty much proven that he isn't going to figure this one out. I know someone will come back with the 'But Randy Johnson took a while to figure it out...blah blah blah' argument. Five Walk Danny is in his 5th season as a starter; he's looking like his usual five plus ERA, 1.50 plus whip, lead the league in walks, hit batsmen, and bonehead mental moves self. The Units fifth season? 19 wins. A buck 10 whip. ERA low threes. And that whole 300 strikeout thing. Face it; He ain't gonna a Dominican El Grande Unit. It ain't happening.

I look at it this way. Daniel Cabrera is like a really hot chick that you date. you think she's going to be the one that you'll spend forever with. Then you find out she's cheating on you. With the mailman. And the BGE guy. And the crossing guard at the school. And you want to get rid of her, but then she makes you a really good batch of french toast, bats her eyes, and you take her back. And then she goes out and nails the greeter at Wal Mart, and the guy at the deli, and the captain on the water taxi. And then you think about taking her back, and she makes the french toast and all is good. And it happens again and again, and you finally realize that no matter how good the french toast is, she's a lying tramp who won't change, and you need to be done with her.

Danny is basically like that. Except he's not a hot chick. And he likely can't make french toast.

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For years I've said Daniel Cabrera is a million dollar arm with a five cent head. I've bought into the theory that we have to keep him because eventualy he might turn it around; or worse, that if we trade him/dump him that it will come back to haunt us. I've fallen into the 'Well, at least he eats innings' for us mode.

I'm done.

Who needs a guy who eats innings, when his innings add up to a 5 ERA? Who cares if he eats innings if he sucks while doing it? After 145 starts, I think he's pretty much proven that he isn't going to figure this one out. I know someone will come back with the 'But Randy Johnson took a while to figure it out...blah blah blah' argument. Five Walk Danny is in his 5th season as a starter; he's looking like his usual five plus ERA, 1.50 plus whip, lead the league in walks, hit batsmen, and bonehead mental moves self. The Units fifth season? 19 wins. A buck 10 whip. ERA low threes. And that whole 300 strikeout thing. Face it; He ain't gonna a Dominican El Grande Unit. It ain't happening.

I look at it this way. Daniel Cabrera is like a really hot chick that you date. you think she's going to be the one that you'll spend forever with. Then you find out she's cheating on you. With the mailman. And the BGE guy. And the crossing guard at the school. And you want to get rid of her, but then she makes you a really good batch of french toast, bats her eyes, and you take her back. And then she goes out and nails the greeter at Wal Mart, and the guy at the deli, and the captain on the water taxi. And then you think about taking her back, and she makes the french toast and all is good. And it happens again and again, and you finally realize that no matter how good the french toast is, she's a lying tramp who won't change, and you need to be done with her.

Danny is basically like that. Except he's not a hot chick. And he likely can't make french toast.

Oh boy, my mouth is really watering! Do you have a decent recent for French toast? 'Cause I have been looking for one. If so, please post it for us. Thanks!

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I wouldn't say that it's just Jim Palmer ripping him. Manfra and Angel were pretty rough on him as well. I guess he was throwing 89 mph fastballs today; Johnnie Damon hit that HR off of him and they said it was 87mph!

I remember them saying it looks like he's aiming his pitches, has ZERO COMMAND of his fastball so he's throwing breaking balls and he can't hit his spots with those either...

Maybe we should have cut bait when he was going well back in May. Why are we having such a hard time developing pitching at the ML level? I just don't get it...Olsen sucks, Waters is 'okay' at best, Burress was terrible, etc.

Guthrie is a #2 starter on any other team in the majors, and he's pitched well, but this is seriously ridiculous.

Here we go on a 10-game losing streak like we do every August/September.

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So....does anyone else think that Palmer's on-air comments today about Cabrera may have been prompted by Trembley's "hit me" comments about Liz to the press yesterday?

Hey.....maybe someone has declared open season on Orioles pitching for the press. It seems most of the hitters in the league already have....;)

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Just to set the record straight, if Cabrera is going to suddenly be a 90-91 MPH pitcher, he's not going to be a major league pitcher. I'm not sure where the velocity is but this is more then taking a few MPH off. I honestly think some thing has to be wrong with him.

Yep...His velocity has usually been in the 93-94 range this year...If it is 90-91 now, i bet he is hurt.

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Yep...His velocity has usually been in the 93-94 range this year...If it is 90-91 now, i bet he is hurt.

Maybe he's hurt, or maybe the 170+ innings and a ton of pitches is taking its toll. I would be interested to see what might happen if Trembley could do what he said he'd like to do....give both Cabrera and Gutherie an extra day between starts. Of course that means he would have to have 2-3 other capable starters, which he doesn't have.

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