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ESPN/Bonds roundtable

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There is more solid evidence on Bonds than any other player (other than those who flunked tests). Say what you want about Sosa's build and power, but there isn't any dirt on him or Brady Anderson. There wasn't anything on McGwire until his Senate testimony. Few of the other names that have been made public are really noteworthy players.

The holy trinity of steroids is Bonds, Giambi and Sheffield. Bonds is the best of them and they one who's been most in the news, so he gets the most attention.

Even before Game of Shadows came out and the BALCO thing happened, Bonds was the center of attention concerning steroids. So I don't think the evidence argument holds that much water.

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It is absurd how much crap Barry gets for using THG, etc when he's just one of hundreds of players that have. I do understand the reasons why that is, but it's still very excessive imo.

It does seem that he gets piled on but a lot of it is his own making. When he treats the media like crap and then gives them the ammunition to beat him over the head with it's only natural they will revel in beating him up. He could of made life a lot easier for himself if he treated others with even a modicum of respect.

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It does seem that he gets piled on but a lot of it is his own making. When he treats the media like crap and then gives them the ammunition to beat him over the head with it's only natural they will revel in beating him up. He could of made life a lot easier for himself if he treated others with even a modicum of respect.

True, but that doesn't make it any more fair that this has become basically a witch hunt. There are hundreds and hundreds of players past and present that they could be talking about.

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It does seem that he gets piled on but a lot of it is his own making. When he treats the media like crap and then gives them the ammunition to beat him over the head with it's only natural they will revel in beating him up. He could of made life a lot easier for himself if he treated others with even a modicum of respect.

It may be natural that the media does that, but it's still not fair or right.

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It may be natural that the media does that, but it's still not fair or right.

Exactly, like I said earlier in the thread, Baseball ignored the problem until the Canseco book came out, and now that there is some backlash, they suddenly care. It's a witch hunt for Bonds, and it's absurd.

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Exactly, like I said earlier in the thread, Baseball ignored the problem until the Canseco book came out, and now that there is some backlash, they suddenly care. It's a witch hunt for Bonds, and it's absurd.

Are you referring to Major League Baseball or the media? MLB needs to clear the slate for everybody that there is evidence or rumors against. If they are serious they will give the players amnesty - anything that comes out before the new policy took effect should be inactionable. Then they should encourage players to talk. I have a real problem w/MLB trying to do anything to Bonds or any other player but I don't really care about the media trying to put things together.

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They should go after any and all players that they can make a case against. But I don't see any reason for them to stand down when it comes to Barry.

Well I don't see why they have to make as big of a deal as they have.

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Well I don't see why they have to make as big of a deal as they have.

The media doesn't need to make as big a deal of a lot of things. But if they are going to obsess over a story this one is more legitimate than the daily Lohan and Paris Hilton stories.

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The media doesn't need to make as big a deal of a lot of things. But if they are going to obsess over a story this one is more legitimate than the daily Lohan and Paris Hilton stories.

I'm talking about MLB, not the media.

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Absolutely, he used steroids, as did Giambi, Sheffield, Sosa, McGwire, Caminitti, Canseco, Juan Gonzalez, Raffy, Brady,and many many others.A few of them have admitted it. If they looked as deeply into any of those guys, there would be plenty of evidence on them too I'd imagine. The difference is that for the most part, those are decent, likeable guys who aren't threatening Henry Aaron's record. Baseball let this happen for years and years, Bonds isn't the only one that the investigation should be focusing on, that's all. He's the biggest name, therefore the biggest "catch" so to speak.

Who is they? The BALCO guys were caught up in a federal investigation and the subsequent grand jury leaks are the reason we know so much. Bad luck for Bonds, but it isn't like anyone was targeting him. Hell, there was no intention to prosecute Bonds until he lied to the grand jury.

Giambi has gotten some credit for sorta admitting what he did. Sheffield wasn't as directly connected to Conte and BALCO. Most of the other guys you listed are either retired or we don't have any direct evidence of their steroid use. The farther we get from their last games, the less relevant they become.

MLB's Mitchell investigation is trying to dredge up info on anybody and everybody but they havn't turned up any new info (that we know of).

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The media doesn't need to make as big a deal of a lot of things. But if they are going to obsess over a story this one is more legitimate than the daily Lohan and Paris Hilton stories.

Ok, but we're talking sports media here. And they should still focus on the whole story much more instead of mostly focusing on Bonds. Some do, and I give them credit.

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MLB has not targeted Bonds specifically. So, far the only active player to be brought before the Mitchell Investigation, is Jason Giambi.

Yea and they want to hear Giambi say Bonds took roids and i have proof.

If they could catch Bonds and have proof tomorrow, i think a lot of the steroid stuff would go away after that.

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Yea and they want to hear Giambi say Bonds took roids and i have proof.

If they could catch Bonds and have proof tomorrow, i think a lot of the steroid stuff would go away after that.

When Giambi agreed to talk to Mitchell, it was made clear that he would only discuss HIS steroid use. That was the heart of the negotiations that led up to Giambi talking at all.

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