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GrayRod or Hall up next?


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Based on GrayRod's first start and spring training performance, and what we know about Hall, it would seem neither of them are ready, to me...

I'd bring Voth into the rotation until one of them makes a good claim for a spot and bring up a reliever. 

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1 minute ago, Moose Milligan said:

Gotta be Hall cause the date hasn't passed for them to pick up the extra year on Gray-Rod.  

@Can_of_corndid I do it right?

If you bring Hall up and put him into the pen you can yo-yo him all year and really screw with his service time and development.

Of course they haven't managed to develop Hall to begin with...

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Just now, banks703 said:

Do they even have a legit long man right now? Voth?

Somebody's gonna burn innings today, and they'll bring up a fresh arm. 

Do they have a taxi squad pitcher? Do they need to call someone in Norfolk and get them on a plane?

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I would slot in Voth while Hall is stretched out. 

I didn’t see where Kyle was hit. Was it his leg/calf or foot/heal? Either way, taking 104 off of your body is not promising. Hopefully he’s alright but damn. What awful luck. Brad Bergeson anyone? FFS 

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