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6/30 vs Texas Rangers


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1 minute ago, justD said:

Water is cool, champagne is cooler?  Who put that together? Yikes.


Thank you! I saw that and cringed. Plus, Gunner and Adley are literally the exact same face. There's a joke to be made about the O's having a type, but I think this was laziness rather than commentary

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    • Palmer had arm problems that he overcame. Thinking back, I don't remeber the Orioles losing a starter due to arm problems in the 70's. I could be misremembering. Plus, those pitchers pitched a lot more innings. Nothing like recent history as far as pitchers'  injuries. And Palmer's peers didn't have the year round facilities to lean on. Hell, they played basketball or worked jobs in the off season.  Us older guys just tougher!! 😄 Never-the-less, I don't buy Smoltz. It's generally standard for prior generations to ascribe to their way. I think there are probably a number of reasons for the current fragility of pitching - most have been mentioned above - and that organizations as a result will start looking differently at long range contracts. Boras Beware!!!!!!!!!!!! Next round of bargaining should be interesting as all the experts dive into this issue. Meanwhile, just waiting for the next headline. The list since 2016 above is unreal!  It's almost like Tommy John has become the tonsillectomy of pitching.  
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