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Are you threatening people? Really? What are these "real and immediate" consequences? You'd beat someone (or something) up for disagreeing with you? Maybe give them a tongue lashing they won't soon forget? That last sentence seems to imply so...

So any announcer who talks about himself is bad? What about when the game's boring and conversation meanders to the mundane briefly?

By your logic, you seem to imply that any announcer who makes any mention of his past exploits is by default a bad announcer.

Ergo, using your logic:

Bob Uecker = Bad announcer (he refers often to his mediocre career as a player)

John Madden = Bad announcer (heck, when wasn't he talking about himself to some extent?)

Hey, any former player or coach is a bad announcer! :rolleyes:

"Dr." I think you flatter yourself. You actually think morons like the losers who post 3000, 10000, 17000+ times on this board (talk about real winners here) would get away with the kind of crap they throw around on this board.

You say something they don't agree with and you're all of a sudden an idiot. Tell me who in the real world wouldn't get in someone's face if they said that to them.

I live in LA. Many places in this city you idiots- yes all of you who posted insults on this thread are truly morons, idiots - many places in this city you wouldn't be walking home, that's for sure. Even in provincial Baltimore, I'm sure there might be someone who'd ask you to reconsider your comments in a most insistent manner.

I wasn't threatening anyone as you well know, troublemaking fool. I was pointing out that if these idiots said the things to me to my face, we'd be having a different conversation and you know it. That's life.

Just like if anyone said these things to you or to them.

Well I leave your oriole soviet to you fascist, moronic, closed minded provincial fools who love the local faded-hero from a bygone era.

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"Dr." I think you flatter yourself. You actually think morons like the losers who post 3000, 10000, 17000+ times on this board (talk about real winners here) would get away with the kind of crap they throw around on this board.

You say something they don't agree with and you're all of a sudden an idiot. Tell me who in the real world wouldn't get in someone's face if they said that to them.

I live in LA. Many places in this city you idiots- yes all of you who posted insults on this thread are truly morons, idiots - many places in this city you wouldn't be walking home, that's for sure. Even in provincial Baltimore, I'm sure there might be someone who'd ask you to reconsider your comments in a most insistent manner.

I wasn't threatening anyone as you well know, troublemaking fool. I was pointing out that if these idiots said the things to me to my face, we'd be having a different conversation and you know it. That's life.

Just like if anyone said these things to you or to them.

Well I leave your oriole soviet to you fascist, moronic, closed minded provincial fools who love the local faded-hero from a bygone era.

This is brilliant, Catfish.


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Only 20000 posts away from being CEO of a fortune 500 company. Congrats.

If we challenged you to have one informed opinion, could you come up with something?

If we challenged you to write one post that contributed something - anything - to the board, could you survive that challenge?

I'm curious. I think the odds are longer than Jim Palmer not mentioning 1966 in his next broadcast.

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Well I leave your oriole soviet to you fascist, moronic, closed minded provincial fools who love the local faded-hero from a bygone era.

Someone never learned the inherent conflict between fascism and Sovietism.

Of course, that's not surprising, seeing as he never learned the difference between Jim Hunter and Jim Hunter.

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"Dr." I think you flatter yourself. You actually think morons like the losers who post 3000, 10000, 17000+ times on this board (talk about real winners here) would get away with the kind of crap they throw around on this board.

You say something they don't agree with and you're all of a sudden an idiot. Tell me who in the real world wouldn't get in someone's face if they said that to them.

I live in LA. Many places in this city you idiots- yes all of you who posted insults on this thread are truly morons, idiots - many places in this city you wouldn't be walking home, that's for sure. Even in provincial Baltimore, I'm sure there might be someone who'd ask you to reconsider your comments in a most insistent manner.

I wasn't threatening anyone as you well know, troublemaking fool. I was pointing out that if these idiots said the things to me to my face, we'd be having a different conversation and you know it. That's life.

Just like if anyone said these things to you or to them.

Well I leave your oriole soviet to you fascist, moronic, closed minded provincial fools who love the local faded-hero from a bygone era.

I really hope that by the time this is all over, you realize that people don't think you're an idiot for disliking Palmer when plenty of members here have shared that same opinion in the past, but rather, people think you're an idiot for believing that any person should value your opinion on an O's broadcaster while you didn't even realize that Palmer's booth partner wasn't a long-dead Hall of Fame pitcher. That's all there is to it, bub!

Now please, call me a moron over the internet, for surely that is the pinnacle of "cool."

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echo, there is really nothing cooler than a blowhard on an internet message board. I'm sure you are really tough when you hang out at grade school bus stops. Do us all a favor and go pretend you are tough somewhere else. We have oldfan to deal with here and that is all most of us can handle.

Lt. Melmo, I think he is an idiot for a lot more reasons than you included in your post.

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I assume you realize that the Jim Hunter who has broadcast Oriole games for the past several years is not Jim "Catfish" Hunter, the great A's/Yankees pitcher who passed away from diabetes a few years ago.

They are two completely, utterly, different people.

Orioles announcer Jim Hunter never pitched, to my knowledge.



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    • Thats how you frame.  You bring the ball up into the zone.  If your glove is set at target and then you go down for the low pitch momentum and gravity will carry the glove and ball lower and out of the zone.  Same with inside/outside pieces, if you show target and move out towards the edge of plate, momentum will carry glove & ball further away. Catchers are taught the show target first, then drop glove down and catch the ball with a motioning coming up.  Same for inside/outside pitch’s, the glove will start further away and then you catch it with a motion bringing it into zone.   It’s much more difficult to do hence the missed ball (a lot of that at lower levels).  The very good framers do it effortlessly and smoothly and can bring the ball into zone for strikes.  Gone are the days of “stick it” & turn your wrist.  
    • Official release for the John Martyn 1978 Rockpalast concert.  
    • I like the move.  I would have liked to have gotten a better arm, but I think it's a pretty fair trade.  Philly's probably grade out slightly higher, but which team fairs better this year because of the trade depends on a number of factors. The move does create some space for our young OF, but Pache is likely just a late inning replacement and that likely just shifts the pressure elsewhere. Also think Hays' comments are entirely overblown.  What the hell was he supposed to say getting traded from the #2 team so far to the #1? Lastly, in the same way moving Mancini to Houston was good for us and good for a respected Oriole, I like the opportunity Hays will have in Philly.
    • Agreed every player will say that going to a new team.  What they gonna say man that team is awful their organization is run terrible.   It’s always the same cliche responds.  I like our chances that are a team competing or if you go to a bottom team it is I like my chances to play they are an upcoming team with some young talent that I think I can help.  
    • Hays I 100% think he was bitter and resentful. About a month ago he had a decently big game and they interviewed him on field and he didn’t even seem happy. Then, Melanie asked him what it was like to be in left field with the (I don’t remember what it was called) Cowser cheering section. He did not seem amused at all. So yeah, prob another reason it was best he was traded. 
    • Just what @398 to Leftsaid in his post.  I was sitting in my car listening to the whole interview and Law said something like his reporting that Hayes wouldn’t be that missed in the locker room.  It surprised me and Bob never followed up on it.  It was just a quick remark like that.  
    • Iron also dulls iron. Depends on how they interact.  
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