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Even if you don't blame Trembley...


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If I were AM I don't know how I could tell DT that he didn't get enough out of the team I gave to wrk with this season, and do it with a straight face or a clear conscience. I can't think of one reasonably reliable arm in the current bullpen, a SP I feel would give us a reasonable expectation of winning, and besides BRob I can't think of another bat I could count on for a key hit. This team DT has to work with currently would have a hard time beating most AAA teams.

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If I were AM I don't know how I could tell DT that he didn't get enough out of the team I gave to wrk with this season, and do it with a straight face or a clear conscience. I can't think of one reasonably reliable arm in the current bullpen, a SP I feel would give us a reasonable expectation of winning, and besides BRob I can't think of another bat I could count on for a key hit. This team DT has to work with currently would have a hard time beating most AAA teams.

We went 19-36 through July and August when we had our full complement before we went 6-16. The excuses have to stop sometime.

Trembley simply is not a good manager and is not the right guy to take this team to the next level.

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I'm no fan of DT, but he's not responsible for the sorry state of the roster this month, and evaluating him on that basis is absurd.

For that matter, I don't see the point in letting the decision rest on a single month anyway. He's been the manager for two and a half seasons. AM knows, or should know, exactly what he's getting with Trembley.

Could anything happen this month, good or bad, to alter the evidence of the 400 games that preceded it?

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It's hard to make a really compelling case for him. I am not a big critic of DT, but whatever he's done, it hasn't really worked. If AM wants to try someone else, it's not going to offend me.

It'd be hard to make a "compelling case" for anyone managing this rag tag bunch

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In MacPhail I trust when it comes to this decision. I suspect he made a "flexible decision" on what he plans to do a while ago. Flexible meaning that he held the right to change his mind based on how things played out. I suspect that if he lets Trembley go it will be because he doesn't feel he's the right man for the job, and not because of the team's record in September.

Someone did a poll in August asking what we thought MacPhail would do. I voted that I thought Trembley was gone. I did so not because of anything I have against Trembley (because I like him and would love to see him have success as a MLB manger). I did so because I think MacPhail will want to go in another direction with a more experienced manager.

This entire post is pretty much a mirror reflection of my opinion.

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If I were AM I don't know how I could tell DT that he didn't get enough out of the team I gave to wrk with this season, and do it with a straight face or a clear conscience. I can't think of one reasonably reliable arm in the current bullpen, a SP I feel would give us a reasonable expectation of winning, and besides BRob I can't think of another bat I could count on for a key hit. This team DT has to work with currently would have a hard time beating most AAA teams.

I think MacPhail is capable of analyzing Trembley's time in Baltimore and determining either he's the right guy for the job going forward or that he's not the right guy going forward or that he doesn't have to make that call now and can keep Trembley and reevaluate later. I don't think the decision would have anything to do with the W-L record.

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It's hard to make a really compelling case for him. I am not a big critic of DT, but whatever he's done, it hasn't really worked. If AM wants to try someone else, it's not going to offend me.

I'm ambivilent on the issue, and as you said in one of your prior post, I'm confident and comfortable with AM doing the right thing here.

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It's hard to make a really compelling case for him. I am not a big critic of DT, but whatever he's done, it hasn't really worked. If AM wants to try someone else, it's not going to offend me.

I agree, and if they lose the last 17 games, and don't tell me that's not possible, you have to make a change.

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It's hard to make a really compelling case for him. I am not a big critic of DT, but whatever he's done, it hasn't really worked. If AM wants to try someone else, it's not going to offend me.

At the start of this year, I seem to recall a thread about what it would take for Trembley to come back next year. No one could agree on a win total because we knew we weren't contending this year, but I *think* I remember it being pretty unanimous that one thing he would definitely have to do would be to "avoid one of those late season collapses" that have plagued the Orioles both pre-Trembley and since he took over. That was kind of given as a minimum (and I think also there was an assumption on here that such a collapse wouldn't really be possible because of all the young talent we were bringin in; we would not be pitching Victor Zambrano or starting guys like Bass or Sarfate in September).

I think even the biggest Trembley supporters agreed that we would have to avoid one of those late season collapses.

Well, we didn't. And no, I am not saying it is Trembley's fault. But I think it is a total copout to say that since it is unfair to judge him on results given what he has had to work with, therefore we MUST renew his contract. That is basically making the statement that any manager of this year's Orioles must be kept unless they are caught downloading child porn or being a cannibalistic serial killer. Our performance from mid-July until now has taken place with a variety of circumstances -- we have had periods in that time where we have had a healthy team and everyone we wanted on the field, and periods like now where he's got nothing but crap to work with.

We are 20-46 since the All Star Break. Not all of that is in September. That's a .303 winning percentage.

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We went 19-36 through July and August when we had our full complement before we went 6-16. The excuses have to stop sometime.

Trembley simply is not a good manager and is not the right guy to take this team to the next level.

I agree...someone with some actual winning experience would be nice...it would squash all of the "winning attitude" debates.

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