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The Upcoming 'Tony-OH Expose' Timeline...

Greg Pappas

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Not sure if this has anything to do with Tony's news, but it seems Dempsey will interview for the Manager's position. Read into that what you will.

Dempsey, the long-time Orioles player and current MASN broadcaster, has interviewed for the club’s managerial position three times in the past. He is expected to interview for it again, an industry source said, but a specific date has not been determined.
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Well, to answer your questions, you would want to establish expectations such that you would sell enough tickets and enough advertising to offset the higher payroll. You can have an inferior product, but the value of the product is the buyer's perception of its value, not an objective measure.

This is probably just a part of it, but I would guess that the O's aren't going to hire a new manager this season so they don't have to pay the salaries for two managers.

I'd be interested in knowing if that's actually working for the Orioles. It seems teams like the Marlins and Pirates have it down to a science where they don't need to artificially create increased expectations to maximize profits.

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AM said his search would range far and wide. Let Dempsey have a chance. :noidea:

I'll ask this again: do we all really believe Dempsey's commentary on the pre and post-game show are his actual thoughts about the game and the Orioles' players? The man has spent a long time around the game and has a functional set of eyes and ears and a working brain; much of what he says on the pre and post-show is spin and orange kool-aid palaver.

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No offense to anyone here, but a guy like Dempsey who acts like a fool and makes half thought out comments at times is not the guy you want leading a young team. I will say that this is a 90 loss team no matter who actually manages the team.

Only 90? You are a complete dreamer. I wish I shared your optimism.

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I'd be interested in knowing if that's actually working for the Orioles. It seems teams like the Marlins and Pirates have it down to a science where they don't need to artificially create increased expectations to maximize profits.

Look at the Marlins normal attendance. They couldn't run things like Baltimore and expect the same results. A normal night Miami makes OPACY look like a lush oasis, instead of a desert.

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Dempsey's chances seem remote. And while no offense is intended, I personally prefer it stay that way.

Agreed. I thought I read somewhere that Angelos or someone wanted Dempsey to be the interim after DT was let go, and MacPhail wanted Komminsk from down in Bowie, so Samuel was their compromise.

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I visit the same as I have in past years... but I don't post that much. The teams play has literally made me speechless, even on the internet... which is hard to do.

This "expose" has me intrigued. I want/crave rock bottom and maybe this will provide me with that. Love the Hangout, Thanks Tony and all.

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John Angelos has been given full control of the team.

This is a really interesting one. Andy McPhail insisted Peter Angelos has given him autonomy. Numerous people have insisted Peter Angelos has stepped aside from baseball operations. No one said anything about John Angelos.

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Guest rochester

I am almost afraid to read Tony's story - it will be the truth that I, as a lifelong O's fan, have been avoiding out of sheer desperation. John A having anything that remotely represents serious authority is the death for this organization. Peter, if you truly love Baltimore sell asap - it's a smart move as the value will continue to decline.

And for those who are in complete denial about a possible move your blinders are no different than mine re: the organization. For example, a Balt-Wash team (based in DC) may not be as far-fetched as we think.

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