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Seriously...what is up with Wieters?

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Is this guy just going to be a bust or what?

He had a 900 OPS in the month of July but the first 3 months of the season and so far this month have seen him have 4 sub 700 OPS months.

He looks terrible up there...Showing very little power and is doing an awful job of adjusting.

His LD% is weak...He is hitting way too many grounders.

I like that the K's are down and the BBs are up from last year but he had a 753 OPS last year and this year he would be lucky to match that.

I don't know if he just doesn't gel with Crow..I don't know if Crow can't figure out what's wrong or what but this is really getting absurd IMO.

How could he be this bad? This is so crippling to this franchise right now.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying he has no chance of bouncing back...All I am saying is that he looks nothing like the guy we were supposed to have.

Oh and I don't want to hear that he is a catcher, dealing with a young staff, blah blah blah...That is a horrible point, as we have seen plenty of catchers start off good immediately, including Posey this year.

He is the run away winner for biggest disappointment of 2010.

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There have been countless pitches grooved right down the middle of the plate all season that have resulted in a lame ground ball to second.

Maybe the talks of his bat being slow were accurate??

I just don't know how he went from mashing in AAA to looking like Brandon Fahey from time to time. (ok that's a stretch but still)

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I think he's not getting much of a boost either with Izturis protecting him.

Perhaps the O's need to move him to #3 and just see what happens. That's how he took off last time. He's probably batting too low in the order right now.

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You guys are right to be disappointed, but by the same token expectations for this guy were way out of control around here ever since he was drafted.

This is absurd.

Every single outside source said he was one of the best prospects of the last 20 years. He tore up the minors.

Everyone had every right to believe that this guy was going to be a great one.

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You guys are right to be disappointed, but by the same token expectations for this guy were way out of control around here ever since he was drafted.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think he will be a bust, do you think he'll pan out (just to a lesser degree of what everyone thought), or do you think it's just too early to tell either way?

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It wasn't just around here, not by a long shot.

Well he was well deserving of his elite prospect status.

I guess what I was getting at was, nobody here seemed to consider that he might become another elite prospect that doesn't do much in MLB. There are lots of 'em. Believe me as a Cub fan, I know :)

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There have been countless pitches grooved right down the middle of the plate all season that have resulted in a lame ground ball to second.

Maybe the talks of his bat being slow were accurate??

I just don't know how he went from mashing in AAA to looking like Brandon Fahey from time to time. (ok that's a stretch but still)

His bat was slow last year and its even slower this year...people didn't want to agree with me on that but it is just so obvious. On top of that, his swing is very long, which is obviously an issue with the slow bat.

Jtrea, I don't really disagree with you..Just move him to third and go with it. Its not like you are losing anything by moving Wiggy down in the lineup.

Wieters has said that he hits his best when batting third...His approach there is his best. I am not saying that is the way it should be but it is what it is.

The Orioles need this guy to get going.

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Well he was well deserving of his elite prospect status.

I guess what I was getting at was, nobody here seemed to consider that he might become another elite prospect that doesn't do much in MLB. There are lots of 'em. Believe me as a Cub fan, I know :)

Why should have considered that?

Your thoughts on how we view prospects is just ridiculous. Do you think we are supposed to sit there and talk about everything that is great but always include the caveat that he could be a bust too?

Why even discuss that?

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What I want to know is what is different about him now than what scouts, GMs, etc...saw in college? What happened from the time he got to Norfolk(where he didn't exactly light the world on fire) and here?

Is his game different? If its not, how come his difficiences weren't picked up earlier?

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