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Sure. Nothing unusual about being implicated in a double homocide. It happens to a lot of people, just one of those things. And he's been such a model citizen since then, making all those "charity appearances" in his white mink full length coat with feathers sticking out of it, sporting those tatoos. Just the epitome of class and someone you would inspire your male children to emulate.

As for the Ravens winning, when was the last time they won anything significant? They get to the playoff like a lot of NFL teams; nothing unusual or significant about it. They haven't been in a Super Bowl in over twn years, and since so many NFL teams make the playoffs, nothing short of appearing in the Super Bowl is much of an accomplishment. I'll tell you how the season will go right now; they'll make the playoffs and lose in the playoffs. No drama involved. Save your time, do more productive things with it.

Ok now I know you are a troll. As for the white mink coat comment, you make Ray out to be a pimp. This is not true.

I'd like to pick apart your argument but I really dont think its worth the energy to type out.

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No, it's not just as flawed. And it's not the salary cap, it's revenue sharing that makes the NFL great.

The Baltimore Orioles do not have an equivalent in the NFL. Not the Bengals, not the Browns, not the Raiders.

Well, the Raiders do have a long streak of futility (since 2003). There was also the Saints (from 1993-2004). And the Browns (2 winnings season since 1999 and 3 since 1990 is only a little better than the O's). And it's hard to argue that if the Orioles had a 16 game season with one game play-offs that they wouldn't luck into a few respectable season as well. Their first 16 games in 2004 had them at 10-6. In 2005 through 2008 they were 9-7. And, in 2009 they were .500 at 8 and 8.

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Well, the Raiders do have a long streak of futility (since 2003). There was also the Saints (from 1993-2004). And the Browns (2 winnings season since 1999 and 3 since 1990 is only a little better than the O's). And it's hard to argue that if the Orioles had a 16 game season with one game play-offs that they wouldn't luck into a few respectable season as well. Their first 16 games in 2004 had them at 10-6. In 2005 through 2008 they were 9-7. And, in 2009 they were .500 at 8 and 8.

I'm not basing that comparison on futility, really, even though the Orioles still seem to trump those teams in that category. I'm basing it on the combination of awful management and a league that is completely unfair to them.

The Orioles have to overcome horrible management and the current setup of MLB.

The Browns, Bengals and Raiders have to overcome horrible management, not the current setup of the NFL.

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The Orioles' rampant PED cheating bothered me more as a fan than anything Ray-Ray did.

If you're okay with a man destroying evidence in a murder trial, then you're a bigger person to me. Considering that the NFL is rampant with juicers, I find this very funny that you bash the Orioles on it.

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Interesting. What don't you like about him? Not good enough of a player? Doesn't leave everything he has on the field in every game he has ever played in? Not one of the most respected people in the NFL today? Doesn't do enough in the community? Doesn't love and embrace Baltimore?

I'd pretty much say he's the best thing to happen to this city sports-wise since 1983 (maybe since 2131).

I think he's a hypocrite. Destroying bloody evidence, lying, and then acting high and mighty like he's some messenger from up above really irks me. I just can't wait until he's no longer on this team.

He's [was] a phenomenal player and a great leader. He also does a lot in the community. But I don't like him as a person. And I don't think I ever will, unfortunately. I know I'm in the minority, but people like him tarnish the image of Baltimore not help it.

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Sure. Nothing unusual about being implicated in a double homocide. It happens to a lot of people, just one of those things. And he's been such a model citizen since then, making all those "charity appearances" in his white mink full length coat with feathers sticking out of it, sporting those tatoos. Just the epitome of class and someone you would inspire your male children to emulate.

As for the Ravens winning, when was the last time they won anything significant? They get to the playoff like a lot of NFL teams; nothing unusual or significant about it. They haven't been in a Super Bowl in over twn years, and since so many NFL teams make the playoffs, nothing short of appearing in the Super Bowl is much of an accomplishment. I'll tell you how the season will go right now; they'll make the playoffs and lose in the playoffs. No drama involved. Save your time, do more productive things with it.

Like what, rooting for the Orioles? Good logic there. :rolleyes:

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Who on the Ravens are you referring to specifically as a "Ghetto Thug?"

It's unfathomable to me how people can look at a professional sports league like the NFL and think that MLB is better, particularly from an Orioles fan's perspective.

I'm not saying the sport of football is better than baseball, I'm saying the NFL is just leaps and bounds ahead of MLB. And obviously the Ravens are so far ahead of the Orioles in everything that there's not even a reason to debate.

MLB has its problems: they need instant replay. Umpires should only be there to speed things along. Anything debatable: have someone in a booth at all times to rule on calls ASAP. They need to speed up time between pitches both from a hitting and pitching perspective. They need a salary cap. They need blood testing.

As for the NFL, from a PED perspective it's a joke. I'd venture to say 60-70% of the NFL is juicing (whether it be steroids, HGH, or both), but there isn't blood testing, the steroid testing "timing" is a joke, and penalties are lame. Roger Goodell is quite possibly one of the worst commissioners in all of sports. He's inconsistent and reactionary. I hate to side with a guy like James Harrison, but he's pretty spot on. Punishment is hilarious to me, also in the NFL. The NFL image is a joke, but the way it's ran (outside of Goodell) is top notch.

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My problem with NFL football in general, and the Ravens in particular, is that the game is dominated by Ghetto Thugs and consequently it makes me ill to even think about it. They'll be "makin it rain" and "drinkin the purple drank" now that money is flowing in again.

Long gone are the days of Roger Staubach and Alan Ameche.

Compare a post game interview of a basbeall player and football player. Quiet a difference on the bell curve.

Baseball was always so much better than football, and it is even more so today, particularly when comparing the NFL with major league baseball. College football, on the other hand, is no where near as polluted as the NFL.

The window referred to never closes for me for the reasons I cited.

Congratulations, you now have made the racist comment ever on the Hangout. So because the NFL is predominately played by black players, the league is full of "ghetto thugs?" 1940 is calling, it's want you to come back to it's milky whity world. Sorry, but I prefere the best players and athletes in the world, regardless of color or upbringing.

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Sure. Nothing unusual about being implicated in a double homocide. It happens to a lot of people, just one of those things. And he's been such a model citizen since then, making all those "charity appearances" in his white mink full length coat with feathers sticking out of it, sporting those tatoos. Just the epitome of class and someone you would inspire your male children to emulate.

As for the Ravens winning, when was the last time they won anything significant? They get to the playoff like a lot of NFL teams; nothing unusual or significant about it. They haven't been in a Super Bowl in over twn years, and since so many NFL teams make the playoffs, nothing short of appearing in the Super Bowl is much of an accomplishment. I'll tell you how the season will go right now; they'll make the playoffs and lose in the playoffs. No drama involved. Save your time, do more productive things with it.

Oh, I got you now. You are just a bitter, racist, fool. Makes sense now. I'm not sure the Hangout is good place for you. Try, I think allblackplayersareghettothugpimps.com. You'll fit right in there I'm sure.

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That's really been my problem with the Ravens. They have no history and a generic, concrete, corporate jungle of a stadium....why would I adopt them with the passion that I do the Orioles? Granted, they're a winning franchise, and I'd love to feel that with the modern day Orioles...

I follow the Ravens, and I cheer for them...but dammit I just can't embrace them the way I do the Orioles.

Exactly. I didn't grow up with the Ravens, I grew up with the Colts and the Birds.
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Saying "ghetto thugs" != being racist. You do realize there are quite a few white guys in the NFL that could be labeled as such?

The NFL is pretty full of thugs, how about that?

I would not go down this road because the second I think you are being racist I will throw you off this board faster then you can say "skin head." If you don't think saying the NFL is full of ghetto thugs is not racist then I don't know what to tell you. There are certainly some thugs in the NFL, NBA , and MLB. It's pretty obvious what that guy meant when he said "full of."

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MLB has its problems: they need instant replay. Umpires should only be there to speed things along. Anything debatable: have someone in a booth at all times to rule on calls ASAP. They need to speed up time between pitches both from a hitting and pitching perspective. They need a salary cap. They need blood testing.

As for the NFL, from a PED perspective it's a joke. I'd venture to say 60-70% of the NFL is juicing (whether it be steroids, HGH, or both), but there isn't blood testing, the steroid testing "timing" is a joke, and penalties are lame. Roger Goodell is quite possibly one of the worst commissioners in all of sports. He's inconsistent and reactionary. I hate to side with a guy like James Harrison, but he's pretty spot on. Punishment is hilarious to me, also in the NFL. The NFL image is a joke, but the way it's ran (outside of Goodell) is top notch.

This is 100% correct, but that doesn't really bother me as much as the fact that the NFL is a hypocritical mess w/ their concerns about concussions and brain injuries but marketing violence all over the place.

Violence is why people love football!!!!! Embrace it!!!!!

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That's really been my problem with the Ravens. They have no history and a generic, concrete, corporate jungle of a stadium....why would I adopt them with the passion that I do the Orioles? Granted, they're a winning franchise, and I'd love to feel that with the modern day Orioles...

I follow the Ravens, and I cheer for them...but dammit I just can't embrace them the way I do the Orioles.

I don't understand the stadium comments. Have you ever been to a game? If you grew up with the Colts or just aren't that into football, I understand everything else. But Ravens stadium is one of the loudest, toughest places to play in the NFL. The stadium is excellent compared to other NFL stadiums...great location too. And the tailgating scene is among the best in the NFL.

Take a trip out to FedEx Field for a corporate concrete jungle of a stadium. And they just removed 10,000 seats. That'll never happen here.

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There are 2 pro sports organizations in Baltimore...1 of them is a well run, oiled machine that excels in everything. The other is the Orioles...a team that has no clue how to run things...a team that wouldn't know intelligence if he bit them in the ass.

There is probably no city that has 2 organizations that are such polar opposites of each as Baltimore has.

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