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Ready for the rematch

Sports Guy

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I thought many of the calls were questionable...But I mean, we beat Duke. Why complain now? Would you be complaining if you beat us, and you got some good calls?


My point is that MD fans never say, well Duke beat us because they are better.

They always lose "thanks to the officiating".

Funny how when a game is called very tight and Duke loses most fo their team, that all of a sudden the officiating is not brought up.

I just find it amusing how Terp fans use the refs as a crutch when they lose to Duke.

Having a tough time with this loss are you?

btw, UNC might be your rival, but it looks like Maryland is your daddy.

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Normally there is an officiating bias towards Duke, I think most people who follow college basketball/the ACC will tell you that. IE They get away with a lot of fouls, tonight it was officiated evenly. I'm glad to know Duke fans came up with enthusiasm for sports, I guess you learn something new everyday. Just because student seats are as close as possible to the court doesn't mean that Duke invented it. I haven't watched the broadcast version of the game yet, but that's definitely the loudest I've heard Comcast (including last year's Duke/UNC games).

It really is pathetic watching Coach K react when he doesn't get his way with calls - scrunching up his mouth in a little pout. The fact is that he's so used to benefitting from poor officiating, that he can't seem to handle it when the officials are even-handed and call a good game. It's probably 90% an act to help him get the next call, but the way he does it is sickening. What a great teacher. :rolleyes: I thought Collins was about to cry with him towards the end. Coach K is a great coach - He can be just as good without all the over-the-top facial expressions. He should be more like GW - calm and cool. ;)

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As far as rushing the court goes, it had nothing to do with pulling an "upset". I don't even think last night was an upset, the win at Cameron was, but I was fully expecting us to win last night, and wasn't even that worried when we were down 9 with about 8 to go or whatever it was.

We rushed the court because it was a big win over a hated rival. We could have been the #1 team in the country and probably still would have rushed the court.

And if it didn't seem loud in there then they must have had the mikes turned down. It was consistently loud throughout the entire game, especially on Duke's last two offensive possesions in the first half. It was louder at the end of the game than the start. That was the loudest Comcast has ever been and I've been to almost every game thats been played there. Last night was also louder than most games at Cole, although the really big games at Cole still topped the volume of last night.

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Having a tough time with this loss are you?

btw, UNC might be your rival, but it looks like Maryland is your daddy.

I am not having a tough time at all. Does not bother me in the least, as i stated.

And BTW, MD is fighting with Miami for 4th place while Duke is fighting for the conference lead.

Duke is a #2/#3 seed and MD is just eeking in.

Duke is supposed to be down and MD was supposed to be up and be a top team.

Im thinking im happier with the season is playing out compared to the MD fans.

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Yes, that is funny. :D

Duke fans invented enthusiam. :P Other teams' fans strive to be like them.

Of course, it's only Duke fans that actually find the need to practice to be enthusiastic.

There is no doubt that arenas across the country are tryign to match the same atmosphere and "closeness to the court" that they have in Cameron.

Anyone who does not think that is a moron.

And those who do, i guess other teams in baseball did not copy the ideas of OPACY either, right?

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First off I was watching on TV and I could tell that it was loud. I told my friend who I was watching the game with that it was the loudest I had ever heard Comcast. Yes, there was a lull in the crowd when we fell down by 8-9 in the second half but thats expected. That was the opposing team quieting our crowd but it got loud again when we made our run and in overtime.

As far as the refs go I complained about them after Maryland won in Cameron, in fact it was the first thing I brought up. I think overall there is a Duke bias from the refs, no one will convience me otherwise. Once in awhile when a big game is played away from Cameron the refs will call the game straight up or even give the home team the benefit of calls that could go either way. Getting a little home cooking happens all the time and is something that should be expected by any visiting team.

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There is no doubt that arenas across the country are tryign to match the same atmosphere and "closeness to the court" that they have in Cameron.

Anyone who does not think that is a moron.

And those who do, i guess other teams in baseball did not copy the ideas of OPACY either, right?

Saying that schools have designed their arenas after that of Cameron Indoor isn't the same thing as saying that other school's fans have learned how to be enthusiastic from the "Cameron Crazies".

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Saying that schools have designed their arenas after that of Cameron Indoor isn't the same thing as saying that other school's fans have learned how to be enthusiastic from the "Cameron Crazies".

YEs you are right although there is still no doubt that the creativity of the Duke students does play a part into how other fans chant, move around or whatever.

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There is no doubt that arenas across the country are tryign to match the same atmosphere and "closeness to the court" that they have in Cameron.

Anyone who does not think that is a moron.

And those who do, i guess other teams in baseball did not copy the ideas of OPACY either, right?

I hear both Cameron Indoor Stadium and Cole Field House listed regularly in discussions about stadium design to get the fans involved. There are probably some other stadiums listed as well in that discussion too. I think it's a little much to give Duke singular credit for building up the idea of home-field advantage, though.

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First, I will be sitting behind the Maryland bench (hopefully, assuming I can get my seat in time), but where ever I sit, I will have the picture of Ken Griffey with his swollen head and a Sheldon Williams jersey on ;).

Busta, is that your picture in today's Baltimore Sun? It shows someone holding a "Shelden Nerve Tonic" sign (hilarious reference, by the way :D ).

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Sportsguy said he would defer to people who claimed it was actually loud and were at the game. So I'll list some direct quotes from students and even Gary himself.

From Students at the game:

Loudest crowd ever at comcast? I was there and it sure sounded like it to me. Students were incredible tonight.
I was thinking that too, my hearing is still not back, and , my throat is definetly sore.
Its hard to imagine any venue being louder than Comcast was last night.
Loudest crowd I have ever been a part of period.
I was at the game last night and the place was going off. The atmosphere was electric. Loudest game I've been to.

From the Baltimore Sun

The crowd inside the Comcast Center certainly didn't suffer a lack of emotion. When Ikene Ebekwe tapped in a Travis Garrison miss with 39.5 seconds to play, giving Maryland an 87-86 lead, it was so loud in Comcast Center, if felt like a jet airplane had landed at center court.

And from Gary

"At the end of that game, I've never heard it louder. During the game, a lot of times you don't notice how loud the crowd is but at the end of the game when it was all over, I noticed how loud it was and that was unbelievable."

Indeed, a few people were puzzled about how it was dulled out on the TV broadcast. Some people think it was ESPN trying to prevent the vulgar chats being heard on tv.

Anyway, just wanted to make Sportsguy know, along with other Duke fans, that Maryland fans can get loud with the best of them.

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Great, great win. PLayed out pretty much the way I said it had to. And Garrison had his best game as a Terp. Beauty. Jones provided the perfect spark and I thought for the most part the game was officiated evenly, though with a few bad calls on both ends. Coach K just reinforced what a whiny snot he can be on the sidelines. And I still can't figure out why anyone is arguing with bitter Rob. We all know he'd come in and gloat about everything had they won, but since they didn't, well he's no different than any other Dookie.

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Great, great win. PLayed out pretty much the way I said it had to. And Garrison had his best game as a Terp. Beauty. Jones provided the perfect spark and I thought for the most part the game was officiated evenly, though with a few bad calls on both ends. Coach K just reinforced what a whiny snot he can be on the sidelines. And I still can't figure out why anyone is arguing with bitter Rob. We all know he'd come in and gloat about everything had they won, but since they didn't, well he's no different than any other Dookie.

Yea, i guess what it is is i am respecting the MD prgram too much.

YOu know, you guys are not better than FSU. Rush the court every game! Thats what you should do.

And again, im not bitter at all. Unlike the MD fans on here, when Duke loses a game against the Terps, i post a congrats message. However, when Duke beats them, the pathetic nature of the MD fan comes out and whines about the officiating.

The only comments i have about the game is that the tightness of the officiating hurt Duke more but that that is the way it was called all game long.

However, i would expect nothing from a typical MD fan than a response like that one John. Very very typical.

SIDE NOTE: There are certainly fans who do not fit this description. Alot of you guys on here are not like this. This is a "general" comment.

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You know, you guys are not better than FSU. Rush the court every game! Thats what you should do.

The only thing I really disagree with you about this game is the rushing the court thing.

We didn't rush because we "upset" Duke, we rushed because we beat our biggest, most hated rival. We could have been the higher seed in this game and we probably still would have rushed. I think your looking at us rushing the court as a sign that we're a lesser program or something like that, which I disagree with. If we beat Georgia Tech or UNC or Wake while they were ranked top 10, we almost certainly don't rush the court (unless maybe if they are #1). Its just completely different with Duke, as they are, by far, our fiercest rival.

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