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Playing in an empty stadium is a terrible decision


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World class athletes completely shut out the crowd noise to focus on the task at hand. All this hand wringing is insane. The games needed to be played. The two teams are already being screwed in a major way by the DH later this year. This is not that big of a deal. I can't believe people are losing their minds about it. It will still be on TV.

Some people were seemingly born with a stick up their butt.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Camden Yards: If you build it they will come. Just not today. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/gamestillcounts?src=hash">#gamestillcounts</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/Orioles">@Orioles</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/masnOrioles">@masnOrioles</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/whitesox">@whitesox</a></p>— Jim Palmer (@Jim22Palmer) <a href="
">April 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

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Hahaha...I love Jim Palmer.

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Because the season requires a team to play 162 games. It is pretty simple. Games are only not made up when both teams are well out of the play-offs late in the year. If they didn't find a way to play the third game today, the CWS/BO would have had to find another open day on the calendar and fly in for a single game AGAIN because they don't ever come back to Baltimore OR they would have had to give up another home game and play a DH during the one visit to Chicago. I would have been fine with either of those decisions too, but I think the plan to play with no crowd is much less disruptive to both teams.

This whole viewpoint that somehow the fans are getting shafted is pretty comical IMO. The game is at 2 PM. Attendance on a normal game at this time would have been pitiful. Ticketholders are being provided a way to recoup their money or attend another game. The game is on TV so it can be watched live or recorded. The poor fans. LOL. It all smacks of hubris to me.

By the way, if the game was played and open to the public, the season ticket holders would have been required to attend or lose that ticket. Does that sound fair? The vendors and other workers would have been required to get to the stadium and work. A lot of them have day jobs that would be tough to navigate with 24 hours notice. Does that sound fair? Is it fair to make them cross the NG on the way to stadium through neighborhoods that may or may not be settled today?

Think about this a little people. Your viewpoint is terribly small minded.

Isn't the National Guard and the Police using a lot of the OPACY parking spaces for their staging area?

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They still have a television audience. I have a feeling ratings might be higher than normal today.

And while I would like to know why other stadiums weren't considered, I am not going to label it incompetence on the part of the Os. Especially without knowing how much input Manfred had. Besides, as everyone should remember from the Ravens Opening Day fiasco a few years ago, the White Sox have to approve any change of venue or time change. So perhaps the Os aren't as I competent as you would hope.

Since NOBODY can attend the game do we scrap the Black out BS on MLB TV?

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I am looking forward to watching today's game on MLB.TV. The lack of a crowd will make it a different kind of experience, but it's still Orioles baseball.

This is where my head is too. It's not a perfect solution but it's baseball. I also agree with others that said one of the Tampa series should have been transferred to Baltimore. MLB said no. I would really like to know the reasoning on that.

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How do you really know the Nationals wasn't asked?

Actually the Nats weren't asked. Even though Manfred suggested it. Sounds like the Orioles FO as being pig headed because of the MASN issue.

"That solution — in addition to moving the Tampa Bay series to Florida — won out over what seemed like a more obvious move: simply play the games at Nationals Park in Washington, which sits less than 40 miles south of Camden Yards and will be vacant through the weekend as the Nationals complete a road trip. Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred suggested that when he was in Baltimore for a previously scheduled meeting Monday.

There are, though, other forces at work that complicated such a solution. The Nationals and the Orioles are embroiled in a legal dispute over revenues generated by the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network, the regional sports network that is co-owned by the two teams and carries both their games. A Nationals spokeswoman said Monday that the club was never approached by the Orioles or MLB to serve as a host. Bader declined comment on whether the MASN issue played a role in the Orioles’ decision-making.


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This is where my head is too. It's not a perfect solution but it's baseball. I also agree with others that said one of the Tampa series should have been transferred to Baltimore. MLB said no. I would really like to know the reasoning on that.

The Rays didn't want to. No team will reduce their schedule and their fan's plans if they don't have to. The Rays will gain very little from this weekend's series down there.

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Actually the Nats weren't asked. Even though Manfred suggested it. Sounds like the Orioles FO as being pig headed because of the MASN issue.

"That solution — in addition to moving the Tampa Bay series to Florida — won out over what seemed like a more obvious move: simply play the games at Nationals Park in Washington, which sits less than 40 miles south of Camden Yards and will be vacant through the weekend as the Nationals complete a road trip. Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred suggested that when he was in Baltimore for a previously scheduled meeting Monday.

There are, though, other forces at work that complicated such a solution. The Nationals and the Orioles are embroiled in a legal dispute over revenues generated by the Mid-Atlantic Sports Network, the regional sports network that is co-owned by the two teams and carries both their games. A Nationals spokeswoman said Monday that the club was never approached by the Orioles or MLB to serve as a host. Bader declined comment on whether the MASN issue played a role in the Orioles’ decision-making.


I wonder if the roles were reversed, if the Nationals would have come to Baltimore and played?

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