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Should we buy or sell?

25 Nuggets

Deadline approach?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. Deadline approach?

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32 minutes ago, Frobby said:

You may be right, but that's just a terrible way to run a team.     We have something they badly need, and they have the type of prospects we'd like to have.    To rule them out as a trade partner is nuts.   

Not saying I agree with it.  Just that I believe that's how things stand.

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1 hour ago, Frobby said:

You missed some enjoyable seasons, especially last year.    No team would have sold under those circumstances.    

2015 was not good or enjoyable.  2017 is a disaster.  I'd give up one, heavily flawed 2016 wild card run to have a much brighter future than we currently have.

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15 minutes ago, Ripken said:

2015 was not good or enjoyable.  2017 is a disaster.  I'd give up one, heavily flawed 2016 wild card run to have a much brighter future than we currently have.

Easy to say that now.  2016 was very fun.  I just don't see the rentals having any value to sell, and I don't see us trading a big name that isn't a rental.  

Tillman, Ubaldo, Miley, Castillo, Smith, and Kim, aren't going to bring anything back.  Even if we ate all the salary.  Maybe Castillo or Smith gets you a C level prospect.  

We're not going to trade Manny, AJ, Britton, Brach.  

So I answered "Buyers" in the poll.  That's what I see us doing.  I see us trying to grind it out with Britton back and try and shorten the game with out pen.  I could see us "buying" a guy like Scott Feldman to go 1-3 IP out the pen or make some starts.  

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1 hour ago, esmd said:

Not saying I agree with it.  Just that I believe that's how things stand.

Yes, I understood that.    I'm just saying that if you're right, that really frustrates me because it's a dumb way to run the team.   

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The Orioles have surprised in the 2nd half in recent years, so it's hard to write them off completely, but they've never been this bad since Buck got here. It's miraculous they're within 3 games of .500 considering they have the 2nd worst run differential in the AL. Gotta sell :(

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3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

Yes, I understood that.    I'm just saying that if you're right, that really frustrates me because it's a dumb way to run the team.   

For the most part, I agree.  Although, I do see the logic in not dealing with division rivals.  For example, trading Manny or Britton to a division rival would be a last resort, because you strengthen your competition and run the risk of your former guys killing you on the field for years to come.  The Nats are somewhat different, in that while they're in the other league, we DO compete with them in the region for viewers, fans, merchandise, tv ratings, etc.  Sure, there are diehards for either team that wouldn't switch over, but there are plenty of casual fans too that just like to follow a winner.  So to help the Nats WOULD somewhat be cutting off your nose to spite your face, IMO.

But that said, I wouldn't automatically rule out dealing with them.  Just that to consider your status vs there's in the market should be a consideration.  If I was of a mind to trade Britton or Brach, I think I'd look elsewhere first if the return was close to being equal.

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7 hours ago, Going Underground said:

Also if the Orioles win the next five they would probably be the second WC. Twins would lose  and Rays would lose all the games to the Red Sox and Royals lose to the Dodgers.. i don't see it happening but if it does the Orioles are not selling.

Hope they'd be sellers. 

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14 minutes ago, esmd said:

For the most part, I agree.  Although, I do see the logic in not dealing with division rivals.  For example, trading Manny or Britton to a division rival would be a last resort, because you strengthen your competition and run the risk of your former guys killing you on the field for years to come.  The Nats are somewhat different, in that while they're in the other league, we DO compete with them in the region for viewers, fans, merchandise, tv ratings, etc.  Sure, there are diehards for either team that wouldn't switch over, but there are plenty of casual fans too that just like to follow a winner.  So to help the Nats WOULD somewhat be cutting off your nose to spite your face, IMO.

But that said, I wouldn't automatically rule out dealing with them.  Just that to consider your status vs there's in the market should be a consideration.  If I was of a mind to trade Britton or Brach, I think I'd look elsewhere first if the return was close to being equal.

If the O's can get the best return from the devil then you deal with them. The supposed Manny with the Yankees would eat the O's lunch is the wrong way to run the O's. IMO 

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5 minutes ago, Tx Oriole said:

If the O's can get the best return from the devil then you deal with them. The supposed Manny with the Yankees would eat the O's lunch is the wrong way to run the O's. IMO 

Yeah I don't really get the logic of not trading within the division. I hate the yankees and the red sox too but they have a need at 3B and top prospects. If I'm rebuilding/retooling I look for the best value for the player I'm trading. Same thing when dealing with the Nats. Plus in the division you can up the asking price a bit.

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42 minutes ago, mrpennybags said:

The Orioles have surprised in the 2nd half in recent years, so it's hard to write them off completely, but they've never been this bad since Buck got here. 

Buck was here in 2011, when we went 69-93.   At the 83-game mark they were 36-47.

The O's have had a few poor July's and Augusts under Buck.   September has always been a good month for him, probably because he can bring in bullpen reinforcements at will.    

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3 hours ago, Frobby said:

You may be right, but that's just a terrible way to run a team.     We have something they badly need, and they have the type of prospects we'd like to have.    To rule them out as a trade partner is nuts.   

Agree, 100%.

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10 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Twins need bullpen help and help at the bottom of their rotation. Their top prospect is SS, Nick Gordon. Could we make something work there?

I think if they want Britton and assuming he comes back healthy, then the conversation starts with Gordon. I'd ask for SP Fernando Romero as well and C Mitch Garver. Brach would probably get you Gordon and someone like Felix Jorge.

I'd see if  I can give them Miley for a blocked prospect or a lottery ticket.

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21 hours ago, Il BuonO said:

Then, the answer to this poll should be fairly simple.

It's only simple for people who are capable of actually looking at the team and judging their abilities and the ability to compete this season, sabermetrically or otherwise. Note that "looking at the team" (and following them in any way, shape or form) is not a very high bar.

At this point, the only way the Orioles' management could even consider doing anything but a fire sale ASAP is if they pay zero attention to the games, zero attention to anything Buck Showalter or any of the coaches say, and couldn't tell you whether the Orioles are in first or last place in the division come the All Star Break.

Therefore I have to conclude that they're doing exactly that.

They also probably have to go under hypnotic therapy so they can intentionally forget anytime someone on the street, in the elevator, etc. gives them an idea that the Orioles might not make it this year. They're like a jury ignoring all media when deliberating about a case, except that they're the people paid to make rational decisions about this baseball team and instead choose to do the precise opposite of rational decision-making.

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