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Grayson Rodriguez 2022


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18 minutes ago, deward said:

Elias is very clearly in the camp of "I'm going to treat this like a national security matter and not share any info that isn't required", which is a silly approach for an entertainment product. As smart as he may be, I'm deeply unimpressed with his ability to manage the relationship between the front office and the fanbase.

Any real team would hot mic all the organizational trainers and docs and livestream them to the world.  Plus a public Sharepoint site to host all the players' diagnostic imaging.

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1 hour ago, atom_25 said:

You can take this fwiw, Grayson Rodriguez is fine.  Heard from reputable source/s that he had some cramping and was fine post game without getting into specifics.  I was listening to post game show when I heard what happened and I started freaking out and a friend of mine, who is a podcaster, reached out to talk me off the ledge and assure me it is nothing.  

Thx for the intel! 

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15 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

MASN is basically a PR extension of the Orioles. The Baltimore Sun is a dying newspaper with many experienced reporters who took buyouts and after some tough articles from the beat reporters over the years ,have basically had fluff pieces this year. No columnist covers the Orioles like Mike Preston who covers the Ravens and is tough.

Dubroff is ok but never breaks anything. Connolly can be tougher.

Also it seems access to the team for beat writers will be limited or cutoff if the Orioles get too much negative attention from the press. I like Buck Showalter but he would snap at any semi-critical questions from the media during his Orioles tenure.

You seldom see any Orioles beat writers cast a critical eye on the team like you would with other sports media markets.

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36 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

Have the Orioles not always been this way regarding minor league injuries or did they change under Elias? 

And I wonder if beat reporters in other cities chase down the injury status of minor league prospects on a regular basis.

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1 hour ago, deward said:

Elias is very clearly in the camp of "I'm going to treat this like a national security matter and not share any info that isn't required", which is a silly approach for an entertainment product. As smart as he may be, I'm deeply unimpressed with his ability to manage the relationship between the front office and the fanbase.

He is much better in that than Duquette ever was 

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3 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

Have the Orioles not always been this way regarding minor league injuries or did they change under Elias? 

I can only speak to my experience over the years. In the past, i was able to get injury information from managers, coaches, and the Director of Player Development in varying degrees.

I typically used text to get said information and although they sometimes would not get into the detail of the specific injury, they typically gave a general prognosis and potential timeframe if known.

When Blood came on, he's the only Director of player personnel to ever not respond at all. He did send my request to the PR department who then told me to send all requests through them. After 26 years of doing this and being a good venue to get information out to the fans, it became very apparent the organization was only going to release information about minor league players on IL or not playing when they want to. 

I aske the PR department a few times and got the run around so I stopped trying with them.

I have texted Elias in the past and he's given me some information, but this spring he kinda gave me the run around as well and then ignored my last request.

Then I found out I no longer would have press credentials since the new PR department people created a policy that would specifically take me out. 

At the end of the day, it appears that Orioles as an organization have decided they will limit the information and press who covers the team in order to control the message as closely as possible. 

It is what it is at this point. It's disappointing because for years I could answer so many questions about minor league players on here or give updates on my 105.7 weekly spots. 

The Orioles have decided that is not important. They have decided that having the longest running website covering a professional sport is not important to the organization. They have decide that the hard core fans or live and breath this stuff are not important enough to be kept informed.

Trust me, this is a huge reason why I will be stepping away from my current duties after 26 years running this site. The few perks I had for the time and effort were taken away so why should I continue to report on an organization that doesn't care about this site or the fans that call it home?

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2 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

I can only speak to my experience over the years. In the past, i was able to get injury information from managers, coaches, and the Director of Player Development in varying degrees.

I typically used text to get said information and although they sometimes would not get into the detail of the specific injury, they typically gave a general prognosis and potential timeframe if known.

When Blood came on, he's the only Director of player personnel to ever not respond at all. He did send my request to the PR department who then told me to send all requests through them. After 26 years of doing this and being a good venue to get information out to the fans, it became very apparent the organization was only going to release information about minor league players on IL or not playing when they want to. 

I aske the PR department a few times and got the run around so I stopped trying with them.

I have texted Elias in the past and he's given me some information, but this spring he kinda gave me the run around as well and then ignored my last request.

Then I found out I no longer would have press credentials since the new PR department people created a policy that would specifically take me out. 

At the end of the day, it appears that Orioles as an organization have decided they will limit the information and press who covers the team in order to control the message as closely as possible. 

It is what it is at this point. It's disappointing because for years I could answer so many questions about minor league players on here or give updates on my 105.7 weekly spots. 

The Orioles have decided that is not important. They have decided that having the longest running website covering a professional sport is not important to the organization. They have decide that the hard core fans or live and breath this stuff are not important enough to be kept informed.

Trust me, this is a huge reason why I will be stepping away from my current duties after 26 years running this site. The few perks I had for the time and effort were taken away so why should I continue to report on an organization that doesn't care about this site or the fans that call it home?

Do you think they have an issue with you personally after you didn’t like the way they supported some social issues in the past?  (Not saying anything about how you handled it, just more of a general question as to why they shut you out)

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3 hours ago, tntoriole said:

He is much better in that than Duquette ever was 

Elias is a tremendously better orator than Duquette. Dan Duquette has to be somewhere on the spectrum when it came to talking to people so he always came off awkward and really never gave out good information to the fans.

Elias is happy to give interviews and communicate, but he really just gives a lot of fluff about the process. He seems to be a very good guy overall who willingly gives his time to different venues besides the MSM.

Saying that, if you really listen, you really don't learn all that much because he truly believes he thinks he's developed the secret sauce with Sig. The thing that he doesn't realize is that hardcode fans want to know how long guys will be out or when they will see high ranking prospects. Heck, hardcore fans want to know why Brandon Young went on the 7-day IL and then was transferred to the 60-day.

Alas, I believe Elias is not worried about the hardcore fans because I think he knows they will always come out whether they bitch or not on some message board that he care two squats about.

He knows the average fan doesn't care about that kind of stuff and soaks up his hopeful rhetoric about the future and the process. 

To be quite honest, he's probably right.

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